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talking about abu$e, talking about depressive thoughts

~ Quackity's POV ~

I turned off my phone, Wilbur threatened him? Now I don't know much about their friendship but I don't think that's normal for Will to do, Also Tommy knows that when Schlatt gets mad he tends to start hitting/punching things so I don't know why he made that comparison... unless..? No Wilbur wouldn't do that to him, he isn't a person to do that. Maybe I'll talk to Tubbo, He knows more about Wilbur than me

I looked to see If Schlatt was here, he has said yesterday that he would be out of town for awhile. After some looking he was correct, I sighed of relief and went to go find Tubbo.

"Tubbo!" I saw the younger boy turn around to face towards me and he smiled "Hey Big Q!" I walked closer towards him and said this "Hey Tubbo, I have a few questions" he looked at me confused and responds "What are they?" I then began to ask, "Has Wilbur ever acted.. harsh on you or Tommy?" He stood there for a second, I'm guessing he was thinking "Uhh not unless it is a joke, why you asking?" I showed him my phone, and the last text messages from Tommy he seemed shocked "Tommy said Will threatened him and compared it to Schlatt, even though he knows Schlatt.. y'know" he stood there for a moment he was processing what he just read "We need to see if Tommy is alright, I know Will probably wouldn't do anything like that.. but I just want to check"

"Maybe I can try to message him again..?" I responded to Tubbo, He nodded back at me and I started to write a message.

"Hey Tommy, it's Quackity. How are you doing? I hope you're doing ok. Also how's Wilbur, Me and Tubbo just want to check in on you guys.. please respond if you can"

I show Tubbo the message, he approves and says to me "I really hope he's okay..." I pull him into a hug of reassurance "I'm sure he is, Tubbo" I felt him smile slightly, I smile in relief knowing he was alright.

"Quackity! I'm doing perfectly fine! Wilbur he is doing great, we are just messing around like we used to when we were younger! No need to worry about me :)"

Tubbo looks at my phone, he points out the text message from Tommy. I look at it suspiciously "Tommy never says Quackity.." I look up at Tubbo as he responds "Yeah.. Maybe he's just trying to be formal or something?" I look at the phone confused "Tommy is never formal, not even in really serious situations.. Tubbo I don't feel like Tommy typed this." I saw the brunette look away into the distance, I think he thought a similar thing but I know he doesn't want to accept that. "Tubbo..?" he looks back at me "Sorry, I just don't like thinking that.. Sure he's annoying and he can be reckless but he doesn't deserve that, if it is happening.." I gave him another hug, I feel bad for the boy, he worries so much about Tommy everyday.. I mean I do too, I really hope the Tommy we know is okay.

I decide to send another text to Tommy, we should try to meet up with him.. Maybe he can tell us seriously what's going on.

"I'm glad you're doing alright, also if you're not busy, can we meet up somewhere? Me and Tubbo just want to talk for a bit, Like the old times."
Read 2:35pm

I sigh, I don't know who is on the phone right now but whoever it is, I don't think they will respond. I look over at Tubbo again "Hey Tubbo" he looks at me, "Yeah?" I know this probably isn't the best idea but I decided to say it anyways "Let's go try to find where Wilbur and Tommy are." I saw him smile slightly and say "Let's do it tomorrow, I really want to see my friend again.." I smiled back at him "See you tomorrow, around 11am?" The younger boy nodded yes back at me, and with that we went our separate ways to do the tasks Schlatt left us with.

I really do hope that Tommy is alright, He's a good guy with a strong heart. I wish Wilbur didn't corrupt him, He has been through a lot for a 16 year old, and Wilbur being that way will definitely effect him... I hope to see you soon, Tommy.


Damn this lowkey hurts after recent events in the smp. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I think writing in Quackity's POV is pretty cool, I'll be writing in his and Tubbo's POV occasionally throughout the story. I love you guys a lot and thanks for the 100 reads! I really do appreciate the support on this book and the last one :)

-Love, Liv

"I want to leave here, but something tells me to stay." A Tommy angst Where stories live. Discover now