Putting on a Show (E)

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They arrive at the venue, Tae steps out of the Limo and holds his hand out for Jin who happily takes it, the smile on Jin's face is genuine, he is very happy to be on Tae's arm today, and he will take full advantage that he has Tae's full attention. They enter the building to paparazzi flashing pics and hollering questions, they see Aera and go stand next to her while she talks to some of her investors, Jin has no clue what came over him, maybe all the flashbulbs, maybe the feel of Taehyung pressed against his side, but he snakes his arm around Tae's waist bringing him closer, then places a kiss to Tae's temple, which hundreds of pictures were taken of the action. 

Tae's eyes widen, but just for a brief second as to not seem surprised, his heart races and he is afraid Jin can feel it being so close together, they began to walk so that Tae could get ready, when they get to the door, Jin opens it for Aera and Tae, "I'm supposed to say break a leg right, because good luck is bad luck." 

Tae laughs, "that's only on Broadway and Movie sets I think." Jin smiles, "oh, okay then good luck, I know you will do great." Jin walks away to find his father and get to their seats, Tae's heart is beating rapidly, everybody will now know that Kim Seokjin belongs to Park Taehyung, which makes him smile from ear to ear. 

When Jin finds Namjoon he is talking to Hoseok, "hey Jin." "Hi Mr. Park, how have you been", Jin says hugging him. "I've been good, I spoke with Jimin yesterday, he told me about your upcoming nuptials, congrats", Hoseok smirks, "he also told me he isn't happy about it, I know him and Tae have grown apart over the years, but he should still support you two, real or not." "He'll come around, I'm sure", Jin says. 

Jin stands by his father while he talks to Hoseok, scrolling thru his phone when he looks up and sees the most gorgeous guy ever, "Oh Namjoon, Jin I want you to meet Jungkook, he is interning at the company for a couple months before he leaves for the States to work." Jungkook takes Jin's outstretched hand and shakes it, not letting go, rubbing his thumb over his hand.

 They get pulled out of their staring session by the  paparazzi's camera flashes, "Jungkook, this is my best friend and business partner Namjoon and his son Seokjin." Hoseok notices the sparks flying between the two, "it's nice to meet you Jungkook." "The pleasure is certainly all mine Seokjin", Jungkook says giving Jin chills. 

As they took their seats Jungkook made sure to sit by Seokjin, he is taken by the beauty and hopes to get to know him better, he would be fun to hang out with until he leaves for the US. The lights dim in the room and Aera stands at the podium talking to the guests and the press, explaining her latest clothing line and that her Pride and Joy Taehyung also has several pieces in the show. 

Jin couldn't help but smile with a hint of pride, he really wishes Tae was different, the way he used to be, he is so talented and so smart, but you don't see that when you know the truth of how he really is. As the show is starting Tae peeks out to make sure Jin is in the front row, but then he sees him talking to a very attractive male, who seems smitten with his Fiancé, Tae's heart clinches a little, and has to remember that Jin will be his husband soon and hopefully will be forever. 

The music starts and the models start coming out one by one, Jin has butterflies waiting for Tae to come out, the way he walks and the way his hips move are Jin's weakness, then he has that cute little ass, Jin licks his lips and feels it getting hotter in the room. A few models later, Aera announces Tae, Jin sucks in a breath and watches the gorgeous male walk toward him, noticing that Tae never takes his eyes off Jin, the smirk on his face made Jin even hotter. Then he licks his lips, Jin almost fell out of his chair, what is he doing to him...

Jin snaps a pic without anyone noticing, he has a secret folder in his phone with pics of just Tae that nobody knows about, especially Jimin, he would be livid

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Jin snaps a pic without anyone noticing, he has a secret folder in his phone with pics of just Tae that nobody knows about, especially Jimin, he would be livid. Tae smiles to see Jin staring at him with his mouth hanging open, he turns back and heads back stage. "Taehyung Oppa that outfit is so hot, you look so good", some random female model says while pushing Tae into a dressing room and dropping to her knees in front of him. He is stunned, and tries to stop her. 

Aera is trying to get the next set of models set up and is looking for her son with his next outfit, she walks past a dressing room where she hears lewd noises and throws open the door, only to see her son getting head from some girl. "TAEHYUNG", the girl falls to the side surprised and Tae tries cover himself. "Mom, I tried stopping her and she wouldn't stop", Tae pleads. "Get out, both of you, NOW", Aera screams. 

The girl gets up and runs out crying, Tae stares at his mother, he sees tears in her eyes, "Taehyung get out of my sight now, I have never been more disappointed in you than I am right now." Tae tries to say something but she turns her back and walks away, telling her assistant to pull Tae's outfits from the racks and get rid of them. Tae is devastated and walks out of the room, calling an UBER to take him home. 

Jin watches the rest of the show wondering where Tae is, he had a few more outfits that he was going to model,  as the show ends they stand to leave, when Jungkook hands Jin his phone, "can I please have your number, I'd love to hang out with you while I am here." Jin took it and input his number, "I have to tell you something before we get to far ahead of ourselves, you may not want to see me after I tell you." 

"Jin", Aera says running up and pulling Jin away from the others, "I am beside myself, and I dont know what to do." "What's wrong did something happen to Tae, I didn't see him after the first outfit", Jin asks worriedly. "Something happened all right, that little bastard was in the dressing room getting a blow job from some whore", Aera Whisper yells. Jin feels sick, to think he actually got turned on by Tae, and the way Tae looked at him when he was on the runway, "I'm so sorry Aera, but I am not surprised."

 "I'm so sorry Jin, I wish I could say you didn't have to marry him, but I really need your help with this", she cries on his shoulder. "I know, its okay, I'll still marry him, but I'll let him have his freedom", Jin says. Hoseok walks over and holds Aera, Jin walks over to Jungkook, "when shall we go out, so I can tell you my fucked up story." "Let's get together tomorrow, I'll text you later and we will work out the details", Jungkook says with the cutest smile Jin has ever seen. "Sounds good to me", Jin says smiling back.  

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