♡ asanoya - couples quiz ♡

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"Hey Asahi! Come look at this."

Asahi wandered from the kitchen where he was making Noya and himself pb&j sandwiches to his boyfriend who was sitting on the couch, scrolling through some website on his laptop.

"What is it, babe?" Asahi asked as he leaned over the back of the couch to look on Noya's screen.

"It's a couple quiz. Can you pull it up on your phone so we can do it together?"

Asahi nodded and fumbled around his pockets for his phone. "How do I find it?"

"I'll send you the link."

Once both of them were on the website, they started answering the questions.

I can name my partners best friends.

"Easy. Suga and Daichi, and you know mine!"

"Hinata and Tanaka?"

"Of course!"

They both clicked 'yes' before moving onto the next question.

I know what stresses my partner is currently facing.

"I know, I know! Nobody believes that you're actually our age and not trying to kidnap me or anything!"

Asahi grumbled. "Yeah.."

"It's okay, I think you're super hot how you are. Guess mine!"

"Let me think," Asahi said, scratching his small beard before smiling. "You don't really have anything, do you? Maybe except for grades, but I don't think you can worry about something you don't really care about."

Noya laughed and clicked 'yes'.

I can tell you some of my partners life dreams.

"You want to travel, right? And you promised me you'd call me everyday, no matter how far away you are!"

"Yeah," Noya started, "And you're going to show me all your clothing designs!"

I can tell you about my partner's basic philosophy of life.

"That's a big word. Asahi, what does that big word mean?"

"I don't know. Like thoughts and ideals."

"Can we skip this question? That's too complicated for me."

"You can. I'm going to say, for me, yes, I understand your philosophies."

I know the names of the people who have irritated my partner lately.

Asahi smirked. "Tsukishima-kun, yeah? He likes to make comments of your height."

Noya clenched his jaw. "That jerk! Anyways, my guess is Daichi or Suga-san, since they like to make fun of you."

I can list the relatives my partner likes the least.

"Do you even have a least favorite relative?"


"And I don't think you know any of mine."

"Not really."

"So this is a no."

They both marked no, making a mental note to bring up a conversation about families later.

I feel like my partner knows me pretty well. (easy yes.)

When we are apart, I often think fondly of my partner. (another easy yes.)

I often touch or kiss my partner affectionately. (Asahi smiled and reached down to give Nishinoya a soft, loving kiss before marking yes)

There is fire and passion in this relationship

"Asahi! It says we have to set things on fire!"

Asahi sighed. "Nishi, it's figurative."

"Well I would say yes then because I would set things on fire for you."

Romance is definitely still part of our relationship.

Noya smiled. "'Sahi, this one's easy, right baby?"

"Of course, darling."

Asahi read number 12. "What is this, I- No? Yes? In the future yes? But no?"

Noya laughed. "I would just say no. That isn't important to us yet, so I would say no."

13. My partner is one of my best friends. (Love the easy yesses, right?)

14. We just love talking to each other.

"I love talking to you! Do you love talking to me?"

Asahi nodded and grinned, scrolling down to the next question.
15. There is lots of give and take in our discussions.

"'Sahi, we give and take, right?"

"Well, more I give, you take advice, but yes."

16. My partner listens to me respectfully, even when we disagree.

They didn't disagree with each other very much, but whenever they did it didn't start any arguments. Asahi was one of the most respectful people Noya knew, and Noya could never lash out on his precious Asahi.

17. My partner is usually a great problem solver.

The first question they had split answers - with Noya's being yes, and Asahi's being no, it really shouldn't have been a big surprise, and Noya laughed it off.

18. At the end of the day, my partner is glad to see me.

"Are you glad to see me at the end of the day, 'Sahi?"

"Of course. Are you?"


19. We generally mesh well with basic values and goals in life. (check!)

20. My partner appreciates the things I do in the relationship.

"Yes, Asahi. I'm thankful for the lunch you were working on before I interrupted you."

"Yes, Noya. I'm appreciative of your moral support."

21. My partner generally likes my personality.

"I like your personality, Asahi! You remind me of Fluttershy from My Little Pony. Don't worry, she was my favorite!"

"Thanks, I guess. You're like Rainbow Dash then, she's cool."

22. My partner respects me.

"I respect you!"

"I respect you too, Nishi."

They submitted the quiz and hesitantly added their emails, (knowing full-well they would unsubscribe from them right after they got their results), and waited for the response back.


"We did pretty good, yeah, Nishi? We're in the 15 or above category."

The '15 or more yes answers' column was basic knowledge to the two. "Yeah, that makes us a superior couple!"

"Whatever you say, Nishi. I love you."

"Love you too, 'Sahi!"


im too tired to reread this, it might've sucked.
anyways, im trying to run through all the ship requests :)

the couples quiz: https://www.gottman.com/how-well-do-you-know-your-partner/quiz/ 

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