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Don't trust anyone.



"Tomorrow is going to be the show, it's like a little thing the school does to eliminate 2 clubs from the festival, since we're a lot"

"Who's in the list?" the taller asked.

"Here." the pinkette handed him a paper with the clubs:

(my handwriting sucks, even more when i'm sleep deprived)

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(my handwriting sucks, even more when i'm sleep deprived)

"What's that-?"

"What's what"

"The p below the technology club, is there any more clubs or..?"

"oh it's nothing" he took the paper away "it's just a.. an old club that once existed.."

"it doesn't anymore?"

"well.. yeah, you're right, it doesn't exist anymore"

"oh.. what was it called?"

"the Psychology club, it had a few members but.. it just broke apart, everybody left and there was only one person left so the school couldn't accept a club with only one person"

"why did everyone leave?"

"you're asking too many questions Ran, just forget about it"

"but I'm curious now!"

"Too bad"


"fine, you nerd-" he took a deep breath before explaining "the psychology club was made with the objective of talking with students and helping them, it had a few members, people you don't know, their names were Sam, Puffy, Jack, Tubbo and.. Skeppy" he paused a bit.

"It was doing great, but.. the more they tried to help, the more things got worse.. they were always trying to help students, their mindset was "if i'm nice they'll be nice", they though they could make things better, stop the bullying and look where it got them, the news club destroyed their reputation and one of them got beaten up, scaring him away, when Jack left and moved to another country there was only 4 people left, the other clubs continued making their life miserable until Skeppy.. passed away" the taller took his hand, squeezing it gently as he saw how the other was holding back a tear "Tubbo just snapped and gave up, Sam following him.."

"And Puffy was left alone..?" the pinkette slightly nodded "i'm.. really sorry to hear that, i shouldn't have asked"

"it's okay, society changes people.." he blinked multiple times, not letting the tear fall and talking again "anyways, uhm- our possible alliances are the Science club and the literature club.. the literature club was always on our side when Skep was here, but after he left i didn't hear about them anymore, the last events they just didn't participate so-"

"Why is the cooking club dangerous-?" he chuckled at the underlined club "what are they going to do? poison us?"

"Well, last year they teamed up with the science club and uhh.. yeah things didn't go well" he laughed as he remembered "they poisoned the food of the festival so people would be so fucking weak and low on sugar, someone collapsed infront of everyone, it was funny but some people got hurt because of medical conditions so.. yeah, the school didn't do anything, they just straight up didn't give a fuck and nobody was punished"

"jeez, these people are crazy-"

"that's why the psychology club was made in the first place, everybody was and is really mean, selfish, fights everywhere, all of that shit"


"We need to take down the gardening club and the news club, at least one of them"

"What's with the cheerleaders club? is it like- an ok club or is it something we should be worried about?"

"They're way too many people there okay? the dancing club, the gym club and the cheerleaders were all pulled together so they're a pretty big club"

"how many people?"

"pfft- how could i know? there's at least 200 people there, and i'm giving you a little number"

"Holy cow-"

"That's nothing, believe me, some clubs have not too many people, but when they have they have big amounts, the gardening club is a little big, the economy club and the gardening club were also pulled together, we have to pay attention to how many people there is in every club, we don't want to mess with the wrong one"

"How many are we here-? you know, in the drama club"

"Around 30, why?"

"The music club only has 4 members, have you noticed? and one of them is in coma-"

"Eh, it's music dude there's no need for more than 6 people there if you don't want a mess, now a little problem that we have is that- Fundy just seems a bit off, so i'll try to keep my eye on him while i plan what the drama and music club are going to do"

"Why don't you tell Wilbur to play one of his songs-? it's way easier, he's a good writer and i'm sure with that we'll make it to the festival, well, the music club will make it to the festival"

"Sounds good, now i have to find Wilbur before someone else finds him first, since the show is tomorrow some clubs will find a way for us to not participate or not make it in time, if i find him locked in a locker I wouldn't be surprised"

"Ok then!"


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