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⚠️ !! WARNING !! ⚠️

Swearing, abu$e, harsh words, manipulation of thoughts

It was a normal day, I woke up from my slumber and sat up. I looked at my arms, bruised and bandaged from the election that happened a few days prior. Yet I didn't really mind it much though.

I grab my bandana next to me, it was a green one that Tubbo gave me. I haven't talked to him since the election, and to be honest I miss him so much.. but he probably doesn't even care about me anymore, he has new people in his life. Schlatt and Quackity, Quackity always seemed nice, yet I don't know what to feel about him anymore.

I took a deep breath before leaving the room, it was quiet. The quiet is nice, Wilbur must not be awake yet. Or at least that's what I thought until I heard him walk towards me "Hello, Tommy!" he smiled a grin of which I can't tell is genuine or something hidden I just smiled at him not knowing what to say. his grin quickly faded once he gave me a pickaxe, "We need supplies, go mine for me will you?" I didn't say anything, This was a normal thing for will to do. But usually he would come with me and we would mine together.. he looks at me dead in the eyes, "Will you?" said in a tone that scared me a little, it was threatening. Like I didn't have a choice "Yes.. I will." he smiled brightly, he changed in a moment.. that scared me a little.

he put his arm around my shoulder and we walked to the door. He said one last thing to me before I left "Don't talk to anyone for me, they are all not to be trusted.. And if you do, I'll be very disappointed" he closed the door after that, I just stood there for a moment. He never acted like this, This was so strange? Maybe he's in a mood? I wouldn't know. I didn't think much about it since Wilbur can act strange in certain moods which I get it, he's under a lot of stress at the moment so it makes sense.

I started to look for a cave nearby, me and will already got most of these the other day so it was pretty hard to find a new one. Luckily I did, Mining wasn't all that bad until my phone buzzed, it was a message from Tubbo that said:

"Hey Tommy.. How are you doing? I hope it's well! I miss you a ton, and hey if you don't hate me I would love if you messaged back since I want to talk to you again"

My whole body froze, I remember what Wilbur said to me.. but also he wouldn't know if I messaged anyone. As long as I don't tell him? Yeah. I sighed and just decided to text him back,

"Hey Tubbo, I'm doing fine. Wilbur has just been acting strange today but I guess he's just in one of his moods.. also I don't hate you Tubbo, I know you were just doing what you felt was the safer option at the time.. and hey I've missed you too Tubs"

I sat down on the cold rocks, I think I'll be fine if I take a little break, I'll just get a bunch before I leave the cave. I watched the message notifications pop up from Tubbo on my phone and I clicked it to see what he responded with,

"Heh, I really thought you wouldn't respond.. I'm glad you did though! I hope Wilbur feels better since I'm guessing he's in a bad mood. And once I can safely get out of Schlatt's grip I'll try to see you again, I promise :)"

I smiled softly reading his message, I never realized how much I missed the boy until now. I just left the message on read, not in a bad way just for him to know I've seen the message.
I decided to grab a few more pieces of Iron before heading back to Pogtopia.

Wilbur seemed to of left the door open, as I walked in the air felt cold. Even colder than it was outside, I didn't know that this place could get so cold so easily. I shrugged and closed the door and headed down the stairs, Will seemed to be examining a sword before looking at me and smiling "How much stuff did you get Tommy?" I took a moment to count the ore I have and said "36 pieces of Iron and a few diamonds plus some gold I found along the way" I started to worry when I saw his grin fade "Only 36? You were gone for 5 hours and only got 36 pieces of Iron, C'mon Tommy Iron isn't hard to find, why did you only get that much" I got nervous, I guess I should've grabbed a few more before leaving. But I thought that would be enough? "I just didn't find much, it was an unlucky cave you know how it is" Wilbur looked straight at me and in a serious tone he said "You were talking to someone weren't you Tommy, Let me see your phone real quick." I stepped back a little, if he sees my messages with Tubbo, I don't know what will he'd do but I don't want to think about it. "Tommy. If you trust me you'll let me have it." I let my mind speak, I trusted him a ton and he probably won't do much I mean, he's my older brother he wouldn't do anything bad to me. With that I handed him my phone, he looked at my last message with Tubbo and gave my phone back and he looked pissed.

"Goddamnit Tommy you never fucking listen, I told you one simple thing to not message anyone because they can't be trusted, yet you fucking do it anyways.. That's always how you are Tommy, Why can't you just listen for once. It's not that hard to do" I tried to make up an excuse, Since I know I can't just say 'well tubbo is my friend so'. "Will, I wasn't going to do anything he just asked how I was and I responded. Nothing more."

He stepped closer to me and I flinched a little at the sudden movements "Nothing more? Nothing more! You told him how I was acting, He could tell Schlatt that and fucking use that as his advantage. You're so fucking stupid Tommy, You know what? I'm so sick of your fucking foolishness" and with that he hit me, with such force that would leave a bruise for a few days. Shocked I respond "What the fuck Will?! Why did you just hit me!" he looked at me in a way that made it seem like I should know what I've done wrong. "you pissed me off Tommy, you knew I would've been mad if you messaged anyone and you did anyways. And don't even look at me like you're innocent, you deserved that." Those last words felt like he just stabbed me, then proceeding to dig the knife into my wound. I put my hand on my face, and thought about it for a moment, maybe I did deserve that.

Wilbur left the area and headed towards his room, and I decided to head towards mine too. I sat on my bed, my thoughts all fucked up from his words. It's not like he was wrong though I knew the consequences.. I laid down and tried to fall asleep, most of it just staring at the wall thinking about things. Then falling asleep, thinking about Wilbur thinking about how he was just pissed and probably didn't mean those things.


Hey everyone! Uh I hope this wasn't that bad lol like I've said I'm not the best at writing these types of things, but I wanted to anyways since I've wanted too for a while. Please give me some tips if you have any, they will be greatly appreciated. Anyways I hope you have an thanksgiving day btw!, I love you guys sm

-From, Liv

"I want to leave here, but something tells me to stay." A Tommy angst Where stories live. Discover now