Meeting him

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I got out the shower and picked out a outfit . I picked out a black Last kings shirt and some denim shorts with a black beanie and my diamond studs my body chain and diamond ring that matches the ring my twin got on with the jordan 11 low green snakeskins I lotioned my body and curled my jet black hair and put my clothes on . I walked down stairs and went to the kitchen to get something to eat , I just ate a hot pocket and went in the living room to watch T.v .

After waiting 10 minutes for this bitch she came down stairs looking right do you hear me had on the jordan low retro 11 white and black with a red shirt that said "slow bucks" and some cargo pants with gold diamond necklace and our matching ring . We took a picture and put it on IG . "Lets go ." I said grabbing the car keys to the all black mercedes. The benz our business car .

We pulled up on the opposite side of the street where the party was and got out as soon as we opened the door all you could smell was the loud hit you and heard chief keef - morgan tracey playing .

Everybody was turnt so me and Sky went over to the bottles and started pouring our drinks . Just then I felt someone bump into me I turned to look and saw this fine ass brownskin he looked bout 6'0 with smooth skin and the smile of a goddess and a fresh cut. Had on a white v neck with some cargos on and some white cocaines on with a gold watch and a chain to match .

Lord I scanned his body and got snapped out of my thoughts "My bad." He said smiling . I didn't say nothing just walked away until he grabbed my arm . "My name is King and yours?" "Summer." I answered looking back and getting out of his grip and kept walking .

He grabbed me again "Damn ma you not gone dance with me?" I looked around and spotted my twin having a good time dancing . "I guess , but just one . " I said as he smirked. Just then the body came on by wale . I was feeling it just moving with beat . He gripped my hips and went along with me.

I then felt someone push me I snapped my neck to see who it was . Lil bum bitch looking like a chicken head the usual bitches . "What you doing dancing with this bitch when you avoidin me all night!" she snapped at king . "Bitch ?" I said looking confused. "Man Chelsey You not my girl no more maan why is you even over here !" King snapped back . "Yes bitch ! Why you all up on my nigga?" Chelsey said facing me . Sky came up "Problem? " she asked Chelsey . " Im sure you don't want these problems lil bitch ." I said calmly "but if you do wassup?" I said taking off my jewlery and taking my head band out my pocket and wrapped it around my hand .

Then one of her other lil bum ass munchkins came up . " bitches must want to get slung all around the house huh ?" She said laughing . Sky took her jewlery off . I swung on Chelsey connecting with her jaw she flew back . Sky swung at the girl and she stumbled. I didn't wait for the bitch to get up just got on her and started taking all face shots . I was lifted up and kicked in her face before being carried out .

"No ! Where the fuck is my sister!" I said bugging "chill she right on the porch ." King said. I walked over to the porch "come on , we out ." I said walking to the car and Sky behind me . When I was bout to pull up I see king in front of my car . I chuckled.

He came to my side of the car " Damn ma no number?" "Gimme yours ." I said holding my hand out . He handed it to me . I put my number in , gave it back and drove off before he could say anything else.

When I looked over Sky was looking at me in concern . "What ? " I said confused . "Why you give him your number Summer ? You never gave a nigga yo number . Whats up with him ?" She asked laughing . "Oh , nothing serious i just need someone to talk to thats it ." I said shrugging.

"But why him ? He is literally the first boy you even spoke back to and didn't give a dirty look , or haven't said anything disrectful to him , you actually smiled when he was infront of the car and you didn't run him over ." She said . I shrugged "Nothing serious maybe I just wanted to be nice to the boy ." "NICE? Since when are you nice ? Im nicer then you ." She said . "Well look shut the fuck and leave it alone." I said pulling up in the driveway.

I got out and closed the door , and walked in the house and sat on the couch. She came in and sat on the couch across from me "I think you have a attitude because im right." "No I have a attitude because you won't shut the fuck up about it !" I said throwing the couch pillow at her head. "Damn bitch why you mad ! " she said laughing . "Oh suck a dick ." I said getting up and walking to my room , I locked the door behind me because this bitch too much .

I laid back and as my phone vibrated . It was King I smiled a little.

* Texting Mode *
King: wyd ma ?

Me: shit chilling , wby ?

King : the same , but you got some hands ma , you and yo sister.

Me : Lol , yeah we know .

King : well what you doing toma?

Me: nothing I know of ... Why ?

King : I wanna take you somewhere..

* Texting Mode Over*

"Say yes bitch !" I jumpped noticing Sky ass right over my shoulder. "How the he-" she snatched my phone and texted back and gave it back . "You will thank me later." She said walking out . "Knocking would be nice to do hoe instead of fucking sneaking in you criminal bastard!" I yelled " I know my daddy bitch ! " she yelled back.

I laid there on my bed . What the fuck is going on with me I don't wanna get to know this nigga ... Do I ? Naah , Naah can't be Summer will never fall in love or catch feelings for these niggas . But he too damn fine .. Lord . I put on some music on my stereo and listened to music all night until I fell asleep .

Chapter 4 :) how yall like it so far ?
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