58 / Epilogue

276 14 5

*3rd Person's POV*

*7 Years Later*

11 / April / 2021

Unknown - 12:48 pm

Darkness was all Jimin could sees and the soft frabic which covers his eyes from the surprise that his boyfriend has been all excited about but refused to tell him what it is seems to stay there even longer as his legs keep stuttering forward.

His destination was unknown but Jimin is not scared since one of Yoongi's large hand were wrapped around his petit waist and the other was holding with gentleness onto his hand as a guide to each brave steps he takes.

"Yoonie, where are we now? Close?" Jimin whined a little because of how his legs were becoming drained from walking for 30 minutes or more and there would be absolutely no reason for him not to complain.

Yoongi chuckles fondly at his lover's cuteness before parting his thin lips to give the pouty male a notice. "We are here now."

"W-wait really? Does that mean I can take the blindfold off?" The younger burst with excitement as he breathes in a lung full of fresh air and Jimin was sure that they are out of town and far away from all the filthy smoke that clogged up the bright blue sky.

"You may but let me do the honour." Yoongi grinned and let go off the latter to untie the blindfolds mini knot before he carefully lowers down the straps and that's when Jimin opens his brown chocolate eyes.


The sound escaped Jimin's lips and the blue haired elder only hummed as he casually plopped his chin onto the latter's exposed neck which is due to the oversized purple sweater he wore and lovingly snakes his buff arms around the male to hold him close.

"Do you like it my Daffodil?"

"I love it! Love it so much!" Unable to control himself, Jimin squealed and breaks free from his boyfriend's warm embrace to run towards the emerald fields of a certain type of flower that he loves the most.

Daffodils were blooming wild and spreads all over the soft green grasses that grows only to his knee length and Jimin couldn't help but engulfs himself around the pretty little flowers, almost as if he is a part of it.

They sticks in groups of seven and as far as Jimin's squinting eyes could travels, his boyfriend has brought him to a middle of nowhere but under the happy blue sky with no clouds sailing its calm sea and the horizon of nothing but fields of endless Daffodils.

Yoongi was still standing at the same place where Jimin untangle himself from his boyfriend's loose arms and he was smiling so widely that his charming dark orbs cannot be seen, they both were.

"What are you staring at?" Jimin was shouting loudly and he does not know why when Yoongi is only a few metres away from him but he was happy, so happy that they are together no matter how many years passed.

"You. Who else?" Yoongi yelled back as his shoulders kept on bouncing up everytime he genuinely laughed and he does not know he was cackling up this bad.

Maybe because Park Jimin is standing right infront of him and he is still too good to be true that Yoongi can only laughs at his own silliness and how this was not just another dream he would regularly have after coming back from school.

Yoongi remembers himself feeling over the clouds knowing that Jimin read his cliché love letters, remembers the jitters in the pit of his stomach everytime he witnesses that smile and he remembers how fast his heart beats for the latter, still does.

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