200K Special Pt.2: Bardock x Saiyan/Wife!Reader x King Vegeta

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A/N: This is a request from @shgre9114,  Enjoy! Sry its been so long since I've written something. But I finally have time to write again. And thx for the reads.


" It's so peaceful today." I said as I looked up to the sky. I took a sip of my drink and put my book down. I saw some ships coming and going from the landing bay. " I wonder if they'll be back today. I hope they haven't killed each other." I said. 


" You choose both of us?!" King Vegeta and Bardock said in unison. Everyone began whispering amongst themselves. I looked around and started to get nervous. " I-I'm sorry but I can't choose. You're both so amazing. I'm sorry." I ran out of the ballroom and onto the balcony. I took so deep breaths and tried to calm myself. " D-Did that really just happen?! Did both the King and Bardock confess to me?!" I thought.

I started pacing around the balcony. " This has to be a dream right? I'm going to wake up any minute now right?" I asked aloud. I then slammed my fists on the balcony. " Did I really just run out of their like a coward?!" I said as a dark blush coated my face. I hated that I ran out of the ballroom like I did.

" I bet they hate me now." I said. I buried my face in my hands. I was knocked out of my thoughts when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I looked up to see King Vegeta. " Y-Your majesty?" I asked out of shock. He didn't say anything and just tightened his grip around my waist. I then felt someone else place their hand on mine.

I turned to see Bardock. " Bardock?" I asked. He stared off into the distance but tightened his grip around my hand. I smiled, knowing what this meant. " I guess I'm in for a wild ride. I just hope you two can play nice around me." I said. Bardock and King Vegeta looked at each other and turned away. I gave a small chuckle. 

End of Flashback

It's been a year since Bardock and King Vegeta confessed that they loved love to me. I got married to both of them and I've never been happier. Of course, both of them get jealous from time to time. Some examples include who gets to sit next to me when we eat meals together, which side of me each of them sleep on, and the biggest argument happens when they kiss me. If one sees the other kissing me, they'll get jealous.

The last argument resulted in a part of the castle being blown to bits. Curretnly, Bardock and King Vegeta are out on a mission to reclaim another planet. They've been gone for about a month and I miss them. " My lady? I just got word that King Vegeta and Bardock's ship has been spotted entering the atmosphere." One of the servants said to me.

" Thanks for letting me know." I said. The servant exited the room. " I can't wait to see them." I said. As I was walking to the door, I suddenly began to feel sick. I could feel my breakfast rising in my throat. I ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. One of the new servants, Rengakura, was walking by and saw me.

She came behind me and held back my hair. " Thanks Ren." I said. " Are you okay my lady? You seemed fine this morning." She said. " I was fine until a couple of minutes ago. I was walking to the door when I suddenly felt sick. So I ran here and started throwing up." I said. I turned my head back to the toilet and threw up again.

" Okay. I think I'm done." I said. I went to stand up but quickly got back down again. " Nope. Not done." I said. I threw up again. " Are you sure you felt okay this morning?" Rengakura asked. I nodded. ' Well you have some time before Bardock and King Vegeta return to the palace. They have some things to sort out with the soldiers and Frieza's army regarding the new planet. I'll call the royal doctors." Rengakura said. I nodded and threw up again. 

Time skip...

The doctor finished examining me and I waited for his verdict with Rengakura. After looking over the data I saw a smile appear on his face. " Congratulations Lady Y/N. You are with child." He said. My mouth dropped open and Rengakura hugged me. " Congrats my lady." She said. " I'm pregnant?" I asked. I started crying tears of joy. " I'm pregnant." I said again. 

" However, there is one slight complication." The doctor said. " What is it?" I asked. " Since you're married to both King Vegeta and Bardock, I'm uncertain on who the father of your child actually is." He said. " Will I be able to know eventually?" I asked. " Yes. But it may be too dangerous to perform a DNA test before the child is born. But don't worry about it. Whoever the father is I know both of your husbands will be happy." The doctor said.

" Thank you so much." I said. " No problem and congratulations again." The doctor said. He left the room. " I just got word that the King and Bardock are on their way up here. I'll give you guys some privacy so you can tell them the news." Rengakura said. She bowed and exited the room. I began pacing around the room. 

" Okay Y/N. This is the biggest moment of your life. You're about to tell the men who love you that you're pregnant. But you also have to tell them that you have no idea which one the father is. It'll be fine. It'll be fine." I said. I then felt a pair of arms wrap around me. " Hello my love. Did you miss me?" I heard someone say. I looked up to see King Vegeta. I turned around and gave him a hug. " Of course I did. What type of question is that?" I asked playfully.

" Hey! Stop hogging Y/N! She's my wife too." I heard someone else say. We both turned to see Bardock. " I got to her first. You were too slow." King Vegeta said. " Why you-" I cut Bardock off. 
" Okay you two stop fighting." I said. " Sorry Y/N." They both said. They each went to either side of me and kissed my cheeks. 

" Okay. Now that we got that out of the way, there's something I have to tell you. But you may want to sit down." I said. " Is something wrong?" Bardock asked. " Yes and no." I said. They sat on a couch that was across from me. I took a deep breath. " I'm pregnant." I said. Their eyes went wide and mouths dropped open. " You're pregnant?!" They both said.

I nodded. They both got up and hugged me. " I thought you said that something was wrong. You had us worried for a minute. But this is the best possible news that we could receive." King Vegeta said. " Well I'm not done yet." I said. They both looked at me. " The doctor told me that he isn't sure which one of you is the father. It's too early to tell and it would be too dangerous to do a DNA test while the baby is still inside of me." I said.

" Oh I can see how that's a problem. " Bardock said. King Vegeta nodded. I looked down. " I'm sorry. I really wish I knew. I'm a terrible wife." I said. I started to cry. " You aren't a terrible wife Y/N." King Vegeta said. " Yeah. It's not your fault the doctor can't figure out which one of us is the father." Bardock said.

" I should have that doctor executed for not doing his job." King Vegeta said. " So you guys aren't mad?" I asked. They both gave me a kiss. " Of course not. While we are going to be at each other's throats trying to figure out who the father is, we will never be mad at you." King Vegeta said. Bardock smiled. " thanks you two. I love you both." I said. I put a hand on my stomach.
" And I love you too."  I said. King Vegeta and Bardock put one hand each on my stomach. " We love you too." They both said. 

Time skip...

" You two are going to freak them out. Stop staring!" I said to King Vegeta and Bardock as they examined the birthing pods. I swear, they wouldn't stop staring at the twins. Yes, twins. One child from Bardock and one child from King Vegeta. We were all surprised when we heard the news. 

Of course, we still didn't know if only one of them impregnated me until the twins were born. I was so relieved that one looked exactly like Bardock and the other looked like King Vegeta. 
" They're so little." Bardock said. " Of course they are. They're babies." King Vegeta said. " They are cute though." Bardock said. " Well mine is but I don't know about yours." King Vegeta said. 
" What did you say about my son?!" Bardock asked. He was getting irritated.

" Enough you two. No arguing in front of them." I said. " Sorry." They both said. I sighed and walked over to the birthing pods. " So what should we name them?" I asked. " I think mine should carry on the royal name of Vegeta." King Vegeta said. " I think that would be a good idea. How about yours Bardock?" I asked. " Hmm. How about Kakarot?" Bardock said. " I like it. Kakarot and Vegeta." I said. I put my hands on the birthing pods. " I promise, we'll give you both a happy life." I said. with a smile. 

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