🐰 VS. 🐯 (E)

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Jin is organizing his desk in his new office, he sits in the office right next to his father, he will also meet his new assistant today, his phone rings...

Jin - Hello, this is Seokjin

Tae - Hello my beautiful fiancé, can we have lunch together today?

Jin - Sure, Ill see you when you come back for the 11 am meeting

Tae - See you then

Taehyung knows he needs to get between Jin and Jungkook, he will not allow Jungkook to weasel his way into Jin's heart. Taehyung hears a knock on the door and a very pretty girl walks in, "Good Morning Mr. Park, I am Sunny, your new assistant", she says eyeing Taehyung like he is edible. Taehyung's heart drops, "why does God hate me."

"Jin", Namjoon says, "this is your assistant Ji-ho, this is your new boss, my son, Seokjin." Jin's eyes went wide, wow he's adorable, "its nice to meet you Ji-ho", Jin says shaking his hand. "The pleasure is definitely all mine, Mr. Kim", he says with a flirty grin on his face. 

He bows and before leaving the office, "I will start getting your calendar ready for the month, Mr. Kim." "Thank you Ji-ho, please call me Seokjin", Jin said bowing back. "I'll see you at the 11 o'clock Son, I have some phone calls to make", Namjoon said patting Jin's shoulder. Jin hears his text tone go off..

Jungkook - Look at Taehyung's new assistant

Jin - Seriously, that's like putting cocaine in front of a recovering drug addict

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Jin - Seriously, that's like putting cocaine in front of a recovering drug addict

Jungkook - Considerate it a test, to see just how mature your fiancé can be. I'll see you at the 11 am, I miss you xo.

At 10:45am Jungkook knocks on Jin's office door, "Come in", Jin yells . "Hey Kook-ah, oh it's almost 11 wow, time flies when you get busy I guess", Jin says shutting his laptop. Jungkook gathers Jin in his arms and kisses his forehead, then releases him, "Sorry, I had to feel you near me for a second", Jungkook says eye fucking Seokjin. "You're naughty Mr. Jeon", Jin giggles.

 There was another knock, then Taehyung walks in. "Am I interrupting anything", Tae sounds pissed off. "A few minutes later you might have", Jungkook says walking past Tae and winking. Tae balls up his fists, and glares at Jin, just then Ji-ho walks in, Jungkook and Tae's eyes drop out of their head. "Mr. Kim, here is the notes you need for today's meeting, and I will have your coffee waiting for you in the conference room", Ji-ho says bowing, then smugly looking at the two dumbfounded males. 

"Jin, who the fuck is that", Tae asks angrily. "My assistant, why", Jin asks innocently. "The fuck it is, I'm going to tell your dad to get rid of him", Tae says defiantly. "Then I can tell Aera to get rid of yours then", Jin says smirking. "How do you know about my assis..., Oh your boy toy here told you", Tae says annoyed. "Spying on me now Jeon", Tae asks. "Nope, I just happened to see her sitting at the desk outside your office, so I let Seokjin know that you have a new assistant", Jungkook defends himself.

 Tae spins quickly walking over to Jin and holding his hand, "Babe, please dont worry about me crossing the line with her, I promise you it will never happen", he pleads. Jin smiles "whatever Taehyung, the fact that you have to assure me nothing will happen, means something will definitely happen, lets go to the meeting or we'll be late, he pulls his hand out of Tae's and leaves his office. Jungkook laughs loudly, "You know she wants you Taehyung, I see the way she watches you thru your office door, she has it bad for her boss", Jungkook teases. "Fuck you Jungkook", Tae hisses.

"What are your intentions with Jin, anyway", Tae questions pointing at Jungkook. "To take him to the states with me, there is nothing for him here", Jungkook says. "Me, I'm here, that's why he needs to be here", Taehyung says angrily. Jungkook laughs, "seriously Taehyung, he needs to be here for what, to see you stick your dick in everything, to see you walk out the door and not come back till days later, to see you act like an immature ass when you are drunk, I think not, he deserves so much better."

"I'm trying to do better for him Jungkook, the wedding is going to happen regardless and then I will prove to him that I deserve him", Tae says clearly upset. "But do you Taehyung, do you really deserve him, you want to prove to him, why, he has known you for years and you have to prove it to him now, he is the epitome of perfection, he is funny, gorgeous, and smart, he is the full fucking package Taehyung and you are to blind and immature to see that, to see that he would give up everything for you, even his sanity, and for the life of me I'll never understand why he loves you", Jungkook says pushing past Taehyung and leaving the office.

Jin stands in front of the board members giving the presentation him and his father put together about the new fall colors and palettes', every eye in that conference room is on Jin, and every mind in that conference room was thinking what they would do to Jin if they were alone, even the guys that weren't into guys were eye fucking Jin, and Taehyung and Jungkook noticed every single one, and neither were happy about it. Taehyung thought back to what Jungkook said about Jin loving him, is it possible that Jin still loves him, even after all he's done.

When the meeting was over, Taehyung heads to Jin's office, while Ji-ho brings in the lunch that Jin asked him to order and starts unpacking the bags, setting the food on the table, "something smells really good." Tae wraps his arms around Jin's waist, "I got all your favorites." They sit and enjoy lunch, talking about Tae's upcoming clothing line release, and Jin releasing his own brand of face masks. 

Jin's assistant polkes his head in the door and says that he has an important client on the phone, so he went to his desk to answer the call, Tae walks over and straddles Jin's lap, Jin is taken aback for a second and stutters when he speaks, Tae chuckles and kisses Jin's neck and jawline, Jin doesnt know what has come over Tae, but he likes it. When Tae wiggles his ass on Jin's dick, that's when Jin yelps and pushes Tae off. 

Taehyung falls on his butt and starts laughing, Jin pretends to kick him while he is still sitting on the floor, smiling, Jin ends the call, he slaps Tae's shoulder, "You're a jerk." Tae sits back on Jin's lap and wraps his arms around Jin's neck, while Jin holds Tae's waist, they stare at each other for a minute, "what are you doing exactly." "I dont really know, you are letting me so I am just going with it", Tae says. 

They share a look between them and Tae leans in, but Jin pulls away, sliding Tae off his lap and standing, "I have another meeting I need to go." "Don't forget we have a date tonight", Tae yells after him. "I know", Jin yells back. Tae smiles to himself, proud that he still has such an effect on Jin, he needs to do better from now on.

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