Chapter 1: Alone

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Six years ago

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Six years ago...

Ren stood against the wall, pointing her ear towards the door. This twelve-year-old was curious indeed. She just had to know everything. It was about 2 am. Her parents awoke her with their high-pitched argument. She tiptoed downstairs towards her parents' study. She could hear their heated argument.

"We don't have a choice, Blair!" Her mom exclaimed.

"Oh, I know that! I also know that this has to be done. Andrea, how do you think we can tell her this? We can't make it seem like it's our fault. All I am trying to say is we think this through carefully," her dad said. Ren didn't know what was going on, but she guessed she would figure nothing out, so she got back to bed. Little did she know that the next day was completely going to change her life. She was going to go from being from one of the most respected family of covens to Nothing.

Her mom woke her up the next day and greeted her with kisses, as though nothing was wrong. Ren walked to the breakfast table and sat down. There she saw her grandparents, aunts and uncles and a few other people she didn't recognize. Her mom cleared her throat and spoke.

"Ren, you know we love you, right?" Her mom asked.

"Of course, mom!" she replied as her dad spoke up

"Baby, we are going to have to send you away"

"What!?!? Why!?!" Ren's face filled with horror.

This wasn't what she was expecting. The kisses? The claims of 'I love you'? Were they all just a lie? She thought as her eyes got watery. Ren wasn't a girl who cried much. She could feel her tears roll down her face as her dad came to give her a hug. He placed his hand on her shoulder. Ren picked up her cup of boiling water and threw it at her dad. Her grandmother gasped but kept quiet.

"Look Baby, we love you. But our family is a coven of powerful witches. Magic skipped a generation. We know it's not your fault that you can't do magic, but there is no place for people like you in our coven," her mom said.

"I don't want to be a part of your coven! I want to be a part of your family!!! Is that so much to ask for?" her face completely red and filled with tears. Neither her mom nor her dad had anything to say to this. They just stood quietly.

"If this is what you were going to do with me, why didn't you just give me up when I was a kid? Why wait so long? If you had given me up, I would never have to know how horrible you ALL are!" she exclaimed.

"Your grandmother only started doing magic when she was 8 years old. But she is now one of the most powerful witches. We thought it would be the same with you," her dad exclaimed. Her parents had already packed up her things and they sent her on a plane far away from New Orleans. They sent her to another continent. That's how she reached Edinburgh. New Orleans was going to forget that Ren Santiago ever existed. Ren would forget none of this. She couldn't forget any of this.

After she reached Edinburgh, she was so lost. She had nowhere to go. She didn't even know where to go. She stayed in the streets most of the days and had to steal food from others to eat. One week later, a few men from a shelter for homeless kids saw her and took her under their wing. Once she reached there, she told herself:

I never was meant to be a witch; I never was meant to live with the monsters I called my parents; I never was mean to stay in New Orleans; They took everything from me; They brought out the beast in me.

I guess I always meant to be evil.

Author's note: Hey ya'll so that was my first chapter of my book "The Lost Revenge" I will post every thursday. I hope you all enjoyed my first chapter! If you did enjoy it don't forget to vote on my chapter and do follow me! Thx! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

 I hope you all enjoyed my first chapter! If you did enjoy it don't forget to vote on my chapter and do follow me! Thx! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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