And it's the end of the world.

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Screaming filled his ears as the room was lighted with fireworks, the coloring explosives hitting the tall roof and making the loudest sound he's ever heard before, never being this near to any type of explosion or something this exciting to him. He felt the force of it pushing his body slightly, looking at the light amazed by how beautiful it looked on his eyes, the wind coming from it moving his hair across his face and making it messy. The people below it let terrified screams escape their throats, pushing each other to get away from the fire as soon as possible, that's when another firework went off, the flames on the roof expanding faster and getting to the walls, the decoration on the windows slowly turning black and to ashes, there were too many students in one room and everybody wanted to save themselves, causing them to get aggressive with each other, panic washing over them.

He chuckled to himself when he saw a brunette standing in the back, his eyes widened while looking back at the long haired male. He was in panic, he could tell, so he only gave him a smile and the other immediately reacted, embracing his guitar tighter against his chest and looking at the students who were trying to save their lives from the fire spreading quickly.

A sigh escaped his lips, looking at the flames that were approaching from the seats and giant curtains behind them, turning to face Ranboo who was putting on the mask he gave him the day they met. He could see in the corner of his eye some students laying on the floor, most likely fainted from the explosion being so close to them, they probably tried to stand up and run but ended up being pushed by others, giving up and staying down. Then he looked back at the fire, feeling the heat radiating off the red shades of orange that were dancing across the room.

"i think i'm in love.." he heard a hum from the boy infront of him "the fire is too pretty and shiny to not love, feels like the warmest embrace i've ever been in.. and the last one i'll be in"

"Consider me a last piece?" he smiled, taking the taller's left hand with the right of his own "it was nice meeting you, blood god"

"Nice meeting you too, memory boy"

"See you in another life" The taller placed his other hand on the shorter's lower back, Techno's free hand going to one of Ranboo's shoulders letting them get in a dancing position, moving slightly to the sides and going in a slow dance.

"Do you remember the legend of Sir Billiam and the butler?" the taller nodded, centering them both in the stage as the flames grew bigger and stronger around them. For the first time in his life being able to look in someone's eyes without anxiety rising in him, only feeling calm and at the same time numb, everything was so.. surreal. "They both died together protecting the egg, the giant mansion went in flames after an old village attacked the place because of the many people that went missing and were last seen in there, also for dark magic accusations"

Their dance was still slow, screaming filling the pinkette's senses, the sound of the fire growing closer deafening his reasoning, the only thing he knew is that he was dancing with his last friend, the best person he could've asked for to be at his side in a moment like this "They protected the egg till the end, but you know what else happened that day?" he paused for a few seconds, taking in his last words.

"This wasn't the egg's end, and so wasn't Sir Billiam's and the butler's.. i'm glad we met again."


"DREAM!!" He kept on shouting the boy's name, though his voice was completely drowned out by the screams of panic from those around him.
He tried to get out of the now burning room but there was so many people he felt like he was getting suffocated.

He was confused, he wanted to go back and ask why would they do this, why put everyone's lives at risk? Just to prove a point? Or was there something else behind everything, maybe it wasn't all just about winning, and maybe there was something he didn't know.

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