First Ceremony (E)

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It was graduation day, Jimin and Jin are at home getting ready, Yoongi is going to pick them up and head over to campus, "so when am I going to meet Jungkook." "Today maybe, he wants to come to the graduation", Jin says. "How's things with Taehyung", Jimin asks. "I haven't spoken to him since the fashion show and his infamous dressing room blow job ", Jin says disgusted.

 "I can't believe he did that to Aera, he will never change, I can't believe you are going to marry him, even my father is upset about it", Jimin says, "Aera has been calling my dad and complaining about Tae coming home drunk with random people, my dad is going to talk to him today after the ceremony." "I'll be surprised if he shows up at all Jimin, he doesn't care about anything anymore", Jin says concerned.

Taehyung is at his house getting ready to go to graduation, he is hungover but he needs to go, he needs to see Jin, it's been almost 3 weeks since the café incident with his new handsy pretty boy boyfriend, he misses Jin, and in a week they will be married but not really, he needs to work harder at getting better, he knows his mom is pissed about the drinking and random hook-ups but after seeing Jin with that guy, his whole world crashed down and has been in a spiral ever since.

He is going to make Jin notice him today, he is wearing one of his originals and these pants hug his ass and dick leaving nothing to the imagination, he wants Jin to see what he is missing. Kai texts and says he is outside, Tae checks his face one more time making sure that his beauty marks are in full view, they are one Jin's favorite things about Tae. 

Jin receives a text from Jk that he won't make it to the ceremony, with Aera and Hoseok being away from the office to attend, he will need to stay and head a meeting, he promises to pick Jin up later and make him dinner and maybe some "dessert", Jin laughs and put his phone away.

 The three boys walk into the auditorium and stand around with the other students until it was time to line up, Jin heard the door open and when he turns he sees Taehyung, he cant help but stare, god he was gorgeous but you could see his wild life style is taking a toll on him. He looks tired and pale, but still beautiful, and that outfit holy shit, it seems Tae has grown into quite a male since the last time Jin saw his 13 year old dick.

 Tae stares right back and never breaks eye contact, he sees Jin walk toward him and then grab his hand pulling him away from everybody, "what's wrong baby." "Don't call me baby, god knows how many other people you call that", Jin says rolling his eyes, "you look horrible Taehyung, I wish you would take care of yourself, your mother doesn't like what you are doing and frankly neither do I, I can't stand by and watch you self destruct right in front of me." 

"You act like you care about me, and for your information I don't call anyone else baby, but you", Tae says intently staring at Jin. "You know I care about you, just because I don't trust you with my heart doesn't mean I don't care, so never question that", Jin says. "You care so much then why are you dating that pretty boy from the fashion show, letting him touch you", Tae says with tears in his eyes. 

Jin was stunned, "Taehyung, yes I have always cared for you, even though you broke my heart, even though you fuck anything with a heart beat, I still worry about you", Jin starts to tear up, "If you only knew... damn you Taehyung, you have the nerve to get mad about Jungkook touching me but you allow EVERYBODY to touch you and I am supposed to be okay." Jin turns and runs into the bathroom to freshen up, he doesn't want anyone to know he is crying. 


The ceremony is over and the Park's and the Kim's are gathered together taking pictures, Tae can't stop staring at Jin, and Jin is aware of it and trying really hard not to stare back at him. "Ok you three get together, act like you like you each other", Hoseok says. "Har Har dad, just take the picture...

 "Har Har dad, just take the picture

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They all go to lunch after, where they talk about the wedding and starting work, Tae isn't happy that Jin will be working in a different building, but he likes that they have a lot of meetings and luncheons together, they also talk about when they would move into the condo, which they decide to do it this coming weekend, after lunch Namjoon, Jin, Tae and Aera decide to go furniture shopping. 

Before they leave Hoseok asks Taehyung if he could talk to him for a second, Tae agrees and they walk to the other side of the parking lot, Jin watches out of curiosity wondering what might be said. "Taehyung you know I love you like a son, I raised you since you were six years old, your mother and I are worried about you, what's with the drinking and having sex with all these different people, I really don't want to see you end up sick, getting pregnant or someone else pregnant, then what will you do", Hoseok asks concerned, "talk to me, what is going on, you are crying out for help and I want to listen." 

"If what I say here will stay here, I will talk to you," Tae says. "I promise, I won't even tell your mother if I feel she doesn't need to know", Hoseok says. "I'm in love, I'm really in love and the person I love will never reciprocate my feelings because I hurt him very badly many years ago, I saw him with another guy the other day and I lost it, so I stayed drunk for about 5 days straight and just picked up random people, I didn't fuck any of them, I made them blow me and then I'd kick them out", Tae said looking really ashamed. 

"Ok look, I am going to sound like a dad here for a minute please just let me talk, then you can say whatever you need to, I'm guessing the person you love is still in your life, if I was that person I would not be to inclined to want to be with someone who sleeps with multiple people with no disregard for anyone's feelings, you are beautiful and you are using your body as a dumpster Taehyung", Hoseok says.

 "Secondly you need to be careful of the people you bring home, that is your mother's home and if you bring home the wrong person and piss them off by using them, they could hurt you or your mother, and lastly Taehyung, I think your true love still loves you, but as I said, has no respect for you right now because of your behavior", Hoseok says motioning over to Jin who is watching them intently. 

Tae looks at Jin who quickly looks away blushing, making Taehyung smile. "You see it too", Hoseok asks. Tae nods, "I'll start straightening up, I promise." Hoseok gathers Tae in his arms and hugs him tight, "thank you Dad." "You haven't called me that in years", Hoseok says not being able to stop the tears.

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