Second Ceremony (E)

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It's here, the day of the wedding, many people say this is supposed to be a happy day, I guess for some it is, but last night I had a nice evening planned for Tae and I, then Kai called, taking Tae to some bachelor party he set up. I was heartbroken, this week has been really emotional, some days were really good, other days Tae didn't even come home.

 I'm not much better, I was a mess last night and when Jungkook called I ran into his arms, I'm only human, I deserve warmth and love to, I am not a robot who can keep standing by and watching the man I love act like a hormonal immature teenager.

Jin is sitting in the groom's room, minutes before the ceremony and he's thinking of walking out and not looking back, a knock at the door startles him, "come in." "Hey love, how are you doing", Jimin asks. "I don't want to do this anymore Jimin, at this point I am tired of thinking of everybody else's feelings and not mine, I know Aera will be upset, but I am tired", he says sighing. "I'd understand if you left Jin", Jimin says. 

"I can't spend the next three years watching the man I am married to, and actually love have multiple partners, and not come home at night", Jin says wanting to cry, "part of me wants to call Jungkook to come pick me up and take me to the states with him, at least I know he wants me, and cares for me, he asks me almost everyday to run away with him and marry him." "I met Jungkook, he is really amazing, and fine as fuck, but you don't love him, you need to follow your heart, if anyone can change Taehyung its you", Jimin says rubbing his back.

"Hoseok told me that Taehyung has hickey's all over him, I can't handle this anymore Jimin, when will it ever be about me, if I could really change him dont you think I would have by now", he says angrily. Jin pauses and stares at nothing for a long time, till Jimin says that it's time to go, "you go ahead, I'll be out in a minute."

 "Are you really coming", Jimin asks suspiciously. Jin nods, "I just need a minute." Jimin leaves, Jin collects his thoughts and his feelings, he fixes his suit, he fixes his hair and he walks out to the altar. When the officiant steps up Jin leans over to him, "change of plans, we aren't doing our own vows, just read the vows from the book and that's it." "Oh, ok then we will keep it simple then", the officiant says.


Meanwhile in Taehyung's room, "Are you nervous Tae", Namjoon asks. "Not at all, this is my Jin we are talking about, I have waited forever for this day to come, why aren't you with him", Tae asks suspiciously. "He kicked me out, he didn't want anyone in the room with him, not even Jimin", Namjoon said. Taehyung thought that was weird, Jin and his dad are close, why would he kick him out. "I hope you are ready to be a husband Taehyung, it isn't just you anymore", Hoseok says. 

"I am so ready to be married, today is the first day of the new Taehyung, my only focus is my husband, no more clubbing or one night stands, and no more Kai", Tae says excitedly. "What did you just say", Aera asks when she walks in. "You heard right mom, he's gotten me in trouble more times than I can count, he isn't my friend, he's my pimp, at my bachelor party last night I passed out and he paid a chick to suck hickey's all over me", Tae says looking in the mirror at his chest.

 "I think he is trying to break Jin and I up, Jin has never liked him", Tae says. "Neither have I, I always thought he was a terrible influence", Aera says, "lets go, Jin's up there waiting, you look gorgeous son." "Be a good husband Taehyung, Jin is such a treasure and you have hurt him enough, no more", Hoseok scolds. "Like I said, today everything changes", Tae says.

The music starts and Tae comes around the corner with Aera and Hoseok on either arm, when he sees Jin, the tears start, his heart does flip flops, Jin looks at him and Tae gives him his best smile, but Jin looks down at the ground, Tae was a little upset by that, does he not look good, because Jin looks magnificent in his tux.

 When they reach Jin, he shakes Hoseok's hand and hugs Aera, then turns to face the officiant,  Tae was in shock that Jin didn't even look at him, so he turns to the officiant to, he is confused, they are supposed to say their own vows but they dont, and now doing the ring exchange, Jin doesn't even look at him when he says the vows the officiant asked him to repeat. 

When he says that we can now kiss the groom, Jin kisses Tae's cheek, Tae doesn't know what is going on, he tries hard not to cry as they drive to the reception hall in silence, when they get there Jin didn't even wait for Taehyung, he just walks in and talks to the DJ, "when you announce us, say Mr. Kim and Mr. Park." 

The DJ nods and Jin goes back out to the entryway with Tae, the Parks, and Namjoon, the DJ announces Aera first, then Hoseok, and then Namjoon, Jin grabs Tae's hand, but doesnt even look at him, "welcome the new couple Mr. Kim and Mr. Park, Jin pulls Taehyung thru the door, Tae is stunned, he is taking Jin's last name why did the DJ say it that way.


Jin was completely numb to what was going on around him, he says hi to the guests, and then hides the rest of the time in their honeymoon suite, his phone keeps blowing up with calls and texts, he is too numb, he doesn't want to do this anymore. He sits at the desk and starts writing a letter to his father explaining his actions today, explaining why he is leaving, and explaining when he feels ready to come back, he will. He sets the envelope on the desk, grabs his suitcase and takes the stairs down and out the side door of the hotel to a waiting Jungkook.


Taehyung is devastated, Jin hasn't been seen all night, no couples dance, no speeches, most of the guests left after dinner, they didn't even cut the cake. "Happy now Taehyung", Jimin asks. He looks at him with an unreadable look, "you leave last night, when Jin had an amazing night planned, you don't come home and then you show up with hickeys all over you, classy Tae, real fucking classy."

"The hickeys are a misunderstanding, I didn't do anything with anyone last night", Tae argues. "He's right, the only thing he is guilty of is being a bad drunk, he passed out before the strippers even got there, so I paid one of them to cover his chest and neck in hickeys so that on his wedding night his hubby would see them and freak out", Kia says proudly. Jimin is stunned, he looks at Tae who looks devastated, "Jin wasn't even going to sleep with Tae tonight, so why bother doing that to him", Jimin said. 

"Kai, if you were ever my friend you would know that I have loved Jin since we were kids, I knew him before I even knew you, you have done nothing but try to sabotage my relationship with him", Tae says angrily, "we are so done Kai, done, lose my number, forget where I live, forget me, find you another sucker to be your friend because it isn't me anymore." 

Kai is shocked, "fuck you Taehyung, you'll come running back when you want to get drunk and laid." Taehyung breaks down, Jimin holds him and guides him to a chair to sit until he calms down. "Where is he Jimin", Tae asks. "Did you check the suite", Jimin asked. Tae shakes his head, "lets go check."

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