♡ Happy Birthday, Hajime! ♡

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2 weeks before Iwaizumi's birthday and Oikawa was trying to figure out what kind of birthday present he wanted to give him. Iwaizumi, however, insisted he wanted nothing more than to spend the day with Oikawa and the other two third years of Aoba Joshai's volleyball team.

Iwaizumi wasn't einterly lying - he had no want or need for any store bought coffee mugs and fluffy socks. Although - he wouldn't mind a kiss from Oikawa and maybe if Oikawa would dare to call him Hajime rather than his nickname-

No. He didn't want to ruin the priceless friendship they had just because of some stupid crush on his best friend. Oh, but little did he know, Oikawa would have been more than willing to comply, but he too feared risking his tight bond with Iwaizumi.

So, Iwaizumi went to chat about it with Matsukawa. Matsukawa was the only one he had told about his crush, (it was probably a little more than a 'small crush' at least), so if anyone had advice for him it would be him. He had contemplated telling both him and Hanamaki, but didn't want to risk how often Hanamaki stuck with Oikawa. (They too often chatted about how Oikawa could ask Iwaizumi out.) Iwaizumi wasn't stupid, however, and he had a feeling that Matsukawa had told Hanamaki, not that it really needed to be told. He was really out there about it, he wasn't sure how Oikawa hadn't noticed.

So, there he was. Talking with Matsukawa, the day before his birthday, in the corner of the gym while Oikawa and Hanamaki held light conversation a few feet in front of them.

"What's up, Iwaizumi?"

"Mattsun. You know how my birthday is tomorrow, right?"


"I don't know. I don't really want to be all sad and blue on my birthday but I keep thinking about Oikawa - he asked me what I wanted and I was," he held his fingers about and inch apart from each other, "this close to telling him all I wanted was a kiss. I guess I just wanted someone to talk to about it."

Matsukawa sighed. He sighed, hating how clearly obvious it was that Oikawa would give him what he wanted in an instant. He and Hanamaki had been trying to set the two up for what seemed like forever now, but the two just didn't get the hint. After deeming Iwaizumi useless, he strolled over to Hanamaki who was chatting away with Oikawa.

"Makki. We have things to discuss.""Oh, I would know."

The two walked off and Oikawa stood there confused before noticing a troubled looking Iwaizumi over in the corner.



"Let me guess. Iwaizumi was sulking because he wants his precious Oikawa to give him a kiss and call him by his first name and have a romantic moment watching the sunset."

Matsukawa chuckled. "How did you know?" It was obviously a rhetorical question - Iwaizumi had been fantasizing about Oikawa's lips since forever, it just recently got quite so consistent.

Everyday, it was everyday he said something about Oikawa. 'Oh, blue is definitely his color.', 'Dang, why does Oikawa have to be so cute?', 'There seems to be a lot of girls around him today - Mattsun! I'm not jealous!', or, 'I'm this close,' Iwaizumi would pinch his fingers mere centimeters apart, 'to just going up to him and kissing him.'

At first, Hanamaki and Matsukawa laughed about it. It seemed so out of out of character for him that it seemed almost impossible. But after weeks, months, and over a year of all of it, they were more than sure that Iwaizumi meant everything he said.


"And I'm guessing Oikawa was rambling about what to get Iwaizumi for his birthday that he would never forget."

Hanamaki faked a gasp. "Mattsun, how did you know?!"

"Like you said, magic. I really, really want to just shove them into each other so their dense brains get it."

"Let's do plan I4W2A0I."

"Wow, is plan I4W2A0I really necessary?"

"Look at them again."

"Plan I4W2A0I it is."

Plan I4W2A0I was going according to plan - because there was now plan. The were just weird hormonal teen boys who decided to hook up their friends and name the 'plan' a mix of their friends' names and 420.

"Okay. I'm going to go scream at Oikawa to kiss him now. Bye bye, Mattsun!"

And with that, Hanamaki set off to go force Oikawa into kissing his best friend.


"Makki, what's up?"

"Go make out with Iwaizumi."

Oikawa became a stuttering, blushy, flustered mess and it was so bad he couldn't even speak properly. Hanamaki grips Oikawa's shoulders tight, eyes full of menace that anybody would quiver at - and Oikawa wasn't the ballsiest in the first place.


"I- I can't! Makki, it isn't that easy! He probably would hate me forever and wouldn't love me back and leave me and I would be alone, he would never speak to me again and-"

"Oikawa. You have until the day is over to get through all your nerves. Tomorrow. His birthday, spend it with us like planned, then stick around with him and sleepover. Watch the sun set with him, and when there's a comfortable silence, lean in, kiss him, and say, 'I love you Hajime.'"

Oikawa huffed. "You make it sound a lot easier than it actually is."

"Are you going to do it or not?" Hanamaki had a threatening glare that successfully willed Oikawa into it.

"Okay. I'll do it, but if I ruin his 18th birthday because of you and he doesn't feel the same," Oikawa was briefly interrupted, "He does."

"Shut up, Makki! Anyway, if your plan fails I'm blaming this on you. You'll owe me milk bread."

Hanamaki gave a knowing, 'mhm.', certain that he wouldn't have to spend the extra dollar on the milk bread - he was confident his eyes worked and it was clear as day that they liked each other.


Hanamaki's words repeated in his head the whole day - and the whole of Iwaizumi's birthday, making him feel awkward just talking to him. 

Iwaizumi sighed. Oikawa was practically avoiding him which meant the chances of his kiss weren't very high. They barely talked all of his birthday celebration, and the air was tense after everyone left and Oikawa was unpacking his stuff for a sleepover.

"Uh, Oikawa. Would you like some, uh. Tofu?"

Iwaizumi's mother had left them some tofu, made exactly the way he liked it. His favorite food for his birthday, of course.

Oikawa was getting ready to do his thing.

Its not that hard, come on Tooru! Just do it - if you don't Makki will literally DESTROY you.

"I- Um. Haji- Hajime. Happy, um. Happy birthday."That was it. Iwaizumi was glee to the brim and practically glowing. Oikawa, on the hand, was a blushing, shy mess. "Oikawa. Oikawa. Oikawa. OIKAWA, TOORU!" Oikawa looked up, bewildered. Iwaizumi just called him by his first name. Well, to be fair he also just called Iwaizumi by Hajime, but he was honestly expecting to be blessed with milk bread the next day. "Say it again. Please, Tooru!" "I- uh. Happy birthday, Hajime." This time a little more confidence flowed with his words. This was not according to plan, not at all. But it seemed to be working, so he just went with it. "Tooru. Oh my god, I love you, Tooru." Oikawa's face lit up. He wasn't as smooth as Iwaizumi and his words came out a little jumbled, but Iwaizumi still got the memo. "I- I, I um. You, me. Like- uh Love you, please. I mean -""Relax, Tooru. I get it. Thank you for making this the best birthday ever." The night was spent with cuddles and light kisses, both peacefully drifting off to sleep holding each other with happy smiles on their faces. It certainly took Oikawa a few days to return to his 

normal teases and playfulness, and even if Iwaizumi did enjoy the quiet - he also missed the Oikawa he fell in love with, so he was ecstatic when Oikawa was back to his usual obnoxious self.


i know im lke 2 mins late :( anyway, happy birthday, iwaizumi! this is unedited so im sorry if its a little sucky. 

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