Prince ❤️

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Me and Sky was sitting in the chair next to Summer. I was holding Summer's hand . "Maan we need you Summer ." I said with my head down ... Nothing she aint move or speak.


"Maan we need you Summer ." I heard King say . I been able to hear now , I opened my eyes .

"King .." I said softly. Sky and King head shot up . "Summer !" They both said . "Bitch don't scare me like that again ill smack yo ass 😂" she said laughing .

The nurse walked in "aww it looks like miss Summer is up ." "Yes " I said smiling . "Well let me come back and see when we can let you go ." She said walking out .

We held conversations for like a hour . She came back . "You can leave right now if you like ." I got up and hurried to put my clothes on . I been in here too long .

I signed the paper and left I hopped in the car . " aww shit my bitch out now had me thinking she was finna die and shit ." Sky said. "Naah you know a bitch like me had to pull through." I said laughing . Me and Sky looked at each other . "Shotta Shit !" We said .

King laughed but he hasnt spoken much . "Whats wrong tink ?" I asked . "...some shit I need to talk to you ." He said still driving . Me and Sky looked at each other . "Okaay .." I said . He dropped Sky off and we went to his house .

The ride was silent . We pulled up at his house and got out . We went in the house and I sat on the couch .

"Look Summer if you don't want to speak to me after this I completely understand." He said , I sat back and crossed my arms and legs ready for his words so I can cut his ass .

"I gotta 2 year old son ." He said . I sat there quite for a little bit . "You still fucking around with the baby momma?" I asked . "No ." He replied. "Okaay ." I said

He looked shocked . "what ?" I asked . "You not mad ?" He asked . " King what I need to be mad for ? Yo son was here before you met me it aint shit I can do and you aint fucking with her so shit it aint my problem ." I said .

He looked at me . "Well where he at ?" I said looking around . "He with his mom I get him tomorrow." He said . Then he got a call .

"Hello ?.. What you mean come get him ? .. You gone do what !? Maan if you touch my son ima kill you yo ! Don't touch my fucking son ! " he said tearing up . I jumpped up and grabbed his keys .

Looks like im whooping someone ass today .. The day I get out the hospital . Nobody should put they hands on a child .

King hung up and I was already at the door . "Shit yo car or mine and you driving or me ?" I asked . "Mine and ill drive ." He said . We hopped in the car and drove to im guessing his baby momma house but the ride was quite .

We pulled up at the girl house . We hopped out and the baby was on the porch with all his clothes outside . My blood began to boil .

King ran up to the baby and checked him . I ran after him the baby had bruises on his face .. His nose was bleeding. "This bitch touched my son ! " King yelled . King started banging on the door . "Tylisha open the fucking door !" He yelled .

I picked up all the baby's clothes and picked the baby up . He wasn't even crying just groaning . I wanted to cry so bad . I put him in the car .

This bitch gotta pay , I got my gun from under the seat I put the silencer on , wrapped my head band around my hand and went up to the door and shot the knob off and kicked that bitch in . King walked in and the baby momma walked out .

She looked bout broke down , ugly as hell ." I told you come get him and if not I was gone beat his ass ." She said nonchalant. I walked in , she looked livid . "You gone bring this bitch in my house !" She yelled . It was over I swung and it connected right with her chin , she fell.

I got on top of her "bitch I should cave yo fucking chest in !" I yelled . I kept hitting her "how the fuck can you put your hands on your own child , a helpless fucking child bitch !" I kept hitting her .

"Ill make sure you never see him again bitch !" I stood up and was about to get my pistol until I felt myself being lifted up and dragged out the house . "Summer please calm down ." King said holding me .

The sound of his voice made me calm . I got out of his grip and walked back into the house and walked to find the baby's room , I found it and went in her room to find a duffel bag .

I took all of his toys and grabbed his blanket and walked back to the car . King got in after me and we left , the car ride was silent .

We made it to his house and I got up and got the baby who is still groaning from the bruises. King opened the door and I went upstairs to the bathroom.

I ran the water and put him in and washed him up . King came and leaned against the door frame. "whats his name ?" "Prince ." He said . "Heey baby , you feeling okay?" I said washing him up . He shook his head no . "You won't have to worry about anyone else hurting you okay baby ?" "Yes " he said .

I got a towel and wrapped it around him . I walked to King's room and lotioned him up and put some clothes on him and went to the kitchen . "You hungry little man ?" "I want some juice .." He managed to get out .

I got him some juice and picked him up and went to His room and I turned on cartoons . He drunk his juice in my arms and I wrapped him in his blanket and rocked him . "At forty-four minutes to four , An angel walked up to my door. Opened the windows to my soul , Told me he thinks that I should know . That there's no slowing down .As the globe spins 'round and 'round You gotta keep goin" I sang to him while rocking him .

He fell asleep, I layed him there and walked out to King's room . He was sitting on the side of his bed with the light cut off I could only see his face because the moon was shining on it .

I walked over to him . "You okay ?" I asked "no " he said said breaking down . I hugged his head . "Im sorry maan I didn't mean for none of this to happen." He said crying . "My son .. My prince .. I put him in danger .. I let him get hurt .. I could kill this bitch .." He said hitting the wall . I jumpped a little "Stop ... Please ." I said softly, he could tell I got scared .

He calmed down , I kissed him and he kissed me back . I got up and layed down and I layed my head on his chest . I felt all his tense go away and we went to sleep .


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