Corrupted Zamasu x Reader

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A/n: This was a request from EnderCatPlayzMC. Enjoy!


He is a killer. A cold-hearted killer. He wants to purge the the multiverse from humans. He's done so much wrong. His body is now turning against him. He is corrupt. Its falling apart because of his want for utopia. But even after all that, I love him.

Zamasu was currently fighting Vegito. I was with Mai, Bulma, and Trunks at the safe house. We were watching the battle from a safe distance. " Yeah, Vegito. Kick his ass!" Bulma said. Mai and Bulma were cheering for Vegito. I was too. At least on the outside. On the inside, I was crying. My beloved was getting beaten.

" He's gonna die. He's gonna die. And I haven't told him how I feel." I said. " Y/N? Are you okay?" Mai asked. " Yeah. I'm just worried." I said. " Well don't be. Vegito will win. " She said. " That's not why I'm worried." I said under my breath. " What?" Mai asked.

" Everyone! Get down!" Trunks said. " Why?" I asked. " That." Trunks said.. A giant energy blast came at us. It was too powerful for Trunks to stop. It collided with the building we were in. I blacked out.

Corrupts Zamasu's POV

" Bulma! Mai! Trunks! How could you?!" Vegito said. I started to laugh. " They were the reason you had so much power. You were fighting for them. So I eliminated them." I said. Vegito growled and flew off. But I threw an energy blast at him. He fell to the ground. " Time to end you, goodbye." I said. I threw another energy blast at them. Their ki disappeared.

" HAHAHAHAHA! I've finally won!" I said. I went over to the site where the energy blast impacted the last survivors. I observed the mortals' bodies. I saw that vile Trunks and his girlfriend Mai. And that scientist Bulma. They were all dead. " Stupid mortals. Thinking that you can defy a god. You've finally atoned for your sins. I can't believe you-" I was cut off at the site of one body.

I was horrified. " Y/N. No." I said. I ran over to their body. " Y/N. I told you not to leave the cabin." I said. I checked their pulse. They were still alive. Thank goodness. I picked up their body and flew back towards the cabin. " Hang in their Y/N. We'll be home soon." I said.


Three weeks later...

I woke up to the sun hitting my face. " Ow. My head." I said. I examined the room I was in. I was back in the cabin. The last thing I remember is the energy blast colliding with the base. My wounds were healed up. I decided to get out of this room. I walked out of the room. Zamasu was sitting at the counter.

" Y/N. Thank goodness you're alive." He said. He walked over to me. He was still corrupted. I got angry and slapped him. He was shocked. " You arrogent, self-centered, bastard! Throwing an energy blast at the place I was in. You could've killed me. And what's worse is that you could've died." I said.

Zamasu looked at me confused. I just broke down crying. " Look at yourself. You're corrupt. You let your ambition lead to this. And you fought Vegito. If this corruptiveness didn't kill you, Vegito would've. Do you know how much pain I was in. How much I wanted to save you. You mean everything to me Zamasu. And you don't seem to care. You go into everything without thinking of the consequences. Without thinking about the people who care about you. How much pain they would be in of you died." I said.

I continued to cry. I love him so much, and yet he continues to hurt me. I then felt a warm embrace. " Zamasu?" I said. " I'm sorry that I hurt you. I was just doing this for you. I want to live in a world with you that isn't plagued by mortal scum. You are the only mortal I can stand. I love you so much. I don't want to hurt you." He said.

He smiled at me. I wiped my tears away and smiled back. " So you're okay with me being corrupt?" He asked. I nodded. He smiled at me. " Anyways how are you feeling?" He asked. " Emotionally exhausted." I said. " Then let's get you to bed." He said. He picked me up bridal style and carried me into the bedroom. He laid me down on the bed and covered me up. " Get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning." He said.

He began to walk away. I grabbed his wrist. " Stay with me. I don't want to be without you any longer." I said. He smiled and laid down next to me. I put my head on his chest. " I love you Zamasu." I said. " I love you too Y/N. And I promise not to hurt you ever again." He said. I fell asleep that night in my beloved's arms.

A/N: Done. I hope you liked it EnderCatPlayzMC. Request are still opened. Next will be a GT Trunks x kidnapped wife reader.

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