Maybe I Do

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*The Next Day*

So its morning I woke up and did my morning routine and went in summer room to wake her up . "Wake up we gotta go to the trap." I said pushing her . She hopped up and did her morning routine as well.

I got dressed in all black , black sweat pants , black shirt , and my all black timbs .

Not too long after did Summer come walk in my room. "Come on ." She said grabbing the keys , we hopped in the benz and drove to the trap .

When we pulled up we hopped out walking towards the basement . There these niggas was sleep , I took the bucket of water and threw it on them . They immediately woke up and started bugging . "Shut the fuck up its too early to be yelling ." Summer said covering her ears .

The room grew quite .

I pointed the gun to one of them "what you got to say before I blow ya head off ?" I asked . "Fuck you !" He yelled bang ! "Well fuck you too ." I said

Summer went to the other " and you ?" She said pointing the gun in his face . "What did you want from us ?" He said . She put the gun in his mouth and looked him in his eyes and said , " Ya soul ." Bang !

We dug through they pockets for anything and found they phones and hella money . Spending money 😏 . We then took the bodies to the river and dumbed them there . We hopped back in the benz and went to house .


As I walked in the house my phone went off . It was from King . I smiled when I looked at it .

*Texting mode*

King : wya ma ?

Me : Home wassup ?

King : Lets hang out

Me : where ?

King : Anywhere you wanna go , my treat .

Me : Meet me on 1st street downtown at the coffee shop at 6 okaay ?

King : Ite ma see you then 😏.

*Texting mode over*

After talking to King I been smiling all day . I was on the couch watching spongebob. I was laughing and Sky came in .

"you in a good mood , wonder why ?" She said smirking "ooh no reason but im going out tonight. " I said quickly . Her eyes widened, " with who bitch !? That boy ? Lord girl he got yo ass going out with out me bitch 😑 . Where yall going ?" She asked ." Yes and poetry spot downtown." I said " Aww where daddy used to always take us with mommy ."

I looked over at the clock it said 5 I jumped up and went to take a 30 minute shower and picked out my clothes I brushed my teeth and washed my face . I aint put on nothing too dressy just some jeans a white shirt and my all whites with my 3 gold necklaces and diamond ring with my hair all wild and curly .

I read the clock it said 5:45 . I grabbed my keys and ran down stairs and kissed Sky on her cheek , "okay loves and kisses ." I said before leaving . I hopped in the mercedes and drove downtown .

As I pulled up I seen him outside waiting for me . I got out and walked over and hugged him . "Hey King " I said looking at the ground . He lifted up my head looking me in my eyes . "Heey baby girl , you look real beautiful tonight ." He said still looking at me . "Thank you ." I said smiling , I grabbed his hand and walked him in the coffee shop .

We sat down waited for the show . "So whats this ?" He asked looking confused. " its a poetry place inside a coffee shop ." I said looking around . "How you find this place ?" He asked . "My father used to bring my sister and mother and I here when me and my sister was younger , come here time to time with my sister." I said looking down at the menu . "How old are you ?" He asked "17 , you ?" I asked back . "17 , 18 in a couple of weeks . Yo parents must be rich you pushin a mercedes around ." He said , I stayed quiet. My face dropped . "Did I say something wrong ma ?" "Huh ? No .. My parents are dead they died when me and my sister was 10 ." I said looking away.

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