Moving in (E)

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Saturday finally came, Tae and Jin are moving into the condo, Yoongi, Jimin, and Kai are helping the pair move their stuff in, the furniture won't be delivered till the next day, so they have air mattresses for tonight. Jimin and Jin had gone food shopping the night before so the kitchen is stocked, but they decide after everything is brought in they will order food for everybody. Everybody left after they ate, leaving Tae and Jin alone, so they start unpacking, their rooms are across from each other, and they each have their own bathroom. 

Tae pops his head into Jin's room, "I have an idea." "Hmm", Jin responds. "Let's put a mattress in the living room, watch movies and pig out on junk food", Tae suggests. Jin looks at him with a smile on his face, "let's do it." A little while later they have the beds blown up and Tae's Laptop set up in between them, with junk food just within reach. 

"What movie", Tae asks. "Ummm, can we do a comedy maybe", Jin asks. "Sure, anything in particular", Tae asks. "Oh, lets watch Bros, that movie with Billy Eichner, I heard it was hilarious", Jin says excitedly. Tae laughs at his cuteness and looks for it, Jin jumps up and runs to the kitchen to make some popcorn.

He comes back with a big bowl of popcorn, jumping on the bed so hard he flips Tae off the other side on to the floor, Jin was laughing so hard that he didn't see Tae coming for him, "oh my god Tae Tae, are you okay." Tae straddles Jin's thighs and starts tickling him, Jin is laughing so hard he's crying, "Tae, I'm going to pee my pants." Tae grabs Jin's wrists and holds them above his head looking down at him, they both feel how their bodies are reacting to each other, and when Jin shifted his hips just a bit his member rubs against Tae's earning a hiss.

 Jin tries to catch his breath, Taehyung stares, the fire he sees in his eyes is intimidating, "we should watch the movie Tae." Tae is broken out of his trance by Jin trying to roll out from underneath him, he gets up, "Sorry babe, I lost myself for a minute." Jin giggles, "Its ok Tae Tae, let's start the movie." They lay on the mattress, turn the lights off, and laugh together at the movie while they eat popcorn and gummies. 

The second movie was a drama and they were both very into it, they didn't even realize that Tae had his head on Jin's shoulder, and they were holding hands. Tae's phone rings and scares them both, they laugh while he answers it...

Tae - Kai, what's up

Kai - I am coming to get you, I have two girls here and ones dying to meet you.

Tae looks at Jin who can hear everything Kai is saying. Jin gets up and goes into the other room, looking sad.

Tae - I'm in bed already, I'm going to pass tonight

Kai - Bullshit, I'll be the..

Tae - Kai, I said no, I'll talk to you later

Tae hangs up and goes to find Jin, he was in his bathroom washing his hands, Tae wraps his arms around Jin's waist and rests his chin on his shoulder looking at him through the mirror, "when are you leaving." "I'm not, we haven't finished our movie marathon", Tae says into Jin's ear giving him goosebumps. "Really, you chose to stay with me over Kai", Jin says sarcastically. Tae rolls his eyes, "lets go finish our movie." He grabs Jin's hand pulling him back to the living room, getting comfortable again and wrapping up in blankets, they start their movie and settle in for the rest of the night.


The next morning Jin wakes up with his arms wrapped around Taehyung, and Tae's head buried in Jin's chest. Jin lays there looking at him, wishing things could be different between them, he knows this right here is short lived because Tae can't commit and probably never will, last night was a rare occurrence of him saying no to Kai, and deep down I know he probably regrets it. 

He broke my heart, it's been years and we were young, I'd be afraid of the pain but I would risk it again if I knew he would commit to just me, he slowly detaches himself and goes to take a shower, after he dresses he makes them both breakfast before the furniture arrives. Jin wakes Tae up by deflating the air mattress and laughs at his startled reaction, "we should eat before the furniture gets here."Tae groans, "It's too early Babe, let's go back to bed, I want to be in your arms again." Jin is taken aback by Tae's statement, making his heart race, "they will be here soon and we need to eat, so get up." 

"Smells good", Tae says walking into the kitchen. He grabs a plate and sits next to Jin at the counter, "you excited for tomorrow, our first official day of work." "It's going to be stressful, I can tell already just by looking at my dad, he looks older than he is", Jin says putting his plate in the sink. He just remembers that they are getting married next weekend, a small smile forms on his lips but is short lived when he hears Tae open the door for Kai.

"Come on, lets go Tae", Kia whines. "I cant till the furniture gets here, damn don't you listen", Tae scolds. "Tae, can you come here for a second", Jin calls from his room. "You better go wifey, Hubby will get mad", Kai teases. "Fuck you", Tae says glaring at him. He pokes his head into Jin's room, "my dad gave me this the morning of the fashion show and I was planning on giving it to you that evening, but unfortunately things went down, no pun intended and I didn't give it to you." 

Jin held up the engagement ring, and Tae's eyes went wide. "Jin, Im so sor..." "Taehyung save it, I am tired of the I'm sorry's, you did what you did because you wanted to, you can't be sorry for that, but I'm afraid to give it to you because when you go out you will take it off and I would be very upset if you lost it, I would like to give it to my real husband one day", Jin says coldly. Tae's heart drops at Jin's words, "I am going to hang on to it, and you can wear it to work, but I want it if you go out." 

"I wouldn't take it off Jin", Tae says. "Oh that's right, most of the people you fuck don't care if you are married or not, but I don't need you getting drunk and losing it, so I will just hold it." Tae looks at Jin with hurt in his eyes, then they hear a knock at the door, "furniture's here." They walk out to the living room and instruct the movers what all the furniture goes, once everything is in place, Tae takes a shower and leaves with Kai, Jin's heart breaks just a little, they had such a good night last night, now it's all back to normal. 

He walked into his room and makes his bed, putting his clothes in his dresser, when his phone rings.

Jin - Hi Kook-ah

Jk - Hi Gorgeous, are you busy

Jin - Not at all, what you got on your mind

Jk - You, dinner, dancing, then you underneath me tonight

Jin - I'll be ready in 20

Jk - I'll be there, send me your new address

Taehyung walks into the condo, its really late, he's not drunk, but he's feeling pretty good, his night started out good, he was behaving himself and turning people down, but the more he drank the less good he was and ended up doing some questionable things with questionable people. He knocks on Jin's door, when he doesn't hear anything he peeks his head in the door to find he isn't there, he checks the living room, kitchen, and the balcony but he is nowhere to be found. 

Did he really leave, Tae wonders where he went and who he's with, his heart sinks and he feels nauseous, he walks into his room and puts his stuff away and makes his bed, he can't sleep, he tosses and turns wondering who Jin is with and why he is out so late, he knows he has no right, he left with Kai not even asking Jin if he wanted to do something, he is starting to realize that maybe Kai isn't the best influence.

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