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Don't trust anyone.

TW ||
Uhhh mentions of suicide and manipulation(?


"Or what? you're going to beat me up? you don't want to break the peace between your club and the gardening club don't you? we have the news club on our side so if you don't want your club's reputation to go so fucking down then be careful"

"Tubbo, why don't you go and take care of your bees? y'know, before we kill them"

"That won't happen this year, believe me"

"Well, what do you want from me?"

"I want.." he slowly turned his head to the taller, Ranboo "him."


"He's new! and he's also tall so we could use him to intimidate others y'know? he could be useful, even if he only looks intimating the first 5 seconds since it doesn't take long to realise that he can't even kill a butterfly"

"i won't let him go with you, you're a manipulative bitch and who knows what you could do to him."

"hmm.. i got reminded of your old friend, he was really useful at the beginning but.. after a bit he just killed himself, i guess he couldn't take all of the pressure and-" he got interrupted by the pinkette, holding his shirt's collar, ready to punch him with his fist.

"Don't fucking talk about him like that, he's gone because of you and.. your shitty manipulative ways" Ranboo could hear in his voice that he was holding back his tears, the brunette with a grin on his face.

"It wasn't just me and you know that"

"i know very well that Dream only was there because he's your brother and because you literally threatened his friends, before he was the leader of the sport's club you used him, it's obvious that it's your fucking fault that Skeppy is gone. It's only YOUR fault and your little group of followers" he held him tighter, the other flinching, it hurted a bit but he kept the smile on his face "IT'S YOUR FAULT!! YOU WERE THE ONE WHO "EXPOSED HIM" TO THE WHOLE SCHOOL, FUCKING BITCH" he punched him in the face, blood coming from his nose.

"And your friend is next" the pinkette immediately let go of him, backing up and standing infront of Ranboo who was scared, it was too much information to process, too much going on, he felt like he was going to faint "watch your back memory boy! we know your secrets, we got your book, you won't last long here" he froze when he heard the brunette who fixed his shirt, walking out of the room like nothing happened.

"i..-" he started tearing up, he just got a death threat and what he though that was safe just put him in danger, he was scared, too many emotions coming at the same time, did this Tubbo guy make someone kill themselves? how was he supposed to go through this??. He fell to his knees, quiet sobbing coming from him, he didn't want to go through any of that! he was still trying to process the situation but he just cried more, covering his mouth with his hands, trying to stop any noice coming from his mouth, trying to stop the tears.

"Hey.." he looked up, the pinkette was still there "don't worry.. it's going to be okay" he kneeled down infront of him, his hand on his shoulder "i'll protect you"

"H- how.. how will you help me if you couldn't help your friend in the past..? what am i going to do..? you said it yourself.. i'm not even your friend.." he then noticed that what he said could've hurt Techno but he couldn't take it back, his tears didn't let him talk anymore.

"..." he slowly opened his arms, the other seeing this and looking up to see his blood red eyes, he nodded and the taller immediately got closer to him, wrapping his arms around the smaller boy, hugging him tightly and burying his face on the other's neck, letting his tears flow faster.

"you are my friend"

He somehow felt better, smiling a bit through the tears, almost being on top of his now friend because of his height difference, holding him even tighter.

"Now stop, i don't like hugs"

"..." he absolutely was going to let him go, but he didn't, he kept the hug together, it's his first hug in years, he never really had friends that hugged him, he never had someone to support him. Everybody always got tired of him and his memory problems that they'd just leave, always being alone, he never got comforted like this before, he never trusted someone like this before.

he felt like he actually got a real friend..

"Ranboo. Let me go." he immediately pulled apart when he heard the tone in his voice, he forgot he was still hugging him "don't talk about this with ANYONE okay? this will stay between you and me."

"ok.." he slightly chuckled, helping the other stand up.

"Do you.. feel better?"

"Yeah.. i actually feel better, thank you for supporting me"

"Well, it's my fault you got dragged into this, it's not like i actually.." he though for a second and then hesitantly opened his mouth to speak again "i'll admit it, i do care, but don't tell anyone or i'm going to.. hurt you-?"

"W- what?" he faked his tone to sound sad, just to see the other's reaction, it was clear now that he wasn't going to hurt him but didn't want to admit it.

"NONONO I WON'T HURT YOU- I MEAN- FORGET ABOUT IT! JUST- LEAVE" he slightly pushed him, the taller laughed a bit and walked to the door "but before you go.." he stopped and turned around to face the other, waiting for him to speak again.

"i wanted you to have this" he gave him a mask, it was half white and half black, made to only cover his eyes, it had little details in the borders "i have one too and.. well, i hope you like it.."

"Thank you so much!" he hugged him but it didn't last even a second before he pulled away, remembering what the pinkette said about not liking hugs "I- I'M SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO HUG YOU-"

"I- it's okay, let's leave this place" he walked out the door, the taller following him not far behind, being like a giant shadow that talked and moved on it's own.


say thank you or i'll delete the book

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