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⚠️ !! WARNING !! ⚠️

abu$e, manipulation, overthinking

I sat on the cold floor, as a I hear a sudden door open, Wilbur's home. I stood up awaiting the 'plan' he wants to tell me. "Hello Toms, I see you have been waiting for me like I said." I saw his hand go up and ruffle my hair as he smiled at me with assurance

"now the plan is simple Tommy, during the beginning of the festival there will be speeches. They will go in the order of Quackity, Jschlatt then lastly Tubbo, right after Tubbo says his speech I'll press a button, and that button will set off the tnt and blow L'manberg into  pieces. Then we can rebuild it again, without the trouble of Schlatt, and quackity, since they'll be dead, along with all of the other traitors of our nation."

I couldn't say anything, I was speechless. Not with awe or with amazement, with pure fear. If this plan works, Tubbo and Quackity could get hurt, or even worse die. I step away from Wilbur to try to regain some sort of thought, he didn't take that the right way, "Tommy? Is there something wrong."

This is the time where I wish I could just say something, but the words won't fall I can't say a word. I look up to Wilbur, and start to nod yes but then stopping. No, I won't let him hurt the people I love the most, I can't let them die. The only thing I saw were his eyes, now a shade of crimson. He gently took out his sword, and just like before put it up to my neck. "Tommy.. You know I don't want to hurt you, you're my brother aren't you? why would I kill my own brother. Now tell me Tommy, are you going to help me with this plan or not."

I finally began to spoke, the words finally coming out "Wilbur.. you know this isn't right, like I said before. I will help you, but that doesn't mean I won't try to help my friends either." My expression cold, his matching mine. He didn't expect me to say this, "Don't get all smart on me now Toms, you already know they don't care for you. Yet you help them anyways, And you wonder why you get betrayed so much" he started to laugh, my cold expression holding back the urge to cry. "You see Tommy, the reason you get betrayed so much is because of you. You're so easy to betray since you trust people too easily, and you know this. Just stop trying to save them, they've already betrayed you're trust haven't they? why would they want to even see you again. Now I will ask again, are you helping me or are you just gonna make a fool of yourself trying to save the same people who left you to die"

The thoughts in my head were running, I don't even know what's the right answer anymore. Do I help Wilbur, I mean I could try to just defuse the bombs before it happens right? But what if he finds out. I thought about the second option, that will result in my own death and he knows that. I have to agree, for the safety of myself. And maybe a chance to help my friends along the way, if they even are my friends... "Wilbur, I'll help you," he took the sword off my chin, surprisingly no mark was left "I'm glad you finally picked the right choice, Now knowing you will help me, do you mind getting gunpowder for me?"

I didn't respond back, I just left the house. The fresh air made me realise, am I making a mistake am I doing something wrong? Wilbur's probably right though, I mean L'manberg isn't a safe place anymore why do I want to protect it. Why do I wanna save them, they would just betray me again. It always happens, I sat against a tree and curled up into a ball. Tears finally falling, What do I do? The same question that's been in every thought I think. I shiver, the night sky chilling the place. Just like the cave of a home I live in, it's cold.

Why can't we all stay safe, is peace an option anymore? Or does it end with chaos, there was only one sentence I thought of. "There's never happy endings, this is the real world not a story book" Maybe this is what I need to learn, the harsh reality of my life.

This chapter just seems like a rewrite of the other one I did god, sorry about that. Also yet again sorry for the chapter coming out late I think understand I need to write more I just haven't had many ideas lately. If you guys have any ideas please message me or comment it, I would love to see any thoughts you have! thank you all for the support on both of my stories it's unreal to me sometimes to realise so many people actually enjoy these books. Thank you :)

-Your beloved, Liv
(Ranboo reference ;))

"I want to leave here, but something tells me to stay." A Tommy angst Where stories live. Discover now