Little Help from a Friend (E)

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Tae and Jin are enjoying their night out together, Tae ditched Kai and Jin ditched Jungkook, and neither have any regrets, they are both having an amazing time together, they are at a very nice restaurant that Jin picked and after dinner they decide to walk around the carnival at the boardwalk. Jin smiles when Tae reaches for his hand to hold it, and accepts when Tae asks if he wants to share his cotton candy, but Jin still wont allow Tae to kiss him.

"Taehyung its not my place to ask anything of you, but I was thinking that if you want to kiss me on our wedding day, I hope that you will stop being a fuckboy", Jin says. "Y what do you mean it's not your place, you are going to be my husband, if you want this marriage and everything that comes with it, I want that too", Tae states adamantly. "This isn't a real marriage Taehyung, you don't love me and I don't l-love you", that was harder for Jin to say, more than he thought it would be, he does love Tae, but Tae will never settle down and love him back.

"Jin", Tae says quietly. "It's okay Taehyung, we had our chance years ago and it didn't work out, lets just go huh, I feel a headache coming on." Tae is disappointed as they walk back to the car in silence.
Tae does love Jin, more than anything or anybody, he knows he needs to grow up and start showing it, if he wants this marriage to be real.

Jungkook was a little upset that Jin cancelled on him tonight, but he understands, Tae asked him out, so of course he wouldn't say no, Jungkook knows that Jin is madly in love with Taehyung, but the way Tae acts he doesn't deserve Jin's love, so Jungkook decided he's going to take advantage of Tae's fuck ups and enjoy Jin for as long as he can, and he meant it when he told Jin he would come back for him and marry him. Jin is perfect in every way and Jungkook wishes Jin would look at him the way he looks at Taehyung, so he has decided that he is going to help Jin and make his crush realize what he has right in front of him.

"Here babe", Tae says giving Jin some aspirin and a bottle of water. "Thank you Taehyungie", Jin says swallowing the pills. "I miss that", Tae says. "Miss what", Jin asks. "You calling me Taehyungie" Taehyung says blushing. "I miss calling you that, but you haven't been my Taehyungie in a very long time" Jin says looking sad. Taehyung caresses Jin's cheek, then his phone rings.

Tae - What's Up Kai

?? - Its not Kai, but he's in trouble can you come get him

Tae - Send me your location, Ill be right there.

Taehyung could see the disappointment on Jin's face, "Ill be right back, Kai needs me", Tae said holding Jin's chin. Jin pushes his hand off his face, "Just go, he's more important anyway", Jin says trying not to sound angry and got up to walk out. "Jin its -" "Forget it Tae, Just go, your friend needs you", Jin says walking into his room and slamming his bedroom door. Tae sighs and grabs his car keys and wallet, then leaves.

Jin wakes up the next morning for work and feels arms around him, when he turns his head he sees Taehyung, he turns over to face him and moves his hair out of his eyes, "some one needs a hair cut." He touches each beauty mark on Tae's face, then leans down and kisses the one on his nose.

"Tae, you have to wake up we have to go work." Tae's eyes slowly open and he focuses on Jin, "morning beautiful." "Why are you in my bed and when did you get home", Jin asks. "Jin, Kai was in trouble, I just went to pick him up that's it, he is in my bed so I came in here", Tae explains. "I'm going to shower, I want him out of this house before we leave", Jin says moving Tae's arm from around him.

Tae gets up and walks into his room to see Kai still sleeping, "hey asshole, wake up, you gotta go." "Aaagghhh! Do you have any aspirin, what happened", Kai asks. "You almost got your ass beat, that's what happened, here take these", he says handing Kai aspirin and water before grabbing his towel and walking into his bathroom.

Meanwhile, Jin is in the kitchen making him and Tae breakfast, while packing their lunches. He hears a low wolf whistle behind him and knows who it is, "damn Jin, you clean up nice, look at that ass." Jin turns around and glares at Kai, "when are you going to leave Tae alone, this isnt college anymore, he has a good job and if his clients see your IG posts, his reputation will be ruined."

