♡ sakuatsu - because he's special ♡

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"Come on, Kiyoomi! Just tell me!"

"For the millionth time Motoya, I don't have a 'special someone', or whatever you called it."

Frowning and running to catch up to his cousin, Komori lightly punched Sakusa on the shoulder.

"There's gotta be someone! I know you, you don't just smile when someone texts you - not even when it's me or your mom, you still leave us on delivered for hours!"

"What if I'm not texting someone?"

Komori scrunched his nose. "If that's gonna be your excuse, mute your phone."

"Then I would miss a text."

Sakusa, realising he had accidentally slipped up, rolled his eyes and threw his backpack at his cousin.

"Whatever. Maybe I'm texting someone, what does it matter to you?"

Komori grinned and slung an arm around his cousin as they sat down on the train. He dug around in Sakusa's bag that had been thrown at him moments prior, pulling out the olders phone and unlocking it, grinning as he went to the 'messages' app.

"What do you think you're doing, Motoya?"

"What do you think I'm doing? I'm going to see who you spend so much time texting, duh."

"Absolutely you are not. Give me that!"

Swinging the phone just out of Sakusa's reach, Komori opened the most recent contact, grinning ear to ear.

"Ushiwaka-kun, eh?"

Reading through the messages between the two, Komori scowled. "You've left Ushikawa-kun on delivered for the past three days."

"It's probably unimportant - normally messages from him are just very awkward selfies with his boyfriend."

Giggling as he swiped through the most recent messages of all of his contents, he clicked on the only one he didn't recognize.

"Who is Kageyama, huh?"

Kiyoomi frowned this time, trying to steal his phone back. "Do you not remember him? He was at the youth training camp, from Karasuno."

"Oh , oh! The one with black hair, yeah? Is he the 'special someone'?"

Sakusa shook his head and Komori frowned. "It's hard when you only have like 15 contacts, and none of them have any out-of-the-ordinary messages."

"Well maybe there isn't a 'special someone' I've been texting, I already told you-"

Sakusa was interrupted by a ping, signifying he had gotten a notification. Komori jumped, clicking on it and finding himself being lead to the Instagram messaging system.

atsu.moo: heyyyyy omi-omi

atsu.moo: can we video call again today?

atsu.moo: or i can run over to your house and we can bake a cake together🏃💨

atsu.moo: omi?

sakusakiyoomi (motoya texting though!): heyyyy baby -3-

atsu.moo: .

atsu.moo: did ya drink hand sanitizer

sakusakiyoomi: nope ;)

sakusakiyoomi: do come over though ;)

atsu.moo: on second thought, i think i hear samu calling me

Snatching the phone back, Sakusa shoved Komori away enough that he wouldn't be able to instantly take the phone back, although he most likely would be able to read over his shoulder.

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