Agreement (E)

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"Excuse me", Jin says, "to each other." "Jin listen please", Namjoon says. "Sorry Aera, please continue", Jin says apologetically. "Your Appa and I have spoke with our lawyers, he is not allowed to loan me money for my business because he is a partner in my company, you and Taehyung haven't been hired on yet, so theoretically you two do not have stakes in the company", Aera continues, "a spouse may loan money to the other spouse for business purposes legally, so you two will have to marry and stay married for no less than 3 years." 

I can file bankruptcy for now which will cover me until you both start at the company, but it will ruin my credit and my reputation, no one will want my products", she sobs, "once you are married Jin will receive the money from Namjoon, the lawyer will then draw up the paperwork stating that Jin will be giving Taehyung, his husband a loan for his business." Jin sat for a second thinking, till he heard Tae speak up, "I'll do it mommy, Ill marry Jin if it means helping you." 

"Oh thank you TaeTae", she says hugging him. Namjoon grabs Jin's hand, "what do you think son, are you willing to help Aera out." I sat there still trying to process what was happening, "couldn't I marry Jimin instead", Jin asks. Aera giggles, "No Jinnie, Jimin is not my legal heir, Taehyung is and he will be the COO of my company." "Jimin, really, you'd rather wake up every morning looking at that shorty than at this Adonis right here", Taehyung says pointing to his face.

His mom giggles and Namjoon almost spits out his water, "Adonis, It's you who will be waking up to the Adonis, not me", Jin says rolling his eyes. "So then does that mean you will help my mom", Tae asks with is puppy dog eyes. Jin puffs out his cheeks and let the air escape his lips, "yea, Ill help, Ill marry Taehyung." Aera gets up from the table and throws her arms around both boys and hugs them tightly. Jin cant say no to the infamous Taehyung puppy dog eyes, he never could.

After dinner Aera invites Jin over on Saturday to iron out all the details, he says he would be there, he then hugs his dad and Aera and sent Tae a small wave. "Good Night my gorgeous fiancé, dream of me", he yells to Jin. "Fat chance", Jin yells back and Tae laughs. He is actually very happy to have this opportunity with Jin, he has liked him since they were kids, they shared their first kiss and he knows that once he hit puberty the bitterness about his parents breaking up made him a huge asshole.

 Jin stopped chasing him around like he always did, he actually kept quite a lot distance between them, but now he can prove to Jin he isn't the asshole he once was, and that he is so very grateful to Jin for helping his mom. Jin is way too beautiful for this world and Tae doesn't want anyone else to have him, if he can make Jin see that he could be good to him, and a good stable husband, maybe Jin will accept him fully and those 3 years could turn to many many more together. 

Tae gets into his car and was about to drive home when his phone alerts him of a text message. "Hmm, well I'm not married yet, right", he says shrugging and drives to one of his regular's house.


"I can't believe they asked you to marry Taehyung. Jin, and that you agreed", Jimin says. "I'm doing it for Aera, and only her, if Tae thinks this will be a real marriage he is sadly mistaken, I could never be in a real marriage with a fuck boy, lord knows how many partners he's had, gives me the chills just thinking about it", Jin says making a puke face. "Ugh, if only your parents knew how Tae is they never would have asked you, his mother would be so disappointed, she thinks he is the perfect little angel", Jimin says disgusted.

 "I'll be fine Jimin, if he keeps up what he is doing I have no problems finding a boyfriend, hopefully I can find one that will understand my situation, I did ask if I could marry you instead, but they shot me down", Jin says giggling. "I would have shot you too", Yoongi yells from the other room. 

Jimin and Jin both start cracking up.


The next day at school Jin is sitting in class waiting for the teacher, when Tae walks in and sits in his seat next to him, "good morning my gorgeous Fiancé." Jin looks over at him and is disgusted by what he sees, "Park Taehyung this marriage will be the biggest sham known to man, you will be lucky if I even live in the same house with you, especially if that shit keeps up, you are fucking disgusting", Jin says getting up and walking out of the classroom. 

He leans against the wall holding his stomach, "why did I agree to this, why." Tears want to fall, but Seokjin knows that this isn't real, he knows that it won't last long either. Back in the classroom, Tae is stunned by Jin's outburst, he asks the girl in the seat next to his if she had a mirror, Tae took it and looked at himself, there on his neck is the darkest hickey he's ever seen. "Fuck", Tae says, he gets up and leaves to find Jin, but doesnt find him anywhere, this isn't the way to start off showing Jin that he's has changed, he fucked up already.


Its Saturday and Jin is getting ready to go to Aera's to talk about this fucked up marriage, he cant believe that not even 12 hours after agreeing to marry, that asshole saunters in with a disgusting black hickey on his neck. Jin makes sure he looks fucking amazing today, making sure Taehyung will see what he will never get a taste of. 

He pulls up to the Park mansion and sees his Appa's car, he walks up to the door and the butler opens it, ushering him in, "Good morning Mr. Kim", he says. "Good morning Han", Jin says, "they are in the sunroom waiting for you." Jin bows and walks toward the sun room, he sees everybody there and notices Tae is wearing a turtleneck, he laughs to himself and as Tae moves over for him to sit Jin sits on another chair far away from him. Taehyung can't keep his eyes off the beauty across the room, he is absolutely stunning. Jin can feel Tae's eyes on him, but he doesn't want to look at him, luckily Aera breaks up the tension, "the wedding is planned for right after graduation."

Jin chokes on his drink, "excuse me."

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