Never Mix Enemies with Business (E)

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Seokjin is on his way to campus to meet his friends for breakfast before class starts, when he arrives Jimin and Yoongi are already waiting for him and wave him over, "morning guys, sorry I am late, my dad called, he wants to meet me for dinner tonight." Seokjin and Jimin are best friends, they have been since birth practically, their parents are old college friends who stayed in touch.

Seokjin's father, Namjoon started a cosmetics company many years ago, and it's turned into one of Korea's largest most lucrative companies, making Kim Namjoon a self made Billionaire, he has expanded his business' to Europe and the US and his products are used by famous people and on runways all over the world. When Jin graduates he will become his father's COO and then take over when Namjoon steps down.

"Let's get going or we will be late, I still have to stop at my locker", Jin says grabbing his backpack. Just then a commotion starts in the cafeteria, when the three friends look to see what is happening they are not surprised to see Park Taehyung in the middle of it. Taehyung is Jimin's step brother, Jimin's mother passed away when he was 6 years old, and his father Park Hoseok remarried Taehyung's mother Wan Aera who started out as a model, became a fashion designer, building her company from the ground up, now she is one of the most successful women in Korea.

Namjoon and Hoseok helped her get started and now they are all business partners, Hoseok and Aera divorced a few years ago, but remain civil for the boys, and for their working relationship, Taehyung was also 6 years old when Aera married Hoseok, and Hoseok gave Taehyung his last name, he has been the only father Taehyung ever knew, he never knew his real father.

The three boys grew up side by side, they did everything together, then Jimin and Jin noticed as they got older that Taehyung was changing, becoming very conceited and rude, he is also becoming the biggest fuck boy on campus, he is supposed to take over as COO of his mother's company once he graduates, so unfortunately Jin and Tae have a lot of business classes together.


  "Ugh, your brother's over there acting a fool as usual Jimin", Jin teases. "Step-brother, thank you very much, I do not share blood with him, thank god", Jimin says annoyed. Jin and Yoongi laugh and head in different directions to their classes. Jin does very well in school, he is well liked by everyone and gets asked out by males and females alike, but he wants to just finish college, start work then he can concentrate on a relationship.

He has had a few dates in the past, but nothing serious, growing up he actually had a crush on Taehyung, but when he started becoming an asshole, that all stopped. Tae was Jin's first kiss, and he probably doesn't even remember that, god knows he tries hard to forget it too. Byeol was sitting on the desk in front of Jin and they were talking about the assignment before the teacher starts class, Jin sees Tae walk in and unfortunately his seat is next to Jin's.

They don't talk to each other, if they do its usual in a nasty way, so they try to avoid any communication at all costs, so Byeol breaks the silence, "want to go to the movies tonight." "Ah, I can't, my dad asked me to have dinner with him tonight, maybe this weekend if you are free", Jin says. She smiles. "I'll go with you", Tae chimes in. Byeol scoffed, "as if, sorry Taehyung I have standards and the common sense to say hell no to you." She turns around in her seat as Jin chuckles and starts reading his book.

"What's so funny", Tae asks angrily. Jin looks at him out of the corner of his eye, and just shakes his head, he knew he liked Byeol for a reason, Tae has a horrible reputation around campus, Jin has heard he comes to class drunk, and has had sex in the school bathroom more than once, classless as far as he's concerned. Tae has a good life, he has two parents that love him, they may be divorced but at least he has both still above ground, Jimin and Jin both lost their mothers, and Tae gained an awesome step dad. 

Jimin's dad is amazing, he's funny, and he is really good looking for being an older man, Jin has told Jimin that if Hoseok wasn't his dad he'd make him his sugar daddy. The teacher finally starts class and the morning drags on slowly, Jin can't wait for lunch, he is starving.


That night Jin was at home getting ready to have dinner with his dad, he was going to meet him there from the office. After he finds a suitable outfit and does his hair, he has to admit he looks HOT AF, he blows a kiss to himself and then leaves for the restaurant.

When he walks in he wants to turn and walk right back out. "Seokjin, where are you going", Namjoon asks. Taehyung looks up at Jin and has to do a double take, "fuck." "Nowhere dad", Jin says as he bows to Aera and his father, then sits down. Jin side eyes Taehyung and sees him staring at him, Jin looks at him full on and with a flirty smile says, "what, like what you see." "Very much so", Tae says with a tone in his voice that gives Jin goosebumps. Jin scoffs, "whatever." He turns away and focuses on his father, "we need to talk to you both about something rather serious."

The waiter comes over and takes their orders, when he gets to Jin he smiles and asks if he could have Jin's number. Tae sat forward, "excuse me, Just take our orders, we are here with family and that is very disrespectful, how do you know I am not his boyfriend or husband." He sat back in his chair, while Jin stared at him with wide eyes. "Im sorry sir, that was very disrespectful of me", the waiter says bowing, he finishes taking the orders and walks away.

"Idiot", Taehyung says under his breath, but Jin heard him. "I could have taken care of that myself ya know", Jin says annoyed. Taehyung grunted, "can't just say thank you, can you." Jin was so annoyed, "what did you want to talk to us about." Aera starts, "my business is in trouble, and I need your help."

Tae sits up straighter looking at his mother with concern, he places his hand over his mother's and she starts to cry, "Oh TaeTae I am sorry to ask this of you and Jin, but we will need for you two to get married."

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