♡ kunikin - best friend ♡

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by request !! and i tried to have a kunikin picture but i clicked the wrong one and it won't let me change it T-T


"I wouldn't date any of my close friends."

Kindaichi hated those words. They seemed to haunt every happy dream, every sappy thought, every pure glance at what he considered perfection in a human body, all of it.

Nobody had warned him about the true crush of a crush - this certainly wasn't the sunshine, butterflies, and sunny picnics he was told followed a crush.

All Kindaichi had known about crushes was from his teammates - Kyotani's obvious soft side for Yahaba, Matsukawa and Hanamaki's over dramatic recreations of romance cliches, and of course, the one he dreaded the most, his captain and vice-captain's seemingly perfect relationship. They all had what he had wanted most, and it all seemed to be taken for granted.

Of course Kindaichi knew no relationship was perfect, no two people can never argue or have differences. Maybe that was why he couldn't be destined for Kunimi - they always got along and agreed on most everything. That's what he told himself, at least, but knew there were differences in their opinions and arguments to be started but he couldn't bring that upon Kunimi.

He knew Kunimi's logic behind that, sure. Kunimi had been in a few relationships before, and he had seen how it broke friend groups and ruined treasured friendships when things just weren't meant to be. Throughout that, though, Kunimi had the heart to tell them they were meant to be friends, that the world had promised them to each other in the most platonic ways possible.

~It felt nice to know that he had such a royalty in Kunimi's book. He liked to know he had his own special title - but best friend wasn't boyfriend.

It's not that Kindaichi was letting it affect his daily life. He managed to continue school all while pushing everything aside and drowning himself in all the dating sims he could find, finding quick comfort and falling in love with fictional characters all while everything slipped from his fingers.

There were nights that got to him, though. Nights that brought him to wonder too many things at once and left tear tracks evident on his face until morning when he would rub the few minutes of sleep from his eyes and wash his face, dragging himself through the same old morning to face the same old day, the same old practice, and the same old harsh reality that Kunimi promised himself he wouldn't date anyone of in their small friend group, mainly consisting of their team.

It was the same story - so long as Kunimi wasn't planning on letting him be a possible bachelor, he was straight.

It wasn't a full lie, he hadn't ever been attracted to any guys aside from Kunimi and he couldn't see himself being so. Then again, he couldn't see himself being attracted to any girls either, and isn't it dumb that straight is the default?

Kindaichi's life went on, albeit crumbling and with an increasing number of 2-am-can't-sleep-nights, in which he spent crying while looking at cat videos to try and stop the pouring. Sure, he sent the funniest to Kunimi, and that certainly didn't help considering he tended to be the reason behind the tears, but Kindaichi knew Kunimi loved funny cat videos and if he had a collection, might as well share them, right?


~ finished. 

hey !! reminder that you are very loved :)

and uh, sad stuff is definitely a work in progress for me, but i appreciate requests of both such and fluff, as practice is always good !!

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