Coming Together (E)

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Jungkook and Jin drive back to Seoul on Monday morning, he drops Jin off at the condo knowing Tae was at work already, after leaving Jin Jungkook goes home and gets ready for work himself, when he walks into the office he is greeted by Tae who was just getting on the elevator to go to the seamstress office.

 "Jungkook, you are here", Tae asks surprised. "Where else would I be, I still work here don't I", he says teasingly. "I just assumed you were with Jin still", Tae said glumly. "Nope, see ya later Tae", Jungkook says walking out of the elevator. He pulls out his cell phone and texts Jin...

Jungkook - I just saw him, he looks all mopey and sad, Its hilarious, Call me when you want me to light the wick

Jin - Jungkook, be nice,  I will and thank you again, for everything

Jin goes back to getting everything ready, he wants to surprise Taehyung and finally put everything out there between them, they have wasted so many years they could have been together, avoiding each other and being hurt over silly kid games. He puts the finishing touches on dinner and the bedroom and texts Jungkook.

Jin - Ok Kook-ah, light that wick!!

Jungkook - I never thought I would be helping you with this, I'm supposed to be stealing you away, but I know you love him and I want you to be happy. I leave in a few weeks for the states, but you best believe I will keep in touch, cuz that Pabo could screw up at any time. I love you Jinnie, you have truly become a very good friend. I'll light the wick now, I just wanted to say that.

Jin - I love you too Jungkook, you will always hold a special place in my heart, and Thank you again for being there for me and being amazing.

Jungkook slides his phone in his pocket after looking at his lock screen picture of him and Jin, he smiles and walks into Hoseok's office to tell him of Jin's plan.

A few minutes later Hoseok goes into Tae's office and he is sitting with his head in his hands, "What's the matter son", Hoseok asks. "I really miss Jin, I wish I knew where he was", Tae says sadly. "Tae Tae, go home, get some rest, go ahead I'll finish out the day for you", Hoseok tries not to smile. "Are you sure", Tae asks. Hoseok nods and says, "Go on git." 


On the drive home Tae thought about stopping off for a drink, but decided against it, he knows Jin would be disappointed in him, so he decides to drive to the empty condo, he pulls into the driveway and slowly makes his way upstairs. 

He hears soft music playing and smells the most wonderful smells, he walks into the dining room to see Jin sitting there, Tae's eyes are big as dinner plates, "welcome home from work my dear husband," Jin stands, taking Tae's briefcase and coat off, "what are you doing here Jinnie." 

"I live her silly", Jin teases. Jin then loosens his tie and throws it, "come sit and eat with me." He sits him down onto a chair and serves him dinner, Jin sits across from him, "are you okay, you look shocked." "I am, when did you get back", Tae asks. "This morning after you left for work, I wanted to make sure you weren't here so that everything was perfect", Jin says smiling, "eat it's going to get cold." 

"Babe, the food was amazing, and all my favorites", Tae says making his way over to Jin, who pulls Tae into his lap. Taehyung grabs the back of Jin's head and pulls his lips to his, savoring every second, Jin kisses Tae back with just as much passion. "I have wanted to do that for so long babe, I have missed you so fucking much" Taehyung says still kissing Jin's plump lips. "You taste so good Taehyungie", Jin purrs. 

He lifts Tae into his arms and carries him to the bedroom never breaking the kiss, he lays Taehyung down on the bed, while Jin slowly strips out of his clothes, Taehyung was entranced, he couldn't take his eyes off the glowing skin, and the beautiful figure, how did he get so lucky, Jin was perfect in everyway, and when he removes his boxers Taehyung swallows loudly, Jin lets out a laugh. 

"Jinnie, is that thing even real, where do you even hide something like that", Tae says with his mouth hanging open like a fish. Jin couldn't help but laugh, "stand up, crazy", he says pulling Taehyung up by his hands and undressing him. 

Once Tae's clothes are off Jin wraps him in his arms, feeling skin on skin was like a current felt thru both their bodies. Jin squeezes Taehyung's ass, as his tongue probes his mouth, all Tae could do is moan into Jin's mouth. 

He pulls away from the kiss and looks at Tae, "I love you Taehyung, I always have." "I love you too Jin, you are the only one I ever truly wanted, I am sorry for following Kai instead of my heart", Tae says capturing Jin's lips again. 


Jin lays Tae down on the bed, reaching over to the nightstand he grabs the lube and condom he set on the table and comes back to hover over him, Taehyung reaches down and starts stroking Jin's erection, Jin closes his eyes and enjoys the feeling of Tae's hand on him. Jin spreads Tae's legs, dripping lube down Tae's ass crack, Jin inserts a finger into Tae's hole, making sure that he is slick, then slides another finger in.

Jin keeps moving his fingers in and out of Tae as he leans down and captures his cock in his mouth, Tae hisses, "fuck Jin." He thrusts his hips upward, fucking Jin's mouth, god he's good, he is driving Taehyung crazy, Jin pops off, removing his fingers hearing Tae's protesting whine, Jin grabs his own cock, sheaths it with the condom, and rubs the head between Tae's butt cheeks, teasing his hole, once Jin is covered in lube, he slowly enters into Tae, enjoying the tight wet heat surrounding his cock, neither are virgins so there is no need to be gentle.

 Taehyung's moans are music to Jin's ears, he is sucking and licking Tae's nipples, making him arch his back, Tae is moving his hips with Jin, thrust for thrust, "Jin, ahhhhhh, God so fucking good, ahhh fuck you're huge, I'm not used to this, it's fucking amazing." 

Tae flips Jin over never breaking contact and starts riding him, fast and hard, Jin grabs Tae's hips and helps him bounce up and down on his cock, Jin grabs Tae's cock and starts to stroke him, wanting him to reach his climax before Jin does, when Tae's cum splatters Jin's chest and chin, he groans loudly releasing into the condom, holding him in place till the feeling passes.

 "My turn", Tae Jumps off Jin and flips him over on his stomach, pulling his ass back so that Jin's ass is on display, sliding a condom on and pouring the lube on his dick, he grabs Jin's hips, and when he sees Jin's hole he cant control himself, he licks a long strip up his ass crack, stopping to probe his hole with his tongue, making Jin moan loudly, he spent the next couple minutes stretching Jin's hole with his tongue.

Jin squirms wildly under Tae's actions, when he stands back up, he enters Jin in one smooth motion, "FUUUUUCKKKK TAE." Tae was going to take it easy on Jin tonight until Jin started yelling, HARDER, TAE HARDER PLEASE." Tae leans over Jin's back, biting and kissing his neck, "I love you Jinnie, so fucking much, I've wanted you for so long, this is fucking amazing why didn't we do this years ago", Tae Teases. 

After they went back and forth a few times during the night, they lay in bed holding each other, "Jin, I am really sorry for everything I ever did to hurt you, it was never intentional, I was just stupid enough to follow someone who didn't care about me at all." 

Tae lays on Jin's chest, arm slung over his hip and their legs tangled together, "I'm sorry for not letting you explain things after the incident behind the gym." Tae reaches up and kisses Jin's lips, "I am so glad we are married Seokjin." "Me too Taehyungie, me too", Jin says holding Tae tight while they both fell asleep.

A/N One more chapter till the end. 😁💖

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