4 down 1 to go.

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After the argument between me and Summer, I needed to talk to her I just want to apologize and talk to her bout the reason she act the way she do .

I can't stop thinking about her I really like Summer ... The way she smile .. The way her curly hair is ... The way her eyes shine when she talks to me . It was now 35o and I just couldn't wait no more . I just had to see her to talk I got in my car and drove off .

1o minutes later I pulled up at her house and called her . "Hello ?" She said . "Open the door Summer ." A couple minutes later she opened the door .

"King what are you doing here? Its too damn late . " she rubbing her eyes . "I just wanna talk ." I said walking in . She closed the door and walked to her room with me following behind her . She sat on her bed .

"Wassup." She said looking at me . "Im sorry for what I did to you , yes I was with my ex .. Yes we only call each other when we want to fuck but yesterday was my first time calling her since we started talking I don't know why I called her but I did but she is nothing to me no more.." I said looking her in her eyes .

She looked hurt but like she was crying before .. When I first started speaking to Summer I could see the hurt in her eyes .. But after a while it went away until yesterday when she looked me ..

"King im sorry for pushing you out yesterday and saying what I said and -" "who was it and what did he do and how long was it ." I said interrupting her . "Chad ... I caught him cheating at his house and a year ago .. " she said looking away .

"You still love him ?" I asked . "No I don't I can honestly say ." She said looking me in my eyes "what did he teach you ?" I asked . "To not trust nobody .." She said . "So he made you who you are today ?" I asked . "He is 1/3 of the reason why I dont love .. But yes he is partly responsible." She said .

"Have you talked to him ?" I asked . "No ... Not until last night ..." She said looking away . "Why ? Because of me ?" I asked getting upset . "He randomly showed up after a year after the situation I don't know how he found me .. He just popped up ." She said quickly still looking me in my eyes .


"So .. Wanna tell me why you are the way you are now ?" He asked. "10 ... Sky and I were 10 we came home from school and they told us somethings and my father gave me something to get me and Sky out of here wouldn't tell us what was happening.. Right after they were shot 6 times by 4 people ." I said crying ..

I couldn't dare tell him that I was going after the people that killed my parents he probably would try and stop me . That's something I dont need right now . I promised I would look the person that ordered the people to kill my parents in the eye once again wether I was dying or he was .

King wiped the tears from my eyes and hugged me. "I .. Don't .. Understand.. Why ... They ... Took ... Them .. From .. Us .. " I said in between cries . "Summer im here ." He said kissing my forehead. I just wanted to sleep ..

I just got under the covers and tried to sleep . King got behind me grabbing me .. I don't let people touch me but I let King .

"I won't let nobody else hurt you as long as im stand on this earth ." He said .. I slowly fell asleep.


I was ready to get these niggas . They need to die by the end of the day . I woke up this morning putting my clothes on to go past Ramon's trap just to see if I seen them . I didn't bother my sister I heard that boy come over early this morning . Ill scope it out myself and find out what these niggas doing and where they headed .

I went past the trap just to see that these 2 are leaving . We already know where he stay and everything we just need to know how to get in his house and kill him .

They got in the car and started driving I started to follow them I guess they was doing a drop off because of the duffle bags they went into a parking garage , I got out my car with my book bag and walked in . I took my pisI saw them hop out the car and start walking . I hid behind one of the cars so they couldnt see me , they walked right past .

I took my bookbag off and slid under the car , I connected a bomb to when they come to a complete stop boom ! They gone . Then all we got left is Ramon which is going to be hard . I got 10 seconds to get out of here good thing they parked near the door .

I got from under the car and got my book bag and walked out . I got in the car and as soon as I did they were walking out I set my timer at 40 seconds . I saw them coming around the corner 10 seconds left they began to slow down 3...2...1 Boom !

I texted Summer "4 down 1 to go ."

How was chapter 8 😌😌 ?
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