Outta love

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I sat there in the living room and got a text ..

I love you too sisters . I texted Summer back .

"Ant ." King said .

I looked up with a blank stare .

"Whats up with you ." He said .

"Leave him alone King him and Chass probably fussing , you know how that go . " Deshawn said .

He know it's something bad and he knows me well .

I just sighed sat back and closed my eyes .. And waited for my sisters but fell asleep.

I heard the screen door open .

I seen Summer and Sky pull they flag down ..

Summer had a bookbag on and they was in all black everybody stared at them .

"Come here ." Summer said walking to the back .

"Well hello to you too !" Everyone said except King who was still staring .

"Wassup everyone." Sky and Summer said .

We walked to my room .

"I don't want you guys doing this no more ill do it , I don't want yall to die Summer you like my sister maan I don't know what I would do if you left .. And for me to let you do this is wrong on my part .." I said

"We good over here brother ." Summer said reaching in her book bag .

She pulled out 2 stacks and threw it at me .

"Look I want you to take this go have fun .. Take ya girl out .. Just live ite ?" She said .

"I can't take this from you .." I said looking down .

By the time I looked up they were walking out .

Everyone stared at them but I ran after them .

"Time ?" I asked Summer.

"Same time like always brother ." she said turning around and smiling .

Every since we found out about everything we got closer , she came over every night at the same time 11 .

We talked about everything from her to King and her parents she never told me what happened though just that they died but when she said it she teared up .

They left and everyone turned to me .

King spoke up "what the fuck was that about Ant?"

"Nothing ." I said sitting down .

"When yall get so close ?" He asked .

"Been close ." I said putting my head in my hands .

"What time she coming back ?" He asked .

"Why you asking bout her anyways ?" Navaya asked .

I looked up and gave her a blank stare .

"You don't speak on her no nothing King can do whatever he pleases to do ." with that being said I got up and walked to my room .

King came bussing in "Fuck wrong with you ?"

"Not shit ." I said looking at the clock .

"What time she coming ? " He asked.

"She don't wanna be around you or see you so I can't tell you ." I said .

"Maan what the fuck going on ?" He asked .

I looked at him . "It aint my place to tell .."

"You supposed to be my nigga and you can't tell me !?" He yelled .

"You put yo dumb ass in this situation! Its not my place man ! This aint the time yo ." I said grabbing my keys .

I went to the living room and looked right at Navaya.

I shook my head and walked out .

Just waiting for this shit to be over .


When we got home I just broke down ..

I got a call from King .

"What ?" I asked answering the phone .

"Summer what the -"

"King don't call me no more ." I said hanging up .

I really can't believe what im doing this for him .. But I can't have him or my brother dying .. They created this war and me and Sky gone finish it .

Ant called me .

"Wassup ?" I said

"Get over here now you and Sky ." He said .

"Say no more ." I said hanging up .

Me and Sky hopped in the car and pulled up at Ant house in 10 mins .

We hopped out and saw Navaya standing outside fussing with Ant everybody was outside .

" What's going on ?" I asked wrapping my headband around my hand .

I just knew some shit was finna jump off.

"You called these goofy bitches back over here ?" Navaya asked laughing .

My blood started to boil and I guess King seen my face .

"Chill out Navaya!" He yelled .

"You want this war I see ." Sky said pulling up her pants.

"You care bout this bum bitch more then you care bout me !" Navaya yelled .

I swung on her connecting with her jaw .

She swung back hitting me in my eye.

We going blow for blow , until I took her head and slammed it into the car window causing it to break.

She dropped with blood all on her face .

I looked up with all eyes on me ...

King was standing there with his mouth wide open ..

"Now pick ya bitch up ." I said looking King in his eyes .

"Lets go Sky ." I said walking to the car .

She did as told ..

I honestly hoped she died ... Right there in Kings arms .

I was filled with anger and pain .. I just wanted to be alone ... But I had to stay close .

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