"Ill never leave him alone, he's my best friend and the reason I get so much ass on a nightly basis, I'm hot but Tae is gorgeous and people flock to him for his attention", Kai says. Jin's stomach churns, but doesn't say anything, turning back around to finish what he was doing. "I can't believe you are still in love with him after all the shit he's done to you, you know he doesn't love you right, he loves getting different ass every night", Kai says cruelly, "he doesn't want this marriage, but it wont stop him from seeing me and fucking around, he likes-" "KAI, shut the fuck up and get out, NOW", Tae yells. Kai scoffs and walks out the house slamming the door, making Jin jump. "Babe, please do not listen to him, he knows nothing about me, he calls me his friend but he never listens to me", Tae pleads. He turns a teary eyed Jin around and holds him, "we have to go Tae, I am fine, he didn't tell me anything I didn't already know."

Jin grabs their lunches and their breakfast sandwiches to eat on the drive, Tae drops Jin off at his office building not even giving Tae a second look, he sighs and heads to his own office building. When he steps off the elevator he sees Jungkook and Hoseok, Jungkook smiles to himself when he sees Tae coming his way, so he starts his plan earlier than expected.

"You know Hoseok, there is in reason for Taehyung to marry Seokjin if he doesn't love him, my family is more than capable of loaning Aera the money she needs and then I can marry Jin", Jungkook says, sensing Taehyung behind him and listening in. "You want to marry Jin", Hoseok asks. "Oh yes, very much, he is amazing, beautiful, caring and so adorable", Jungkook gushes. "Oh, Taehyung, good morning", Hoseok says.

Taehyung glares at Jungkook, "You are not marrying Seokjin, I am, he is my fiancé, so stay away from him." "Taehyung, I don't think Jin wants me to stay away, he says the sex is good and when he gets upset at you for your bullshit immature actions, he comes to me for comfort, which I gladly provide", Jungkook says smiling from ear to ear.

Taehyung's eyes go wide, he turns on his heel and walks to his office, he throws himself into his chair and rubs his hands thru his hair. Is that why Jin hangs out with Jungkook, to help ease the pain of his bullshit. This morning Kai didn't help, he was so wrong telling Jin that Tae didn't love him, but Kai doesn't care as long as he's there for him to get laid.

What nobody understands is that he's only had actual sex a handful of times, and it was with the same 3 or 4 people, and as bad as it sounds Tae always close his eyes tight and pictures it is Jin he's with, its the only way he could even get thru it, and most of the time he never even finished, guilt always took over. Tae admits that he drinks a lot, but always knows what he is doing, rumors and assumptions have killed his relationship with Jin, and a bad bet broke his only love's heart, the girl behind the gym when they were 13 was a bet that Tae lost, the kiss meant nothing, the girl didn't even want to do it, she shoved Tae away when he grabbed her. Jin wouldn't listen to him when he tried to explain, then Jimin interfered and blocked Jin from having any contact with Tae, then rumors started swirling and they only grew more crazy, bathroom sex and coming to school drunk, hungover maybe but never drunk.

My phone ringing pulled me out of my thoughts...

Tae - Hello, this is Taehyung

Jin - Hey, it's me, there is a business dinner tonight we have to attend, I'll meet you at home and we'll go together.

Tae - Yea babe, Ill see you at home.

Jin - Ok, Ill see you then, have a good day, don't work to hard, I hope you enjoy your lunch.

Tae - Thank you Babe, you too.

If Taehyung only knew what it did to Jin's heart when he calls him babe, his heart races and his ears heat up, his love for Tae grows everyday and almost everyday he gets his heart broke, one way or another, Jin just wishes Taehyung would grow up and act like the man he needs and wants.

Jin wants a life with Taehyung, he wants this marriage to be real more than anything, but Jin knows if he tells Tae that, he will tell Jin what he wants to hear, he'll be good for a few days then go with Kai and start the vicious cycle all over again, and Jin knows his heart won't survive that again.

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