All Work and No Play(E)

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The next morning Tae wakes up and holds his head, he didn't sleep well at all worrying about Jin, he gets up and checks the condo again, still no sign of him ever coming home. He takes a shower and gets ready for work, his phone starts ringing, and he sees its Aera telling him to go to NARI first thing for a meeting, so that he and Jin can be introduced as new hires.

Across town Jin and Jungkook are just waking up and Jin slaps Jk's arm, "Ow, what was that for."  He says grabs Jin and hugs him to his chest, making Jin squeal, "I'm sore and today is my first day of work." "Are you complaining because I won't let you out of this bed if you do that", Jungkook says bringing Jin's beautiful lips to his. They get up and take a shower together, afterward Jin makes them breakfast, then gets dressed, he bought a brand new suit for his first day, he had it tailor made so it fits him like a glove.

When he walks out of the bedroom Jungkook drops his fork, "Holy Fuck Jin, are you serious right now", he says standing up and walking circles around Jin, "you are fucking gorgeous and that suit looks amazing on you, too bad your fiancé will be there today because I wouldn't let anyone near you." They kiss deeply, Jungkook putting his forehead to Jin's, "good luck on your first day, gorgeous." "Thank you Kook-ah", Jin says licking his lips. Jungkook growls, "lets go before I tear that suit off." Jin laughs and grabs his briefcase.

Tae pulls up to the NARI building and sits for a second to gather himself, after a minute he gets out of his car and heads up to the top floor where Namjoon and Jin's offices are, he sees Hoseok and his mother standing in the conference room talking, he walks over and hugs her from behind. "Oh, Taehyung you scared me", she turns and looks at him. 

"You are gorgeous son, are you excited", she asks. "Yea, have you seen Jin this morning", Tae asks. "No, not yet", then they all hear the elevator and turn to look to see Jin and Jungkook walking out together, Taehyung's jealousy spikes but when he sees Jin and how gorgeous he looks the feelings morph into want and need.

"Oh, Jungkook", Hoseok says, "come with me I have to show you something." Tae notices the look between Jin and Jungkook and the way Jungkook's hand slide off of Jin's back. "Good Morning Aera, Tae", Jin says bowing. "Seokjin you are breathtaking, that suit is so well made, I am so proud to call you my son in law", Aera coos. Jin grabs Taehyung's hand and slides the ring on his finger. "You weren't home last night, I was worried", Tae says not letting go of Jin's hand. 

"You left, I didn't think you would be back, we all know how Kai influences you to make stupid decisions, Taehyung", Jin says coldly, "If you were my husband for real, Id make sure that he never contacts you again." He then walks to Namjoon's office. Taehyung is stunned, he never realized Jin didn't like Kai, but it's true Kai does influence Tae to do stupid things. 

To hear Jin talk like that was kind of hot actually, he knows Jin would wear the pants in the family, it will be interesting to watch him at work, but he is sad that Jin keeps saying if they were married for real, that hits home and it hurts, because he wants it to be real.


Tae makes a cup of tea and sits at the table, the meeting will start in a minute, he pulls his phone out and sees a pic on IG that Kai posted of Tae making out with some chick from the night before, "classy Taehyung." Tae jumps, startled by Jin standing behind him, "Jin I-."

 "Save it Tae, it's not the first it won't be the last", Jin says with sadness in his voice, "that's the other reason I would eliminate Kai from your life, you have a respectable job now and if he keeps posting that shit, no one will ever take you seriously."

 Jungkook walks in with Hoseok and Namjoon, putting his hand on Jin's shoulder, he sits next to him, Tae did not like that one bit, he gives Jungkook the stink eye and Jungkook can't help but laugh, he knows all about Taehyung's immature shenanigans, and he also knows that he loves Jin, he can see it in his face when he looks at Jin.

Aera stands up and greets everybody, she then introduces Tae and Jin, making everybody welcome them on their first day and to announce their upcoming nuptials, Jin jumps a little when he feels Jungkook's hand on his thigh under the table, Tae notices Jin's reaction and sees Jungkook's hand almost sitting on Jin's dick. Taehyung pouts and grabs Jin's hand and intertwines their fingers, letting everybody see. 

Jungkook chuckles at Taehyung's actions and lowers his hand a bit on Jin's thigh, he doesn't want Jin turned on because he won't be able to help him till later. Meanwhile Jin is smiling at Taehyung for his bold move, even though Jin knows he only did it because of Jungkook's antics. Jin squeezes Tae's hand, when he looks at Jin, he smiles and Tae's heart pounds in his chest. 

He begins rubbing his thumb over Jin's hand and Jin's stomach does flips, after the meeting they had to part ways, Tae heard Jungkook whisper to Jin that he would see him tonight, and again Taehyung did not like what was going on, still holding Jin's hand he pulls him up and walks over to the corner of the office, away from everyone else. "I have to go back to my office, but I guess now we can start acting like fiancés", Taehyung says leaning closely to Jin, "Jin, please have dinner with me tonight." 

Tae's lips are barely touching Jin's, "Please." He kisses Jin lightly, but Jin remembers that IG post from just last night, and he pushes Tae away, "don't kiss me until you stop kissing everybody else." Tae could see the pain in Jin's eyes, Jin turns and walks toward his office, he turns back around, "Taehyung." 

Tae looks up in surprise, "If you can tear yourself away from Kai, we can go out tonight." Tae smiles his beautiful boxy smile, which sends Jin's heart racing, "Ha, if you can tear yourself away from pretty boy, ya mean." Jin laughs and walks into his office.

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