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⚠️ !! WARNING !! ⚠️

Taking about abu$e, thoughts about abu$e, panicking

~ Tubbo's POV ~

He's been on my mind for days, ever since I saw him again it's all I can think about.. I don't even know if Tommy's okay, He- He could be dead or something like that. I felt my breathing increase as I saw quackity in the distance, I can talk to him.. yeah

"Quackity!" I shout, then looking at my hands as they began to shake. I was panicking again, god.. I saw quackity come closer and I think he noticed what was happening since he started to speed up his walking to more of a jog. "Tubbo! Are you okay?!" He pulled me into a hug to try to calm me down, which did help "I'm thinking of Tommy again Big Q, What- What If he's dead or something or what if-" he cut me off and began to speak "Tubbo, I bet he's okay. You know him! He's Tommy, He can make it through whatever bullshit Wilbur's doing.. I promise you" My breathing slows to more of a normal pace and my hands stopped shaking as much, and I smiled softly "Thank you, Quackity" he stopped hugging me and smiled at me softly, his smile reminding me of my best friend, I really do hope he's okay

I decided to text him, maybe he'll respond to me? I don't know..

"Tommy..! It's been awhile hasn't it, I hope Wilbur isn't doing anything to you.. I really don't want to see you all wounded again, I'm probably overreacting. You always told me I would worry too much, ha I'm sorry.. no but really I hope you're doing okay, I miss you a shit ton, and so does Big Q. Love you lots big man.."

I stared at my phone hesitating to send the message, I don't want Wilbur to find out about this.. I can't get Tommy hurt, but also I really wanna know if he's okay at least, I looked up at Quackity "Hey Tubbo, do you mind if I see your phone for a moment?" I look at him confused and say "Yeah..?" I gently hand him my phone and he presses the enter button for me on my message and looks to me "I know you have a lot on your mind so I decided to do it for you so you don't have to think about it, thank me later" I softly smiled and took my phone back I just hope he responses.

As the time passed I still don't have a response from him, luckily Schlatt hasn't told anyone to do anything yet so Quackity has been by my side all day making sure I was doing okay, Tommy please.. Just let me know you're okay. I honestly was staring to give up, I mean sure he could just be very busy but he hadn't responded for hours.. Maybe this is why he used to always try to keep me from worrying about stupid shit, like Quackity said he's Tommy. He'll be okay.. right?

Then suddenly my phone began to buzz, I look at the notification and surprisingly it was Tommy.. oh my god, it was Tommy!

"Hey Tubs... I'm doing fine, Wilbur has been a little tough here and there but trust me, I'm doing okay. Sorry for worrying you big man, I know I shouldn't of run out on you guys that day and I regret it now. I probably shouldn't be missing you but fuck man, I miss you a ton. Love you too Tubbo, maybe I'll see you sometime soon can't promise anything though."

I smile softly at the text, knowing he was okay was the thing that made me feel happy. I saw Quackity smile seeing that I finally wasn't panicking over him, "I knew he would be okay" I look over to him and respond "Yeah, yeah you're right. I just didn't know- since it's just so much and he's been through a lot.." Quackity quickly reassured me again and made sure I was truly fine since he thought I was panicking again.

"We have to see him again, we have to get out of Manberg.. I can't handle this anymore.." I felt tears start to form in my eyes as quackity thought of what to say "Soon we will visit him, we can figure out a time where it'll be safe for him. And- I don't know if we can get out of this hellhole yet, I just- don't know if it's the time." I nod quietly, hoping he would've said we could just leave but those hopes being crushed.

Quackity decided to take me over to the area I was living in for the moment, wanting me to sleep so I could have something different on my mind. We did fight a little since I didn't want to sleep but eventually I gave into what he wanted and started to head to bed, I thought about Tommy for a quick moment. I hope he stays strong during this, I can't lose him yet. Not with everything going on, Don't die on me Toms.

Oh my fucking god I'm so so sorry about the update being so late, I kept forgetting to write this story and y'know life was keeping me in the way of this and like seriously I'm so sorry. Also, Happy late New Years everyone! I was gonna do this earlier but I never finished this chapter till now so it was really delayed. But seriously love you guys a ton and thanks for the support on this story I greatly appreciate it.

-Love your author, Liv

"I want to leave here, but something tells me to stay." A Tommy angst Where stories live. Discover now