Uh oh .

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"Maan get the fuck out , I don't wanna play these games with you yo and im not , you just another one of these nigg-" .

I slammed my hands on the wall right next to her head . "Just another one of these niggas ?" I said calmly. She looked scared . "Ill never be one of these niggas ! , ill never be that nigga that hurt you ! Dont you ever compare me to that nigga ! Because I know that's who your referring to !" I said and moved her out the way and left .

I don't like when girls try and compare me to a nigga that hurt them I was really type tight about that maan .


I been watching her for a month now . I saw her at the coffee shop downtown , she looked so beautiful but I seen her with some nigga now I just seen some nigga walk out they house .. I don't know who he is but im going to find out . Im going to find a way to talk to her with out her snapping on me or try to fight me .

Shit I might do it right now I just got to talk to her before someone snatch her up .

Here goes nothing.


I watched as the boy storm out the house ... Damn I don't think calling him was a good idea I think I made it worst .. But my sister needs to learn how to talk things out and learn how to love at least somebody . I know chad hurt her but he seems like he is trying I mean he came to the house to talk things out with her and before called her back to back , after she saw what Chad did Chad didn't even call or text her .

I heard a knock at the door I went to go open it . My eyes widened..

"Is Summer here ..?" The person said . "I don't think she wants to talk or see you I think you should go before some bad shit happens nigga ." I said about to close the door . "Please Sky ." They said . "Summer someone here to talk to you! " I yelled. "Try something ill kill you myself ." I said while walking away.


After King did that I got scared a little.. I really made him mad , I could see it in his eyes .

I sat on my bed not sure what to do .. I know yall thought I was going to beg him to stay but naah I don't beg nobody to stay in my life or in my house thats not in my blood you wanna leave , leave if I know im in the wrong ill wait before I talk to you and apologize then whatever happens from there happens .

"Summer someone here to talk to you !" Sky yelled . Who the hell .. I don't talk to nobody I don't have friends I never did Sky was my only friend and sister. I walked downstairs and my eyes widened.

"Summer." He said. "What the fuck you doing here Chad ? Get the fuck out . How did you even find me ." "Summer please just listen to me ." Chad said . "Get the fuck out before I kill yo stupid ass !" I yelled. "Summer please ! Maan please!" He pleaded .

"Talk maan ." I said crossing my arms . "In your room ?" He asked . I walked upstairs with him following. I sat on my bed , he closed the door .

"Speak." I said crossing my arms . "Summer im so sorry for what I did I truly am I-" "you didn't text or call me after it happened Chad no nothing you cheated on me and broke my heart now I don't give no nigga the time of day ! You lied , you promised me you wouldn't hurt me ! You did .. With another bitch .. You disgust me I hate you ! I never wanna see you again I dont give a fuck about what you talking to me about its over and done with ! Get out ! Now !" I said crying

I don't want to see Chad honestly im filled with anger because of him . I opened the door and he stood there . "Really Summer ? I still really love you .. " he said looking down . "You wanna know why I can't believe you ?" I said looking at you. "Why .." He said looking up . "Because you couldn't even look me in my eyes and tell me you still love me ... Your second option hurt you or didn't work out , now you want me back to get back at her or to get over her .. No .. You gotta get over it just like I did or you can be the coward you are and go find someone else to get her off your mind . Instead of running away from your problems , face them . " I said opening the door wider . " you don't love me no more?" He said with a sad look . " No . I don't now leave ." I said nonchalant.

He walked out and looked back . "I will have you back and show you how much I have changed ." He said . "You won't I don't wanna hear or see you again . So I won't see your change . " I said looking at him . I closed the door and layed on my bed .

Maybe I should talk things out with King .. I never gave him a chance to speak .. Maybe tomorrow.. I cut my stereo on and fell asleep.

Ring ! Ring !

My phone went off . I looked over at the clock it read 4oo am . "Hello ?" I said . "Open the door Summer ." King said .

I got up and opened the front door . "King what are you doing here ? Its too damn late ." I said rubbing my eyes . "I just wanna talk ." He said walking in . I closed the door and walked to my room and sat on my bed .

"Wassup ." I said looking

How was chapter 7?
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