♡ bokuaka - you've asked too many questions, here's one for you ♡

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long title haha

"And here we have MSBY's Bokuto Kotaro, #12, outside hitter and wing spiker."

"Hey Hey Hey!"

"Yes, thank you for coming Ko- Bokuto-san."

Bokuto gave his boyfriend a knowing look, seeing as they've been on the first name basis for a few years now, it's been that way since about 3 months after they started dating, 3 years ago. Akaashi had become an interviewer, (although Bokuto had of course tried to convince him to continue volleyball with him, but was unsuccessful and in the end he wanted Akaashi to do what made him happy, which was unfortunately not volleyball), and had recently focused on volleyball players.

Bokuto continued his dream of being a pro athlete, and of course, he was rather successful so far. So here he was, itching at his coat pocket, his boyfriend next to him, interviewing him and asking him questions he most certainly already knew about him, but for the sake of the media, he went through with it anyway.

"Thanks for having me, Akaashi~!" His boyfriend's slip up earlier was what had reminded him that oh yeah, he had to call Keiji by his last name.

"Of course. We have a few questions here, sent in by fans, if you would be willing to answer a few, that would be wonderful."

"Of course!"

"Alright, first of all, a question sent in by Melane. What's your favorite food?" 'Yakiniku,' Akaashi thought, 'such a vanilla question.'

"Yakiniku! It's very delicious! In fact, my boyfriend makes it the best!"

Akaashi had to fight the urge to say, 'thank you, Kotaro. I'll make some tonight.'

"I see. A question from- ah," Akaashi's lips showed a small smile as he pleasantly read the name, "Shoyo Hinata. He would like to know how your boyfriend is doing."

"Oh!" Bokuto leaned over, whispering into Akaashi's ear.

"How are you doing, Keiji dear?"

"I'm fine, thank you, Kotaro." Bokuto sat back up in his seat, looking toward the camera with a big smile on his face. "He's doing fine! Thanks for the question, Sho-kun!"

The camera man rolled his eyes, and the director rolled his eyes. Most of the media already knew that Bokuto was dating someone named 'Keiji', since Bokuto accidentally let it slip a few times. He couldn't help it, he loved his boyfriend a lot. If anyone paid attention to who was interviewing him, they probably could put two and two together.

"Yes, thank you very much. The next question is from Jenna and Max, they want to know about your opinions of your teammates."

After about 10 more questions, (most of which were questions Akaashi could have easily answered himself), and it was clear that they were both getting tired. Before the camera man could cut the video, Bokuto held a hand out, signalling to leave the footage going.

"Keiji, dear. You've asked too many questions, here's one for you."

Bokuto had lowered himself off the chair and onto the small, blue carpet, and onto one knee. His strong, veiny hands reached for Akaashi's small, slender ones, holding them tightly. He gave a small, sweet, and heart-melting speech, at which the camera man, directors, and all the observers absolutely adored.

Towards the end of the speech, he grabbed a small, dark blue, velvet box from the pocket of his coat, opening it up to reveal a silver ring with a yellow-eyed owl in the center.

"So, here's a question from Bokuto Kotaro. He wants to know if you will marry him."

"YES! Oh my gosh - Kou- yes! Yes, yes, yes, a million times yes! I love you so much, Kou!"

Everyone on the sidelines clapped as Kotaro picked his fiance and twirled him around, both shouting loudly in joy. 


that's not as long as i was hoping, but oh well :)
this was actually so fun to write what - 

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