Much needed Space (E)

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Jungkook drives Jin to his family's cabin in Busan, "I don't like you being out here all by yourself, please let me stay with you." "Sure, of course, I just need a few days to decompress, thank you for letting me use your family's place", Jin says putting his hand on Jungkook's thigh. Jungkook smiles, making Jin blush, Jin is happy Jungkook asked to stay, he didn't really want to be alone.


When Jimin and Taehyung open the door to the suite, Jin isn't there and Tae notices his suitcase is gone, "he left Jimin, he fucking left." "Tae, please sit", Jimin sighs, "before the ceremony I went to see Jin, and I need to be honest, we have all known each other for a long time, and I have never seen Jin look so sad, and I am the one he ran to when he found you kissing Hyo behind the gym when you we were 13, he was sad then, but this afternoon was next level."

 "He didn't even want to go thru with the ceremony", Jimin says, "you have broken his heart so many times, I dont know if there is anything to come back too." "Jimin, I love Jin more than anything, I always have, I was an idiot for following Kai around, I lost a bet to him and I had to kiss Hyo, but she was mad when I did it and pushed me away, he takes me out and gets me obliterated, then has people mess with me", Tae whines.

"Jimin I haven't slept with a lot of people like people say, because its always been Jin for me, rumors spread like wildfire and a lot of the stories are not true", he cries, "I was angry and mean when I hit puberty, not having my dad around to ask questions to, I know Hoseok was there but I always felt bad because I knew he was your dad and not really mine." Jimin leans over and hugs Tae tight, "we'll get him back, I promise."


Jin woke up the next morning in Jungkook's arms, he smiles because he is such a gentleman, he told Jungkook that he didn't want to have sex, and Jungkook honored his wishes, they just held each other and slept. He kisses Jungkook's nose and gets up to make breakfast, grabbing his cell phone he texts Jimin...

Jin - Hey

Jimin - Jin, where the fuck are you, I am worried sick

Jin - Im sorry, I had to leave, I couldn't handle it. Did my dad get my letter

Jimin - Yea, we gave it to him, Jin we need to talk, can I call

Jimin calls Jin a second later and explains to him how Taehyung kicked Kai out of his life, about kissing Hyo, and how the hickeys and rumors were all fabricated by Kai, Jimin tells him that Taehyung loves him and always has. Jin couldn't stop the tears from falling, "I love him too Jimin, I love him so much it hurts." "Jinnie come home and claim your husband, he is miserable", Jimin says. 

"I'll text you later, I have to go", Jin said hanging up. Jungkook stands there looking at him, "you ready to go home." Jin looks down at his feet, and slowly shakes his head, "that was Jimin, he was explaining to me that Taehyung's antics may not have all been real, but I am still skeptical and afraid of getting hurt in the end." 

"Maybe you need to actually sit and talk to Taehyung, hear him out before you judge and listen to other people", Jungkook says walking toward Jin and wrapping him in his arms. "Are you upset I dragged you here", Jin asks. "You kidding, I had you in my arms all night and I get an amazing breakfast this morning", Jungkook says tightening his arms around Jin and kissing his forehead.


Taehyung sits in the living room of the condo when there is a knock at the door, he opens it to see Namjoon, "can we talk." Tae nods and lets him in, "want something to drink." "No I am okay, here is the check to take to the lawyer, but there is something else", Namjoon says holding the envelope that was on the desk in Tae's hotel room, "I feel I should read this to you." 

Dearest Father

I am sorry for leaving this note for you instead of telling you in person, I have left the reception and I am leaving Seoul for a little while to collect my thoughts. This evening should have been the happiest day of my life because I was marrying the only man I have ever loved, but who could not love me in return. I married a man that makes my heart race, makes my stomach do flips and makes my ears heat up just by looking at me. His beautiful boxy smile was all I ever needed to get me through my worst days, and his eyes held the moon and stars. But, Unfortunately he did not feel the same, and chose random strangers and his best friend Kai over me. 

I wanted this marriage to be real more than anything, but I know he could never commit to me, I need time to try and get over him, or my heart will never heal, and when I do come back I think I will get my own place, I won't be able to handle him not coming home at night, I worry about him so much. I informed the lawyer that I am out of town and to fax me the paperwork to sign for the cashing of the check. I love you dad thank you for everything you do. Check on Tae for me, he is your son in law now, at least on paper.

Love, Seokjin

Taehyung is crying, "Mr. Kim, I do love Seokjin, with all my heart, I admit I did put Kai before him a lot because I thought Jin didn't love me anymore." "He just needs time Taehyung, he'll come around, get some rest and I will see you at work on Monday, don't forget to make an appointment with the lawyer about the check", Namjoon says, "everything will work itself Taehyung, you'll see." "I am sorry for hurting him the way I did, I am a horrible person, Jin deserves someone better", Tae says sadly. "There is no one better Taehyung, you have his heart, and he has yours, no one will ever be better", Namjoon says hugging him before walking out.


Jungkook and Jin settle on the couch with dinner and a movie, after they eat Jungkook lays his head on Jin's lap and I play with his hair, "you okay." "Yea, I meant when I said I would come back here and take you away, if he fucks up Jin, I won't hesitate", Jungkook says looking up at Jin. They decide to stay the rest of the weekend since they stuffed themselves with pancakes and sausage at breakfast and neither of them felt like moving too much, after taking a nap they knew it was too late to leave. 

"I'm really going to miss you Jin, you have become someone very important in my life, you are beautiful and amazing and any man would be lucky to have your love", Jungkook says. "If Taehyung wasn't in my life, I would be madly in love with you Jungkook, you are the whole package", I say interlocking our fingers.

 "Just promise me Jinnie that if he treats you badly or decides he doesn't want you, you call me", he says kissing my fingers. "I promise Jungkook", Jin says blushing. The movie ends but Jungkook and Jin just sit in silence, holding hands, enjoying their closeness and the quiet surrounding them, both wanting the short time they have left together to last a little longer.

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