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⚠️ !! WARNING !! ⚠️

hyperventilating/panic attack, slight abu$e, fainting, slight overthinking

~ Quackity's POV ~

Today was the day me and Tubbo were going to visit Tommy again, potentially saving him. Until Schlatt thought of the great idea of making a festival. So here I am helping Tubbo decorate the place. I think Tubbo also realized we couldn't see Tommy today as he started to get shaky, I put a hand on his shoulder to try to calm him down slightly.

It helped but not for long as Tubbo started to breathe heavily and start to hyperventilate, I didn't know exactly what he was panicking about but I knew it had to of had something to do with Tommy guessing by the way he seemed to hold his bandana, which he told me awhile ago was a gift from Tommy. I turned Tubbo around gently to look at me and I pulled him into a warm hug, I felt the younger boy start to collapse in my arms.

He must've fainted from hyperventilating, I carefully picked him up and began taking him to Tommy's old house since that was one of the closest functioning house since the other people weren't very fond of me, since I had to agree to schlatt's ways, I knew what he would do to me if I didn't. Like the speak of the devil I noticed schlatt infront of me, "Where are you going Quackity?" I tried to say an answer that wouldn't get him mad "I'm taking Tubbo to Tommy's house to get the rest of his stuff to use for the festival" Schlatt must've known that was a lie as he began to walk closer to me.

"Quackity, we both know your lying now tell me why are you really going this way" I sighed and began to speak "I'm taking Tubbo to Tommy's house to lay him down, the boy passed out from the stress. I promise I'll go straight to work after I lay him down" Schlatt rolled his eyes and harshly grabbed my shoulder and said "You better." And with that he walked off.

I sighed of relief, I do hope Wilbur isn't like this to Tommy.. or potentially worse. I didn't think about it much in that moment, I just continued walking to Tommy's place. Looking at the house made me feel bad for the kid, gently I walked inside and placed Tubbo in Tommy's old bed and I ripped out a paper from one of the old books Schlatt gave me and wrote the following:

Hey Tubbo,
It's me Big Q, I'm sorry I'm not with you right now when you probably need someone. But just know it's not my choice to leave, but besides that I promise maybe soon before or after the festival we'll see Tommy again, I could tell you missed him a lot and I know I can't tell you for sure Tommy's okay but Tommy's a fighter and he can fight a little longer, Wilbur wouldn't have the guts to kill his brother and you were close with Wilbur so you probably know that too. See you soon.

I put the note right next to him and headed back to Manberg, I thought about Tommy some more. I guess I understand how Tubbo's feeling since I start to doubt my own words even though I know they're true, Tommy wouldn't just die on us. Wilbur what ever the fuck you're doing I hope you fucking rot in hell. Tommy's just a fucking kid and I hate the fact I had to be on Schlatt's side and agree with him exiling him, that mistake will haunt me for the rest of my days and I know it. I thought of the idea of messaging Tommy again, yeah. I could show Tubbo he's okay if he responds.

Tommy! It's Quackity again, please be okay. Tubbo is really worried about you and If you can just respond please.. I know this sounds stupid but we care about you a lot and I promise you we'll try to help you in any way we can just give us some time, since Schlatt has been heavily watching over us and I don't want him to get mad at all of us. Stay strong Tommy, for me and Tubbo.

Sent. I start to decorate for Tubbo so Schlatt wouldn't yell at him later, I hope he wakes up soon though. If he doesn't then that'll be another huge problem but I don't wanna think about the worst things right now, I mean hey this festival won't be that bad right? Maybe it can even calm Tubbo down a bit.. I really hope it does.

Hello again people, I'm surprised that I'm writing to you so soon but you know I got a sudden motivation to write and well here I am! Also the fainting might be a little off since personally I've never fainted but I've had friends who have so I just wrote from that and also from memory so I'm sorry if I messed anything up, and hey I hope you enjoy the quackity chapter I'm probably gonna do Tubbo in the next one since I want to do more chapters with him and Quackity so yeah look forward to that! :)

-Your beloved, Liv

(Ps. I did make Schlatt have some abusive ways in this chapter and that's just how I'd think Schlatt's character would be, yet Schlatt won't be as bad as Wilbur which is why I'm not making this book about Tommy and Quackity's trauma, the difference for this is on why I didn't make it the both of them is that Quackity knows how to deal with it most of the time and Tommy doesn't, since it's Wilbur and you know Wilbur is important to him so yeah! lol sorry this is so long but just wanted to say that rq)

"I want to leave here, but something tells me to stay." A Tommy angst Where stories live. Discover now