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⚠️ !! WARNING !! ⚠️

abu$e, manipulation, depressive thoughts, harsh words, and other things related to these topics.


The memories of last night awake me, I look in my mirror at my face. The bruise was clear to see, I sighed and decided to try not to think about it. Wilbur was most likely in his moods, I mean I would know that, I have known him for basically my whole life.

I opened my door and Wilbur immediately glanced over to me and smiled "Tommy! I have a plan!" I smiled brightly, we've needed a plan for awhile since you can't have an unplanned revolution. "Instead of doing this whole revolution thing again, why don't we just blow it all up! So then we can remake it with just us!" I froze, what the fuck is he thinking?! blowing up L'manberg? "Blowing it up?! Why don't we just reclaim it like we wanted to?" he put his hand on my shoulder and began to say "Tommy, you don't get it do you? Schlatt has already messed up L'manberg to a point that it's not even L'manberg anymore, Why would we want land that is covered by his sick morals?" What is Will on about? It's still the land and sure he messed up some things but he did leave some things untouched. "Will, There's still things there that he hasn't touched. And we can always rebuild things? You don't have to blow it up.." his grin he previously had turned into a dead expression, he looked away from me and said "Why don't you join Manberg then? You cleary seem to love the land." He turns back around to see my expression, I was so confused and mad at the same time "I don't want to go back to a land that is ruled over by that dictator, and he banished us so he wouldn't let me in, Wilbur you're out of your mind!"

He walked over to me and grabbed my wrist, a strong force that I couldn't break out of if I tried. "He only banished us since he doesn't want any competition, but he would let you back in alone. He knows you need me, you're just nothing without my strength and leadership Tommy." My wrist started to hurt as he tightened his grip, I look at his eyes and respond "Without me, L'manberg wouldn't even be a nation. And sure I might need you but I could be fine on my own, but you know I'd rather be here with you than him. You're my brother and you actually know how to lead.. and him, he is just an alcoholic ruining our land" He looked at me with eyes that showed he didn't believe what I was saying "Stop acting all 'good' on me Tommy, You only aren't agreeing with me because you care about people. You seem all tough on the outside but really you would do anything for all of those people in Manberg, even though if they had the chance they would leave you to die. Tommy no one cares about us anymore, get that inside of your fucking head."

"You're lying Will, They care about us. sure they attacked us but that's because Schlatt told them too and he is the leader so they would get a punishment for betraying him. Wilbur please, just stop this plan of yours. It's not worth it." with that he let go of my wrist and pushed me to the ground, he smiled at me as I look up at him. Fear was starting to rise in me. "Look at you, it was so easy to knock you to the ground. Even if we did a revolution, you would die straight away. You don't know how to fight Tommy, and with your goddamn soft spot for Tubbo. You couldn't even kill him if you tried but Tubbo, he would kill you, he doesn't give a shit about you Tommy."

Wilbur pulled out a sword and put it up to my neck, I tried to get away from the blade but if I tried to move the blade would slice my neck. "I wonder if I could kill you now, then I won't have to deal with your stupid plans and loud mouth." He pushed the blade closer to my neck, piercing my skin a little. I winced at the pain "Wilbur, stop please.. We can use your plan, but that doesn't mean I agree with your morals.." he removed the blade from my neck and smiled evilly.

I looked at my hands. Was this really the right choice? Maybe I should just leave here, like Wilbur said. No, he needs me, I mean I can still stop him from doing it in the end and he is my brother and I can't just leave him. maybe he is right, maybe I do need him. "Good choice, if you didn't say that I could've killed you there" and with that he went up the stairs and left, I felt my neck. It was bleeding, I went to my room and grabbed my bandana and covered the wound. I remembered I had my phone and thought, I just needed to talk to someone. For a second at least..

I looked around to make sure he wasn't around and I looked at my messages, I went to dm the first contact. That being quackity's with the last message sent from 'me' saying:

"Hello Quackity, Please don't message Tommy again. He would never forgive you for what you did to my nation, he hopes you go rot in hell with Schlatt, Now I shouldn't make this message too long since I know it would crush your spirits, Goodbye, Quackity -Wilbur"

I looked at that Message in disgust, I know Quackity isn't a bad of a person.. But Maybe Wilbur was right, I shouldn't message him he doesn't care about me anyways. Then again, I needed to talk to someone.

"Big Q? It's me Tommy, Uhm don't listen to what Wilbur said. He is just in a mood right now, Please message back."

I saw him read the message and start typing, I sighed of relief since I thought he would just ignore me.

"Tommy? Why would you message me. Wilbur knows everything about you, how do I know you're just lying?"

I respond back in a way that I hope he believes, I wish Will didn't put words in my mouth that I never said.

"Quackity, believe me please. He has been weird lately, he has threatened me- but it's not much to worry about. Just please you have to believe me.. I consider you one of my friends."

He started to type back, then stopped. I looked at my hand for a moment, It was shaking pretty bad. I looked back at my phone to see a response

"I don't know if I fully believe you, but I will listen to what you have to say. Also quick thing but how did Wilbur threaten you? Are you alright Tommy? I mean you have never seemed to act like this."

He isn't wrong, I've never acted like this even in the most serious situations. I can't tell him what Wilbur did to me though, he could use it to his advantage

"I'm fine Big Q, You don't have to worry about it, he's just mad y'know I mean kinda like how Schlatt is to you sometimes? Right he gets mad but he doesn't mean anything he does. Yeah?"

He quickly responds by saying

"I guess.. Anyways I'm sorry Tommy but I have stuff to do so, I'll try to contact you later. Bye Tommy.."

I smiled a little and turned of my phone. I didn't decided to steal it from Will, since what he did today it seems he would probably kill me if I did. I run back to my room and took the bandana off my neck, since the blood seemed to stop I wanted to let it heal a little. I thought about Wilbur more, I don't know what he's thinking about but I hope he gets better because he scares me now.


Ello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was a little long today. I don't usually make them this long but I kinda wanted to add a lot since it's more of the beginning stages of the whole Wilbur going insane thing. Anyways the next chapter should be in Quackity's POV so I hope you'll enjoy that one too! Ily guys, see you in the next chapter

-Love, Liv

"I want to leave here, but something tells me to stay." A Tommy angst Where stories live. Discover now