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⚠️ !! WARNING !! ⚠️

mention of panic attack, su!c!de mention, (not a warning but flashback in this chapter)

~ Tubbo's POV ~
I woke up in a strange room, only to realize it was Tommy's old room. I wondered why I was here, and how I even got here.. it all seemed to be a huge blur. I look next to me to see a piece of paper, a note from quackity? I read the letter, oh.. I remember what happened, or at least have an idea of what happened now. I must've passed out thinking about Tommy.. I look at the bottom of the letter, shit, I probably should go back to working before Schlatt yells at me.

I walk outside of Tommy's house and take a look at the bench, a tear starts to form in my eye as I remember all the times me and him used to sit there together. I would give my life to go back to those simpler times.. looking away from the bench I walk along the pathway to Manberg, I quicken my walking pace from seeing what seems to be a person, normally I wouldn't be scared about that but it could be Schlatt and I don't want to talk to him right now.

Arriving at the festival area I get back to decorating, just wanting to get this done and get this festival over with so me and Quackity can visit Tommy again and potentially save him from Wilbur. God I hope to whatever kind of higher being that Tommy is okay, knowing him he would probably be but also when Tommy's really upset he seems to think about terrible things that I'd probably faint from thinking about them.. But I can't keep worrying about him every second, Tommy's always the one to tell me to stop worrying he wouldn't want me worrying right now. I take a deep breath and convince myself to stay strong for him, hoping he does the same for me.

I noticed Quackity was no where to be seen, I wonder where he is? usually he would be out here working with me but I don't know how long it's been since we were working earlier, I should probably go find him maybe we can work out a way to sneak out to see Tommy before the festival, and if not plan for when we can afterwards. Y'know speaking of Quackity being no where to be seen, Manberg seems to be pretty empty right now.. strange. I decide to message Quackity asking him where he would be, him responding with;

Me and Schlatt are talking about the festival with other people around the area, I don't know when I'll be back but I'll try to get back soon if you need me.

I sighed reading the message, guess I won't be able to talk to Quackity then. I look in the distance at the general area of where me and him last saw Tommy, I thought to myself 'maybe I could just go visit him myself, I mean it doesn't have to be a long visit just to see if he is okay' I contemplated about it more, it was very tempting but I decided not to do it, only because of what could happen and what could go wrong. Looking away I thought of more memories me and Tommy had together;

I laughed as me and Tommy talked, He kept telling me about women and how dream was being. He never seems to talk about anything else but I didn't mind, I look over at the bench as me and Tommy begin to walk towards the general area. I think of this perfect idea and put it into plan, running away from tommy suddenly and him confused yelling in the distance.

Eventually reaching the bench and sitting down, I waited to see if Tommy would follow. And as if I knew the future Tommy appeared next to me, he sat down saying the following "what was that for?!!" I laugh and respond back "oh no reason" I laughed a little and looked back at Tommy and notice him laying on my shoulder, I smirk thinking about a joke I could say. And obviously I say it "Wow and I thought I was the 'clingy' one" I watch as he quickly removes his head from my shoulder and watch him start to yell at me "I AM NOT CLINGY YOU BITCH- YOU'RE THE CLINGY ONE! AS THE BIG MAN I AM, I AM NO WAY CLINGY!" I roll my eyes and to keep the conversation going I say "Okay fine, guess I'll just leave then" seeing his reaction change from pure anger to sadness is the funniest thing "Wait, Tubs I'm sorry don't leave.. please?"

Laughing again I sit back down on the bench, I repeat the clingy thing to him and hear him respond "Okay okay, maybe I am a little clingy but you're more clingy." I mutter a small 'sure' and this time lay my head on Tommy's shoulder and for what seemed to be hours we stayed like that, not giving a care about anything else going on in the world.

I rub the tears from my eyes and smile, Tommy I wish you were here right now. You always seemed to know how to lighten the mood, you always lightened the mood no matter what was happening. And however this festival goes it won't stop me from immediately seeing you again, hopefully I will be able to see you again. I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't.. Love you a lot Toms, I will help you from Wilbur as soon as I can and then it can be us again. And this time we'll have Quackity on our side, we will finally be able to live in peace, we can be kids again.

Not me making this chapter basically just about me missing clingytwt.. anyways I know this chapter is probably scuffed and could've been way better but motivation has been shit recently to this was all I really seemed like doing so yeah my bad, I don't really know what I'll do for the next chapter yet but it'll probably be better than this one! Also I hope you guys are doing well btw, I haven't really talked to you guys like about how you are in a while sooooo I thought this would be nice to do. This message is getting too long so till the next chapter, cya!

-Your beloved, Liv

(PS. Don't take anything in this chapter in a weird way, it's just two best friends being best friends nothing more than that. So please don't make it weird, thanks!)

"I want to leave here, but something tells me to stay." A Tommy angst Where stories live. Discover now