𝐇.𝐎 - 𝟒𝟕

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𝐚𝐭𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚, 𝐠𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐚.

"You look so good." Jayda hyped Ariana as she spun around.

"Thank you. I actually tried today." Ariana replied smiling.

Six months later and nothing was the same for her.

After about a week of planning Ariana, Jayda, and Tae impulsively packed up everything and moved to Atlanta.

Tae had a new studio and brought in more famous clientele. Jayda terminated her business temporarily and focused on more on big investments and contracts. Ariana also went into investments and deals, she only got paid promo deals as of now, but when she was no longer pregnant she'd only grow from there.

It was one of the best ideas they'd ever made and met so many new friends a long the way, but behind Ariana's smile she was not happy.

She pretended like she didn't know why she was so unhappy because she didn't want to admit the truth.

It wasn't that she missed Khalil, but it was that everything was off when they weren't together. Couldn't help but feel empty without him.

But as far as social media and everyone around her, she was doing great without him and Sevyn.

And that's all she needed them to think.

"I bet Tae ordered without us." Jayda said opening the door to Buffalo Wild Wings.

"You know he did. Impatient and greedy." Ariana agreed with a chuckle.

They walked in and Jayda immediately wrapped her arms around herself.

"Why you think I have a leather jacket on in this hot ass weather?" Ariana shook her head.

"I thought you just wanted to be hot. I forgot how cold it be in here."

Ariana shrugged and the pair met Tae at a booth where he was already eating just as they expected.

"You couldn't wait another 10 minutes?" Jayda joked sitting across from him.

"I'll be taking one of these." Ariana said grabbing a wing off his basket and sitting beside Jayda.

"Imma let you slide because you have my God son." Tae mumbled eyeing her down.

"Stop saying God son. You going to be looking real cheap next week." Ariana said before taking another bite of the wing.

𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐎𝐁𝐒𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now