Chapter❶❾¿ u

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Don't trust anyone.

dude.. everybody is being so nice, i don't deserve y'all 😭💖


"i'm glad.." their faces got closer to eachother and..

the bell rang.

"..." they were really close, a deep blush in both their faces, looking in eachother's eyes "we have to get out of here.." their lips almost touching as he spoke but not going in for a kiss, the brunette slightly nodded before leaning back, resting his head on the wall as the other checked if the hall was empty "the cost is clear, let's go"



"Dream i..."


"N- nevermind, let's just go before someone comes-" the blonde nodded before opening the locker, looking around for a last time before letting go of Wilbur, standing up as he closed the locker again "well.. i- i have to go- i have class and i don't want to be late"

"Ok.. see you later!"

"Bye!" he ran out of there, turning a corner and immediately getting red as a tomato. wHAT THE FUCK WAS I GOING TO DO-?? he tried to calm down but he just curled into a ball before getting redder, his thoughts invading him. DID WE ALMOST KISS-?? WHAT WAS I THINKING!?? WHAT WOULD'VE HAPPENED IF THE BELL DIDN'T RING IN THAT MOMENT APSJWJWLADOWMPQIWKA

"Are you okay-?" he looked up, seeing a girl with a white sweater and familiar hair.

"H- hey Niki!" his voice cracked, a failed attempt of hiding his emotions "H- how are you d- doing??"

"I was going to class, is everything okay? you're really red" she saw Dream coming out of the hall and going in their opposite direction "did he do something? he was searching for you the other day and i haven't seen him since th-"

"Niki I think i'm about to throw up-"

"What!? then what are you doing there on the floor, run!"


They were talking when someone came from behind Wilbur "Hey sweetie!" he blushed a bit to the nickname and turned around.

"Uh hi-?"

"Hi, sorry for interrupting, my name is Sapnap, Dream's best friend"

"Do you need something?"

"Oh well- i actually do, have you seen your little boyfriend?"

"B- boyfriend-??"

"i'm talking about Dreamie, isn't it too obvious?"

"i-" he blushed even more, not knowing what to say.

"It actually was reallyyy obvious~" Niki teased him too, both laughing at how flustered he became "but we haven't seen him, well, since like 2 hours ago i'm almost a 100% sure Wilbur was with him but i think he's broken right now so-"

"i see.. ok, thanks for telling me that, i'll be leaving now soo- bye tomato, bye darling!" he walked away, Wilbur was indeed like a tomato lmao

"Are you okay-?" she laughed at his reaction "too bad i have to leave now-"



"We have to continue with the next step, we can't just leave it there!"

"I know this wasn't what we planned but.. Tommy-"

"He'll be fine! we don't need him anyways, we're just destroying the sports club why would we need him? now, i'm going to be needing your little.. guard" he looked at the green haired boy behind him "to beat someone up, it's not going to be hard! it's not going to end up.. like last time.. we'll find another way to get Ranboo.."

"It's okay i guess.." he paused a bit "Who's the next target?"

"Someone is.. getting out of control and well.. we can't let them see who beated them up"

"Ok, manipulation, my favorite" he said sarcastically, then speaking again "it's not going to be that hard then, who are we talking about?"


"Good, Sam, you know what to do"

"This is going to be fun" the brunette chuckled "now we wait okay?"

"Alright" he left the room.


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