Chapter 11: Answers

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18 hours before the reveal

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18 hours before the reveal...

"What are you doing?" Ren asked as she woke up to see Ava tearing her only photo with her parents

"Nothing. Ren" She replied with a hint of nervousness in her body

"Why did you tear that?" Ren asked squinting her eyebrows in disbelief

"I... I couldn't look at that anymore. I kept remembering them" Ava managed to muster

"Would you rather have them forgotten?" Ren asked

"They ruined my life. So yea. I'd rather they be forgotten" Ava said, looking at the floor

"Now what is that supposed to mean?" Ren asked with worry. She could remember how much Ava loved her parents. This sudden change of heart wasn't going to go unnoticed. 

"Just leave me alone Ren! Don't you have better things to do?" Ava asked as she stormed out of their temporary room. She slammed the door shut with a lot a force, causing Ren to jerk up.

'What is wrong with her?' Ren thought to herself as she made her way into the bathroom.


'How do I tell her this' Ava thought to herself as she was punching the wall. Ava wasn't the kind of girl to get physical. Her knuckles bled as droplets of blood fell to the ground.

'I have to clean this up now!' She thought with annoyance as she placed her left palm on her right knuckles causing it to glow. As she moved her hand from her knuckles, she saw the blood disappear and the bruises heal. She decided to clean the blood stains with magic because she could do it. Gold spark flew everywhere, making its way to the floor. In a matter of seconds, the stains were gone and only a golden carpet remained. 

She went over to a chair nearby and hung her head down. This was by far the worst week ever. First they lost Bethany and now, Ava was torn. She couldn't fathom having to choose between Ren and family. Just as she was about to start punching the wall again she heard someone speak.

"It's so nice to finally see you" a man's voice lingered around the air

"D-dad?" Ava asked as her voice cracked and her words trembled

"It's me"  the voice said calmly

"It's been a while" A female voice said. And for the first time, in a while, Ava was happy.


"Ava!" Ren called from across the hallway

"What is it?" Ava asked, sighing

"Don't be so annoying! Here I got you cookie-dough ice cream" Ren said with a smile hoping it would cheer Ava up. Ice cream was something that made Ava happy, no matter what. Ava had even come up wit a bizarre story when they were thirteen years old about her boyfriend also known as living ice cream.

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