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They day we supposed to kill her is the day she takes my sister 😒 .

She knew we was a threat from the start .

I rushed to put my clothes on and King grabbed my arm .

"Summer let me come with you ." he said .

"Your the reason she got taken .... if you wouldn't have came in my life ... She would still be here .. Me and Sky do this shit on our own rest of you is dead weight . " I said snatching my arm away .

I walked out but stopping in my tracks I turned and said .

"And if you still here when I get back ima drop you where you stand with 2 bullets in your chest ." I said walking out the door .

I was livid at King ... no I didn't mean what I said but I also kill anyone that puts me and Sky in danger..

I pulled up at the address and sat across the street and waited ..

God I hope she still breathing...

I wasn't nervous or scared to do this shit on my own .

I grabbed the pistol and walked around the back .

No cars was in the drive way .

I broke in the back door and started searching .

I opened a door and dropped to my knees infront of Shawn.

" Oh my god Shawn ." I said trying to untie his dead body .

He was shot in the head three times .

"shawn por qué hacer esto a mi hermano despertar nena por favor ." I said with tears falling .

I sat there for a minute and got up .

They got to die ..

I searched all the rooms and went to the basement to see ...

Guess ...

Chad ... yes Chad with Navaya .. and Sky who just so happend to look up and saw me .

She started mouthing distract them .

I went upstairs took a knife and took the glass and threw it at the wall and hid behind the door .

They ran out the door and I slid in and ran downstairs to cut the rope .

I cut it and Sky was all bruised up .. We didn't have much time so I put her pistol in her hand .

"6o seconds once one of them start talking and shoot Chad in the knee I got Navaya . "I said to go find a hiding spot .

They came down shortly after .

"Where ya sister now ? ." Navaya said laughing .

"She don't love yo ass like she say cause you still here , she probably in the house fucking King she don't give a fuck about you , you was just her little puppy ." she said .

"You sick .. I hope you and him burn in hell see if Chad still standing after today which I doubt he gone go through the same shit ." Sky said smirking .

"Bitch you know I will kill you now ? " She asked .

3 seconds .

"You aint standing for long ." Sky said getting up and shooting Chad .

He dropped and Navaya did too .

We dragged them to the chairs and tied them up .

They were both groaning .

"Chad ." I said putting my gun in his face smiling .

"Long time no fucking see bitch !" I yelled .

"My sister? Lol , you really thought you would get away with this ?" I asked .

He sat there looking at me ...

No Chad never seen this side of me simply cause I never trusted him with knowing this side .

"You sir disgust me ." I said spitting in his face .

Navaya sat there scared .

"You told her where I lay my head at ?" I said hitting him .

"Damn Summer you can do all this too someone you once loved ?" He asked .

I got in his face .

"You showed no mercy too my sister, you was dumb enough to kidnap my sister! You a bitch , nigga fuck you . I hate you . Betrayed me ... and didn't give a fuck huh ?" I said shoving the gun in his mouth .

It hurt to look him in the eyes ... a nigga I planned my whole life out with was in the whole time to kill me ..

"Thats why you came back .. yall was plotting right ? You kill my brother ? Then try and kill my sister? " I said with my finger on the trigger .

"Shawn ? " Sky asked tearing up .

"Yes ." I said still looking Chad in the eyes.

She shot Navaya in the head .

I blew Chad brains out .

I helped Sky outside .

We got in .

We seen a car .. Trigga got out .

I smirked and got out .

3 minutes later got back in .

Trigga came running out and hopped in his car .

We watched him as he sped off and not to far down the road Sky pushed the button and we laughed as he blew up .

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