You're coming back

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Quick note! This chapter had been put off for so long (years) so i decided to finally publish it, however, it is not a 100% complete and it has some inconsistencies, but i will clarify stuff and fill some plot holes in a final summary i'll post soon :D


"This is it.. the festival" he looked behind and found his eyes on his friend who was fidgeting with his fingers "you really want to do this?" the taller male nodded.

"Here, you dropped it the day of the masquerade" the pinkette handed him a mask, the one he gave him when they first met. It still looked the same, the same golden details on the edges and the colors half white and black based.

"i still can't believe this is it.." he said to the shorter, who slightly nodded before going inside the building that they've been studying at for Ranboo's past months and Techno's past years.

"Well, believe it because it's happening, and the Science Club spent a lot of time on the plan so we have to do it perfectly"

"i just find it sad that they didn't even try to stop us.." they went in the familiar back room, memories from other moments coming back to him, in other circumstances he would smile at the feeling, but right now.. he had a lot in his mind, and his anxious state didn't help.

"it'll be okay, remember?"



"Wilbur you don't understand-"

"Of course i don't! that's why i'm worried, where's Techno and Ranboo?" the blonde sighed, a shaky breath following by.

"Fine, you want to understand?" he grabbed the brunette's wrist aggressively, pulling him closer "We want to end it all here, that's it. Happy?" Wilbur looked at him confused, but still looked afraid and getting an idea from what could possibly happen "it's not what you think, and i'm sorry this will happen like this" he let go of him, taking a few steps away from him.

"Dream you're scaring me, what do you mean with end it all-?"

"God you're so-" he interrupted himself, getting a glare from his boyfriend "alright, we want to end this all! remember the masquerade?"


"Remember the massacre?"

"Remember the festival and the big fucking price!?" he raised his voice more and more by the second "it's all bullshit! how can you not see!? they're trying to cover up something!" he looked away from him, slowly crossing his arms "They're covering up a crime, the massacre wasn't an accident or a protest.. they were trying to hide things from us, and it ended up in 22 students dying, with more than 100 people injured."

Wilbur didn't know anything about this, but kept listening "I'm one of the top students in this place, meaning that they trust me" his eyes went to lock with Wilbur's "They listen to me, and we're taking advantage of that."

"Who's.. "we"?"

"That's not important now" The blonde turned around and walked away, down a corner, leaving Wilbur with his thoughs, alone.

He frowned and puffed his cheeks, taking his guitar and following the way where the blonde went, right when turning the corner bumping into someone, being face to face with Dream again. He looked down at him and chuckled nervously, earning another glare from his boyfriend.

"I knew you would follow me, stay away Wil, please"

"Dream, please-" he tried mocking the blonde, but regretted it when seeing Dream frown, keeping his head down low "sorry-" he apologized, opening his arms to hug him but the blonde didn't get closer, instead, he walked away again, this time Wilbur stood there thinking about what could happen that day. Worrying, his thoughts eating him in a mix of different feelings all in one.

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