Stipulations (E)

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Aera has papers in front of her, reading thru some things, "Okay so this is what I need, I need you married before you graduate or shortly there after, we have many many meetings, business trips, dinners, luncheons, and business events that you both will need to be at together as a couple, no excuses, you will need to act married, if they find out we skirted the system they will take everything away from us, all of us."

 "I am buying you a condo as a wedding gift so you won't have to worry about finding a place", Namjoon says, "just keep it clean, we will stop over sometimes, that's my only stipulation." "Jin what about you, what do you expect of Taehyung and myself", Aera asks. "I'm fine with having to show face at work functions, but please make sure for overnight trips our hotel room has two beds, no booty calls are allowed in the condo, it's Switzerland, I want to know I can be at our home without you bringing your whores there", Jin says. 

Taehyung's eyes almost pop out of his head, Namjoon clears his throat not knowing how to respond. "Park Taehyung, do you have numerous sexual partners", Aera asks staring at him. Tae glares at Jin, "no mom, not that many." Jin scoffs, "whatever Taehyung, I won't stick my nose in your business if you stay out of mine, other than that I have nothing else." Aera gathered herself, "Taehyung how about you, any stipulations you ask of Jin or myself." 

Tae thinks for a second, he needs to make sure what he asks for will help him in the long run. "I want two nights a week that we have dinner/movie night together, I also want one Saturday a month as a date night", Tae says. "Hell no", Jin says. "Jinnie, compromise, he isn't asking a lot", Namjoon says, "you have 3 years together, can't you try to at least like each and have some sort of friendship." Jin rolled his eyes, "Fine." Taehyung smiles. "Good was that everything everybody had on their mind", Aera asked.

"Jin", Taehyung says coming up behind him, "now that the parental units aren't here, can we talk for real." "What's on your mind Taehyung", Jin asks. "I didn't appreciate you throwing me under the bus in there with all my "friends", he says making air quotes. "Friends, luckily I am not your friend", Jin laughs dryly, "I thought maybe if your mother knew the truth about her perfect baby boy, she wouldn't make me marry you." 

"Why separate beds, we will be married we should sleep together", Tae says sincerely. "HELL NO, that is not happening, first off you probably won't be home most nights anyway, I am sure you will get your nightly disgusting booty calls, so if I am going to sleep alone, I'll sleep alone 7 days a week", Jin says "sorry Taehyung, I dont know what you are expecting from this marriage, but it won't last more than the three years, you became a whore who broke my heart once, I won't let you do it again."

Taehyung leaned against the railing and looked out over the lake in the back of the mansion, "he knows", Tae says out loud to nobody. His phone rings, he checks to see its his best friend Kai

Kai - Lets go out, I need to get laid

Tae - Nah, not feeling it right now, Ill call ya later

Tae hangs up and goes up to his room, flops on his bed and sighs, "why am I such an asshole, I can't believe he knows what I did that day, I didn't even know what he was there." Tae wants to make Jin  like me again, he knows if given the chance he could make Jin see him differently, he pulls his phone out and looks at one of the pics that he took of Jin without him knowing...

" Tae wants to make Jin  like me again, he knows if given the chance he could make Jin see him differently, he pulls his phone out and looks at one of the pics that he took of Jin without him knowing

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we were sitting in one of our classes listening to the teacher drone on about whatever, I couldn't resist he looked so adorable, I have more pics of Jin on my phone than anything else, if he knew he'd kill me. I laugh to myself, he thinks that I have had sex with lots of people, when I really haven't had that many partners, maybe 3 or 4, true they are repeats but most of the stories are made up rumors. Jimin fuels a lot of them, telling Jin shit so that he will look at me like I am whore that's not worthy of him. I never stopped liking him, I only stopped liking myself, and it affected everything, especially my relationship with Jin. 

They are 4 weeks away from graduation, Tae and Jin have decided to wed the week after, they hung out with Namjoon on Sunday and helped pick a nice condo, they made sure it had at least three bedrooms so that they had a spare for guests, Jin has a feeling Yoongi and Jimin will be there a lot keeping him company. Namjoon gave his wedding ring to Jin so that he could properly propose to Taehyung, they are going to their first function as an engaged couple, it's a charity fashion show that Tae will be in, showing his mother's new designs, Tae has a couple of his own designs he is also wearing. 

Jin is at home getting ready, Namjoon is having a car sent to pick him and Tae up shortly so he is putting on the finishing touches, he is going with a black mock turtleneck, with form fitting dark gray dress pants, black shoes from Tom Ford that his dad bought him for his 21 birthday, can't forget the Rolex, and his hair parted and brushed back off his forehead. When the car pulls up, Taehyung jumps out and holds the door for Jin, "Damn Jinnie, I'll be the luckiest guy there with you by my side. 

Jin blushes, "Thank you Tae, you look really good too." It's really hard for Jin to stay mad at Tae, or to even sound angry or cold toward him all the time, but he knows that he needs to keep up a strong front, because if he shows weakness Tae will hurt him again, and his heart can't take another hit like that, Tae likes having all his men and women at his beck and call, and Jin just finds that disgusting and can't look at Tae the same way he did years ago.

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