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⚠️ !! WARNING !! ⚠️

character death (short amount of time), panic attacks, strong language, su!c!dal thoughts

I was sat on a building, next to me wilbur sat thinking about whatever. I could end it all now, the fall would be enough to kill me? at least I think. I debated about that for a bit but decided not too, I have to see how this festival turns out anyways.

I noticed as all of the guests headed towards the podium, I wondered what was happening. I didn't pay much attention to it at first till I noticed Quackity walking towards the mic.

~ Quackity's POV ~

I started to head up towards the microphone, Tubbo giving me a slight smile but it quickly fading as Schlatt gave him a strange look. I sighed and started my speech

"Hello guests of Manberg, Thank you for attending the festival set up by our amazing president Mr. Jschlatt!"

the lies I have to say hurt, everything in this damn speech is so fake he's fake the audience is mostly fake. But before Schlatt thought anything weird I went back to my speech,

"As you can tell we also have set up many games at our festival, cause what's a celebration without any fun involved."

I fake laughed and continued to speak, wrapping it up.

"The feast should be coming out soon, but I'll let Tubbo explain the rest of the festival for everyone!"

I took a deep breath and walked past Tubbo and gave him a little gesture telling him that it'll go okay and to not stress out. Standing next to Schlatt I waited for him to begin his speech.

~ Tubbo's POV ~

My hands were shaking, only Quackity really knew how nervous I was for this speech. But I took some shaky breaths and let myself begin before I pass out

"Thank you Quackity! Hey everyone! I'll explain to you all of the amazing games brought to you by the cab- I mean President Schlatt haha"

oh god I almost messed up he's gonna get mad Schlatt's gonna kill me-

"I'm sorry for interrupting Tubbo, but I'd like to ask you a few things"

I look at Schlatt who was now standing next to me and I respond

"Yes, Schlatt?"

"I'm so sorry this has to happen Infront of an audience but Tubbo, can you explain to me why you went to go visit the traitors of our nation?"

shit shit shit shit shit what do I do?

"I don't know what you're talking about, Schlatt! I would never"

I awkwardly laughed, please let this convince him.

"Oh Tubbo, you're so naive, You really think I wouldn't notice you sneaking out.. Now since you decided to lie to me I'll have my good friend give the punishment"

He smiled evilly, I wondered who this good friend was Schlatt wasn't friends with anyone other than me and Quackity mostly, or so I thought.

"Technoblade, can you do the honors"

And with that Techno came onto the stage, everyone was silent in the ground my nervousness only increasing by the second, this isn't going to turn out well.

"I'm sorry Tubbo, but it has to be this way."

And like that there was many flashes of color, then there was nothing. Just a void of darkness

~ Tommy's POV ~

I sat there and watched as my best friend got blasted to death by fireworks, my eyes started to water up quickly as I let it set in, Tubbo's dead.

Before my mind even got time to think I enderpearled onto the stage, striking Techno off it look awhile since I was weak but for Tubbo I need to be strong, I looked over to Quackity, who seemed to be badly burnt but not dead, He was holding Tubbo's body.

"Quackity! I'm so sorry I couldn't help you and especially Tubbo I should've been there and-"

"Tommy, please don't blame yourself for his death let's just take him to a safe place and with that take you aswell. Maybe I can even save you from Wilbur if we hurry quick enough"

And with that we ran, it felt like forever till we got to safety. We got to this wooden shack somewhere far from the area and I passed out on the ground. It was too overwhelming for my weak body, I failed him.

~ Quackity's POV ~

I watched as the younger passed out, he was fine just was very exhausted. God, I feel so bad for him, I looked over to Tubbo as the tears started to fall from my eyes.

I sighed, He's really gone.

~ Tubbo's POV ~

The void felt like forever, until I started to seemingly wake up. It was cold and everything hurt, I saw Quackity, he seemed to be looking over someone? I can't tell as my vision seems to be impaired.


"Tubbo? TUBBO!!"

Quackity ran over to me and gently hugged me, trying to not disturb the wounds I'm assuming from the firework explosion.

"Oh my god I thought I lost you! I thought we lost you!"


I looked closer this time and saw Tommy was on the ground, I started to panic worrying that he was dead I swear if Wilbur did something I'm going to kill him or at least make his life a living hell.

Quackity seemed to notice my worrying and said

"He's fine Tubbo, he just passed out from exhaustion. We saved him, Wilbur has no idea where we are."

I gently smile, noticing things placed around the area like food, water, lights etc. I looked to Quackity with confusion. He explained,

"It's not safe for us to head back, especially with Wilbur and Schlatt both probably trying to look for us, we'll live here for now maybe even for a long time if it's safe enough. We can start anew"

I smiled at the idea, and looked over to Tommy, this is a start of a new life with the people who truly care. Hopefully we can try to help Tommy deal with the trauma he's been through, It'll be better now I know it.


And thus, we've made it to the end of the story I know it's been forever since I wrote and honestly I really just forgot about this book for a long time and I do apologize again, I don't know when I'll start writing a new book hopefully soon if I get the time.

I should be starting school soon though so things will definitely be delayed again, and I apologize yet again for that.

I hope you enjoyed the story! And I thank all of you for the reads that this story has received it's made me so happy and I'm glad I could end this on a good note

Till the next story, farewell


"I want to leave here, but something tells me to stay." A Tommy angst Where stories live. Discover now