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Don't trust anyone.


"This is.. really illegal" the girl said as she looked around the room then her eyes stayed on her friend "why are we doing this again?"

"I need to find those documents! That's going to be proof so we can get rid of him, he can't get in our way right Niki?" He asked while going through drawers, quickly pulling them in and out, searching for some certain papers.

"I know! But.. isn't this wrong..?" She said as she slightly opened the door of the room, peeking over the hallway to check if anybody was coming "we're in the principal's office! Anybody could catch us any second now!"

"Got it!" He took some papers and placed them on the desk, pacing one by one quickly while his friend looked through the door "I'm sorry I'm dragging you into this again" he said, his stomach filling with guilt as he looked at her for a second then back to the papers on his hands "I swear this will be the last time, I'll get out of my shithole and you'll finally be out of that house"

"Yeah but-"

"Whatever it takes Niki." They looked at each other for a few seconds with a worried look in their faces, making the girl look down as she felt something in her stomach hurt, she felt guilty "hey.." she didn't notice when the brunette stood up until he was right infront of her "don't forget what they did to you, you can't stay here" she frowned but silently nodded, both of them walking out of the room before someone could see them.

The masquerade had started.


"Techno!!" The tall male yelled when he saw the long haired boy, immediately hugging him when he was close enough.

"Ranboo? Where were you! Wilbur went to look for you and hasn't came back since then" he said a little worried and he felt like there wasn't a reason to, but that though was replaced with even more worry when his friend started crying on his shoulder, looking at Dream and asking for help with his eyes.
The blonde shrugged. "Ranboo-?" He wasn't good with comforting people.

"T- there's no time to explain! Follow me!" Ranboo said taking his arm to drag him out of the party room, Dream following close behind even when they didn't ask for his help.


He fell back as he covered his mouth and nose with one hand, feeling the red liquid slowly coming down his face "ARE YOU GOING TO FIGHT BACK OR NOT!??" Another fist was raised in the air, staying up for a second "DO SOMETHING FOR THE LOVE OF GOD-" he yelled before going for his face, everything will hurt after this..

His fists kept going for Wilbur's face at a synchronized pace, trying to get a reaction from the taller brunette who just stared at him, looking like he wasn't actually here. His body was, god his body was having a bad time right now, but his mind, soul and consciousness where far away from the skin, not really having connection to it right now.. or that's what it seemed.

"WILBUR!!" He heard someone yell, instantly recognizing the voice, but when he was about to react and try to run away or at least stand up he got knocked to the ground by someone, falling on his side and quickly trying to stand up, but the person who had knocked him off Wilbur's body kneeled down behind him, holding his arms back to keep him still. Everything happened so quickly he didn't have time to back up like he always did. Of course Techno and Ranboo were back, just by hearing the pinkette's voice he felt like dying, maybe that's why he gave up so easily when he heard him with them.

"LET ME FUCKING GO!!" He screamed, kicking on the floor and air while being held back by someone, still being on the floor. He saw the long haired male go to Wilbur, Ranboo immediately going with him too.. wait, if they were there, then who was holding him ba-

"Shut the fuck up." He heard the familiar voice say, rage getting stronger when hearing his brother talk "the fuck did you do this time!?" The blonde was just right behind him, his voice right by his ear, causing the yell to be a lot louder.

"Teaching him a lesson." He said without hesitating, then looking back at Wilbur and a tears eyed Ranboo, drops of blood on the floor and splattered on his face, he noticed the brunette's nose bleeding and parts of his face red mixed with a soon to be purple. His struggling stopped and he just stared, watched, he couldn't do anything anyways, his brother had strong arms and he was held in a position where he couldn't escape, slight guilt getting to him but immediately noticing and masking it over with anger and hatred.

"Look at what you just fucking did." Dream spoke to his ear, he clearly sounded mad, but there was no turning back, too late to lament his regrets.. not like he regretted this anyway.

"What would Jschlatt say, what would father say if he saw you right now?" He froze in place, the blonde well knowing about the fear the younger had of their oh so beloved father. He felt sick just by calling him parental figure, they both shared this feeling, but Dream knew how to play the cards, how to use this to his advantage even when it hurt him too.

Could be called self-destruction. "Don't you say his name in my presence, I DARE you" he spat back, his eyes threatening to let the tears out.

"Ranboo calm down! It's okay!" He heard Techno's yelling, paying attention to them, ignoring Dream's poison "It's not something that a bag of ice, some bandages and resting can't fix" he sighed "he's not bleeding anymore, you can calm down"

However, the taller didn't look calm at all, he was shaking, trying to clean some of the blood on Wilbur's face with his sleeve. Tubbo almost felt guilty, almost. But that feeling was something he felt 24/7, there wasn't a big of a change right now.

"Jschlatt would be disappointed" he heard Dream speak this time "he always is, when it comes to you." The brunette didn't realize that he wasn't being held back until now, looking at his own hands and watching the bits of blood that painted his knuckles. Getting everyone off-guard he suddenly stood up and ran out the door, the blonde's only reaction was to stay face down-low and hope for his boyfriend to be alright.

When he was out through that door, Ranboo stood up too "What are you doing-?" Techno asked confused over the younger's behavior.

"I- I'll go after him" he was going to argue back but the taller male was already running out the door, sighing. Dream had gotten closer to them, holding carefully Wilbur's face with his hands.

"I'll take him to the nurse's office, you have an event to take care of" Techno said to the blonde, still looking at Wilbur's face, he fell asleep some moments ago, or what they supposed was sleep.

"Wilbur is more important.." Dream said under his breath, leaning down and putting his forehead together with the brunette's "he really got beaten the shit out of him, didn't he..? I knew Tubbo was.. is.. dangerous, and he has something against not only Wilbur, but everyone" he kept speaking, the other male just listened "if he was worse right now.." he cleaned a drop of blood on Wilbur's cheek with his thumb, turning his head and looking up to the Techno "i don't know what i would've done to that little shit." His tone suddenly changed, turning into a dark and emotionless one. It was kept soft, low as if it would wake up Wilbur, but the threatening voice sounded.. odd.

"Dream, let me take care of it, it isn't that bad, he could be worse honestly" Techno said to try and calm him down, putting his arms on Wilbur's back and legs, looking at the blonde and waiting for affirmation before lifting the brunette up bridal style, standing up "go back to the masquerade, who knows what chaos could emerge there without you there" Dream sighed and stood up too, nodding as a signal for Techno to leave.


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