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You could notice a change in the writing from the past chapters and this one (including the next chapters) since there's a gap of a few months between the writing dates so my writing style has changed (for the better, I hope)


"There's only one week left, and we still have to learn this part" the boy with orange hair pointed his finger to the paper sheet filled with music notes written all around. "Do you understand this shit? We're not going to make it!"

"Don't worry furry boy, I've already learnt my part while all of you were doing your romantic shit" Tommy said, gesturing his hand on Wilbur's direction causing his cheeks to turn bright red in embarrassment "fighting people" his hand went to the long haired male who rolled his eyes "and disappearing from the entire school" pointing at Fundy this time.

"Listen kid, some instruments are harder than you think" The pinkette said in annoyance, dropping his arms to his sides from being crossed together before "All you have to do is pressing some buttons on your long keyboard and follow a slow rhythm, I have to do more practicing than you do because it's more happening at the same time, but clearly you don't understand that since I didn't explain it with apples and oranges."

"H- hey Techno I think that was a little mea-" The brunette knew this wasn't going to end up well.

"Oh yeah!? You don't know how hard it is to play the piano! Y'know how fast and PRECISE i have to be!? But clearly you don't understand it you fuckhead" The blonde spat back, his tone mocking in the last sentence using the same words the other said.

"I'm going to strangle you" Techno spoke slightly angrier than his last sentence, tension rising in his shoulders and grip strong trying to keep his gaze on his violin case.

"Try me bitch! That's all you know how to do anyways, it's all throwing fists at eachother when it comes to you doesn't it?" The blonde's accent coming stronger with his aggressive tone.


"You're acting like a child" Techno stood up from his seat, walking to be right next to Tommy's table.

"I'm not a FUCKING child." The other spat.

"Then SHUT. YOUR. MOUTH." Techno slammed his hand hard on the wooden table, the loud bang echoing in the room making the others flinch, clearly getting angrier by the second. His eyes staring down at the blonde who scoffed.

"And if i don't? What? You'll do the same thing you did to Tubbo?" Right when he finished his sentence Techno's hand went to the collar of his shirt, yanking him up with intentions of hurting him.

"I didn't anything. I should be the one angry at him for starting this whole thing!"


"THAT'S ENOUGH FOR TODAY, JUST-" Fundy got in between them "GO HOME! Scatter! P- practice is over.."

Tommy angrily scoffed and stood up abruptly, pushing them both out of his way and storming out the door "Another practice ruined by this idiot" He mumbled for them to hear before dissapearing in the hall.


He rapidly tapped his feet against the grassed floor, flicking his eyes from the players running around behind the ball and glancing at the boy sitting by his side "So.." he began, clearing his throat, mismatched red and green eyes going back to the floor.

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