28 / Ocean

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"Ooh! Ooh! And what happened next? Did you guys kissed on top of the Ferris wheelie?!" Hoseok excitedly squealed himself on the poor chair as he energetically slammed his two palms down on the table.

Not to mention how the sudden action uncovered many rainbow scrunchies and multiple friendship bracelets that were securely wrapped around his thin wrists.

"They just got together, no kissing." Namjoon strictly precepts in an overprotective tone after smacking Hoseok out of his fantasy which will never happen if his rule stays sacred enough.

"Just let the kid do whatever he wants." Yoongi grumpily nagged before averting his attention towards Jungkook who had just cleared his throat in a successful attempt of gathering his arguing hyung' attention.

"Shall I continue?"

"Yes please, the tea is getting cold." The older three nodded their head furiously, eager to hear the second part of their beloved dongsaeng's story.

*Back To The Flashback*

"So can I be your boyfriend?" Taehyung casually asked and he immediately noticed how the student's cheeks turned beetroot after hearing his meaningless question that suddenly seemed so significant to the boy.

"Y-you want us to be boyfriends?" Jungkook shyly stuttered as he makes little hand gestures between him and his crush who continues to smile fondly which is not that great for his pouncing heart right now.

"Of course! I love you...don't you love me?" The blonde gave him those upset puppy eyes but Jungkook wasn't going to say no from the start anyways. He would be a total idiot to reject someone as magnificent as Kim Taehyung.

"No no! I love you so much! Like a lot! More than you could imagine that I love yo-" Jungkook passionately denied the elder's doubt with confidence and enthusiasm which took Taehtung by surprise as he thought the boy would be more reserved.

"Okie! okie I get it, you love me." Taehyung calmed the panicked arty kid down while fulfilling his urge to ruffles the brunette's hair and surprisingly, it was ten times softer than how it looked.

Gazing at the beautiful man infront of him, Jungkook became quiet once again as he couldn't help but savour the moment of his crush- well now boyfriend who is touching him with so much adoration like how his hyung normally does it, nice and gentle.

Suddenly, it became awkward when Taehyung couldn't help but ruffle them for a whole minute straight and Jungkook wasn't going to complain or thinking of stopping the elder as he was too happy to do anything else except blushing.

"Oh wow, you got many rings!" Taehyung exclaimed out of the blue and quickly detached his fingers off the male's now tousled hair to take both of Jungkook's hands in his so that he could take a better look at them.

"Yeah, you do too." Jungkook murmured shyly after noticing the Gucci rings on his crush's slender fingers. God, even his hands are beautiful!

"How expensive are these?" Taehyung curiously asked as he swiftly licked his Gucci vaseline lips at the shiny objects as he cannot hide his suspicion that will eventually lead to truthful confirmation to Jimin's theory.

"About 5 hundred thousand won." Jungkook dreamily replied as he gazes at Taehyung with loveful eyes while feeling his shoulders slouching weakeningly like how his knees were so close to dropping to the floor simply by the elder's sacred touch.

"Is that so?" Taehyung dragged his words a little and tries to remain as calm as he can at the mouth-watering thought of how many Gucci winterfall collections he could get with that. Damn Jimin is not wrong at all, the kid really got a wallet.

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