Chapter 13: Goodbye

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I buried my head under my pillow, suppressing my tears into sniffles

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I buried my head under my pillow, suppressing my tears into sniffles. Just as I turned my head up to grab my blanket, I paid attention to the footsteps that approached me. My eyes flickered, like a switch going on and off. My iris tried to open wide, letting the little light in my dark room enter my eyes. I saw her. Standing right in front of my eyes. I pinched myself, I wanted to know if this was all just a good dream but I didn't wake up.

"A-Ava?" I asked unsure of what was going on

"Yes Ren I am alive, don't question it" she said looking into my eyes with, what seemed like hatred. 

"Spill Ava" I demanded, wanting to know what was wrong. It seemed as if she was nervous and determined at the same time. The nervous part worried me because she wasn't one to get phased by anything.

"You are not going to like it. I don't want to ruin everything for you" she said with a scoff which made me realise that she was willing to ruin something for me. I wasn't sure what she was talking about though so I decided to listen to her as she continued "I wanna have a chance too"

"A chance for what Ava? I asked morphing my face into the serious look that was on Ava's face

"A chance to be loved, by someone who isn't you!" Ava said as her voice rose

"What do you mean Ava?" I asked as my heart sank. I never realised that Ava could have wanted to be with more people, not just me. Just because it was enough for me, didn't mean it was enough for her. Even then, it hurt to know that I wasn't enough for her.

"There's a lot you don't know" Ava replied trying to keep her calm

"THEN TELL ME!" I rose my voice, something I barely did. I had a lot of emotions running around my head like it was consisted of small kids playing tag. I felt anxious, worried but most of all. I was hurt that she couldn't trust me enough for this.

"You deserve to know" Ava said. I decided to be prepared for what was next because I had a feeling in my gut that it was huge. 

"I loathe you Ren" she spat. I took my phone out of my pocket to google what loathe meant because I had no idea. Reading the words on my phone screen made my heart sink again. Why did she say she disliked me? 

"Why, Ava?" I asked as my heart skipped a beat and I felt a lump fill in my throat. Ava looked into my eyes again. Her eyes were filled with secrets, answers, truths. I opened my mouth as I tried to speak but Ava cut me off.

"Andrea and Blair are my parents" she said as my eyes widened. It felt like I was in a roller coaster of misery and sorrow that never ended. How could they have been Ava's parents? How could they have not known about this? There were a million questions in my head but I dared not open my mouth because I knew if I did, I'd end up crying again.

"Your parents gave you to Andrea and Blair so that you will be safe. People were after your life. Your real parents thought exchanging you at birth would be a good idea and I was stuck with these demons. I had to live in an orphanage for most parts of my life when I could have been in the warmth and love my real parents would've given me" Ava said with anger and hatred. I couldn't blame her for what she felt but why did she hate me for this? I didn't even know about this. It's not like I asked for this life.

"Ava you can't blame me" I said softly, trying to suppress my tears.

"Why is your life more worthy than mine?" she spat out as she banged her fists onto the wall, mere inches away from me as if she wanted to kill me right here.

"Andrea and Blair aren't as good as you make them seem. At least your parents loved you" I said hoping to reason with her

"THEY ARE NOT MY PARENTS!" Ava screamed as she paced around the room looking for something to kick.

"Andrea and Blair abandoned me. They will never love you!" I spoke with no regret. I knew them for the monsters they were. 

"Oh please Ren. At least you had a chance and you blew it. I can practice magic. They will want me" Ava said as if she knew she was right.

"Was Blair whom you were talking to a few hours ago? The one you called dad?" I asked even though I knew the answer

"It doesn't take a genius to figure that out" She said.

"What are you going to do now?" I asked afraid. I knew she was going to leave me. I knew she was going to tell everything about me to Andrea and Blair. The fact that she was leaving me hurt me the most. Betrayal. I don't let people in. Everybody is the same. Everyone seems to abandon or betray me. I took a chance with Ava hoping she wouldn't betray me. I let her in. 

"I'm leaving to New Orleans. You are on your own" she spoke as she turned her back on me and chanted some incoherent words. white smoke filled the room as she walked through something- which was cobalt blue and looked like it was filled with water. It was a portal. She jumped into it as it closed behind her, leaving me in a room filled with water, all on my own.

I ran my fingers through my hair as I tried to focus. I didn't want to detour more than I already had. I tried to figure things out. But I couldn't. Everything led back to Ava. 

Memories rushed back to me- On my birthday when she helped me figure out what I was. The day she helped me steal the question papers. She was there for me when no one else was. She was the only one who truly understood me. I wanted to blame it so hard on Andrea and Blair but I couldn't. It was my fault. The demons were probably what Mikaela and Lucien were hiding me from. The demons were after me. They killed Bethany, made Ava have a terrible life when the whole time, It was me they were after.

Ava had a choice.

She could either stand with me, or fall with them

Author's Note: Yayyy! I finally finished this chapter. I'm not great at these kinda scenes so yea I took hella time. Honestly, Even I don't know whose side I am on. Well Imma decide later lmao. If you like this chapter, don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts. Also follow me please!! I need 45 more follows for 300 (if people don't unfollow) Ok I'm not gonna make this Author's Note extra long to byeeeeeeeeee! 😍

 Also follow me please!! I need 45 more follows for 300 (if people don't unfollow) Ok I'm not gonna make this Author's Note extra long to byeeeeeeeeee! 😍

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