16 / Filthy

253 20 40

*At Night*

Up until now, it was good.

Everything was absolutely fine until Yoongi needs to cut off his staring session just because an annoying voice decided to speak up, making his eyes darted towards the foreigner in the room with his lips tightly pressed together into a thin straight line.

"Minnie, how are we suppose to watch a movie?"

"Hm? We can push the bed together, you can." Jimin suggested with a stretched grin while pointing at his boyfriend's visible biceps, making the other feel a sense of pride. "I'm not sure if you can do it alone though...perhaps you need my help?"

"Oh yeah? Sure." Jackson taunted in a cocky tone at the easy challenge.

With bored eyes, the senior look at his friend who is rolling up his white sleeves while standing near the bedside in a bending position as if he was about to play Zumo.

As if programmed, Yoongi glanced not subtly at Jimin for his reaction when Jackson easily pushed the bed together, flexing his muscles more than he really should as the bed has already reached the dead end.

But for the sake to impress no one other than his beloved boyfriend, he did it anyways, taking his damn time so that Jimin could drool over his contracting biceps whilst Yoongi rolled his eyes, thinking that he could do better.

"Wow Oppa, you're so strong!" Jimin immediately giggled before striding over towards his boyfriend's side and plant a quick kiss on the male's cheek as a reward for being this good.

"I know." Jackson smirked with pride and Yoongi's eyes only twitch at the vomitful sight. God, maybe swapping room is not the best idea now but at least! At least he gets to witness an angel.

Taking a deep breath in, Yoongi closes his eyes to reduce the twitching. Wanting it to stop as he tries composing himself but when he opened his blinds again, he sees Jackson's back facing him whilst a peachy head was nowhere to be seen in the half dimmed room.

"Jiminie? Where are you love?" Yoongi squashed his eyebrows together in panic but then he hears a soft giggle coming from the bed one block away.

Confirming his suspicion, Yoongi shifts on his bed in order to get a better look but his mind instantly falls into a blank space once his eyes lands lifelessly on Jackson's strong arms that were wrapped around his possession.

"This fucker." Yoongi hissed under his breath with a bright glint sparking inside his darkening orbs as he proceeds to lay back down in defeat with the alarming feeling of rage and possessiveness mixing over something that is not even his and will never be if that foreigner is still taking up the oxygen and back hugging Jimin like a leech.

"Knife, hammer, bleach, whatever that can kill him...fuck!" The senior chanted inside his spinning head as his fingers began twitching madly until he frantically pulled them out of the white sheets just to stare at the metallic weapon which he now possesses.

A gun.

With a mischievous grin, Yoongi chuckled loudly at himself before pointing the killing weapon towards where Jackson was lying and having a wonderful time with his boyfriend which the thought itself making Yoongi's index finger to slithered around the heavy tricker.

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