Chapte r❷

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Don't trust anyone.

"MISTER SOOT." He woke up with the teacher smashing a ruler on his desk, him getting scared immediately waking up "You should be embarrassed Mr. Soot, you show up late to my class AND then you have audacity to sleep in class!?"

"I'm s- sorry miss.." everybody was looking at him, he could feel them staring and he could hear them laughing..

"Silence!" she looked at the other students, the whispers and laughs immediately going silent "If i caught you sleeping in class AGAIN you'll have detention after the school schedule. understood?"

"Y- yes miss" She walked to her desk and continued the class, he could feel how the people behind him were staring at him, laughing and then paying attention to the class.

What a great start.. he got out of his thoughts and tried to pay attention to the board, which was impossible after what just happened, his head started spinning around, his thoughts getting the worst of him, making hundreds of possibilities of things that could happen after that, his anxiety growing more and more.

The bell rang and everybody got out of the classroom like fucking sonic while he couldn't move, he came back to reality when he heard some students coming in again, that meaning the next class was getting there, he quickly grabbed his book and ran out of there, looking around for his next class.

Where the fuck is english-? He bumped on someone, immediately panicking "I- i'm sorry I didn't see w- where i was going!" he squeezed his eyes shut, stuttering and had a voice crack.

"It's okay" The person said "don't worry this always happens, i'm used to it now" her voice was soft and sweet, he looked up and saw a girl with black hair and blonde on the front.

"I'm still s- sorry!" he took a few breaths calming down, he looked away from her and tried to talk but he only stuttered, leaving the girl confused.

"What did you say?" she asked, getting closer to hear what he was saying.

"d- do you know where is the class.. 1-B..?"

"Oh! it's on the first door of the right side of the building"

"Where is that? can you take me there please i- i'm new.."

"Oh! sorry" they walked down a hallway, Wilbur following her, he should probably pay attention to his surroundings since he has to know the school, but he was too busy avoiding eye contact.

"We're here!" They were outside a classroom, the door was smaller than the others "only the most important classes are in the principal building, be careful because people around here isn't.. the nicest.."

"Yeah i did notice.. would you like to eat lunch together when our classes finish? i don't know anybody here besides one person and you and i don't really want to be alone-"

"Of course! Well, see you later!"


It was lunch time and everybody was on the cafeteria, he was trying to avoid the people but this place was literally full, he looked around trying to find his new friend until he saw her, trying to get on the line "Niki..!" he yelled, he tried getting where she was but somebody pushed him with his shoulder "Ow- sorry!"

"Don't worry, it's ok"



"H- hEy Dream!" his voice cracked "WhAt are you d- doing herE??" that was the stupidest question i've ever asked-

"I go to this school, Wilbur, you don't have to be nervous around me, it's fine!" the blonde placed his hand on Wilbur's shoulder.

And that's when Wilbur stopped working properly, his mind flooding with nervousness.

"UH- YEAH I STUPID SORRY AM" he panicked, his face completely red.

"Pfft-" a boy with ravennete hair walked behind him, standing by his side.

"Sapnap, shut the fuck up can't you see the poor boy is nervous?" he hugged him tight, resting his head on top of the beanie while the brunette was pulled down sligthly to do so, Wilbur covered his face with his hands from embarrassment, not wanting to look up ever again.

"wait, is he new? i've never seen him before"

"Yeah, he is." his embrace got stronger, hugging him like a child but this child was tall and wasn't standing straight-


"I- i have to go! t- thank you D- drEam for trying t- to help but it's ok! CYA LATER-" he quickly got out of there, walking to where he last saw Niki, a few people hitting him with their shoulder or arm in the way. He didn't dare to look up again, he didn't want to anymore, he just wanted to get home, grab his guitar and play with it, he wanted to be comfy in his room that had NO PEOPLE.

"WILBUR!!" Someone jumped at him from behind, he got startled and then turned around to see who surprised him.

"Niki w- what the hELL-" she pulled him by his shoulders, getting closer to him.

"Tell me what just happened. now."

"What do you mean b- by that-?"

"YOU TALKED WITH DREAM. DREAM!!" she looked like she was going to explode of excitement, good for her but what does that mean-?


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