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Don't trust anyone.

They were sitting at the lunch tables, Niki doing a lot of questions while Wilbur silently blushed.


"I meet him this morning!" he tried to stop her questioning, she calmed down a bit.

"Ok but- we're talking about THE Dream, you can't just run away like that!"

"What makes him so special? he is cute but it's not like-" he covered his mouth with his hands when he realized what he said, his face turned slowly to a deeper red and he moved his hands to his cheeks "Scratch that, just tell me- why is he so special?"

"Really? ok, he's the leader of the sports club! the strongest club in the entire school!"

"What- clubs fight eachother or something?"

"Look-" the bell ringing interrupted her, Wilbur jumped a bit, as always. "I'll explain it to you later, i have to go to my class"

"Oh ok.. bye then.."


The classes of the day finally were finished, he started looking around the school for a bit, then he came back to the principal hallway but there were multiple tables, all decorated with a different theme, it looked like those were the clubs. He looked around for a bit, there was a cooking club.. gardening club- wait.. was that.. Niki?

"Niki?" he got closer to the table, she had a few papers on her hands.

"Oh welcome Wilbur! i hope you're not confused i just didn't have time to look for you, everyday after classes the captains of the clubs come here and tell people who are not in a club yet to join them, as you can see i'm the co-captain of the gardening club! you can look around if you'd like"

"Oh.. cool" he kept walking, but one caught his eye..

"Music Club.." he saw a boy with orange-ish hair sitting there, he was on his phone, he got closer but when he was about to ask for his attention he heard something by his side, he looked around and saw Niki doing something with her hands, she was moving them like a "no" and then she moved her finger around her neck.. die..? eh, it's just a music club, how bad can it be?

"E- excuse me..?" the boy looked up from his screen, Wilbur getting his attention.

"Do you need something?" he asked, turning off his phone and leaving it on the table.

"Uh.. i would like to join this club..?" he panicked again, was he supposed to ask him or to ask another person? did he do something wrong already??

"Are you asking me or telling me?"

"UH-" his panic took control over him, not knowing what to do, suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"He's joking, don't listen to him Fundy, y'know, pranks and stuff" Niki said trying to pull him away from that table.

"Nonono i want to join"

"For real?" he asked surprised "ok-" he looked through some papers, while Niki pulled Wilbur by his shirt to her level and whispered on his ear.

"You don't want to join that club, i know that you might like music but-"

"Aight! everything is ready, just give me your name and you're in!" he said happily, getting Wilbur's and Niki's attention.

"Wilbur Soot" he saw Niki face palming, not understanding what was the problem in the situation.

"Alright, we have to wait 10 minutes more till the time ends and we can start our club activities! Come back in 10 ok?

"Ok" has soon has he finished talking Niki grabbed his arm and walked away with him, when they were outside she spoke again.

"Wilbur, do you realize what you just did?"

"I joined a music club..?"

"Look, there's an event coming in 4 months, every club will participate but there's something that you should know.. uhh we don't have friendly people here, they want to win at all cost. I don't know how to explain this but, don't get closer to the to the sports club, this event is not as friendly as it seems, this school is not what it seems.."

"W- what do you mean by that..?"

"I don't know how to explain this..-"

"is it that bad..?"

"Yes.. the festival is dangerous, just don't get near other clubs, not even the cooking one, don't trust them okay?"

"Why is that? i.. i don't understand-"

"They're going to hurt you. The last year things went.. so wrong thanks to that event, just please, whatever you do, don't get near the sports club or drama club, any club in general, got it?"

"Is there like.. any reward for the winners of the event?

"Yes, there's.. a BIG reward and that just makes it.. harder"

"oh.. i'll keep that in mind then?"

"But remember, don't get closer to Dream or any other student ok? you don't know what they're planning to ruin eachother's club.."

To what?

"To what-?"

"You should get to your new club! it was nice talking to you, bye!" she ran away, leaving the brunette with more questions than answers.

"That was.. weird" he said for himself when he heard someone yell his name behind him, he turned around and saw Dream. He was about to wave at him when he remembered what Niki said.. what did she say about Dream?..

get closer to Dream..?

eh, maybe it wasn't that important anyways, she's just paranoid right?


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